My Princess

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Third person POV (Two days later)

Silver looked up at the ceiling. She sighed in boredom. She was definitely bored. She had nothing to do. She had already read all the books that Stephen had given her. He wouldn't be back till tomorrow. The man always come to visit, even a small one when he's busy. But it was nice that he thought of her and Chloe. But damn it was really boring in here. She had no weights to lift. They didn't even trust her with those. She really didn't want to be here anymore. It sucked. A lot.

"I'm so bored!", she groaned loudly. She could hear Chloe giggle inside of her head. Silver rolled her eyes. What was she supposed to do? It's not like they put a freaking tv in here. Maybe the next time someone comes to visit her. She can ask. It wouldn't be to much to ask? Would it? She didn't think so.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when the door opened. She tilted her head to the side in confusion. Who was this blonde man? And why was he so huge? She heard Chloe give out another giggle. 'That would be Thor, he's the god of thunder, I have no idea why he's huge, but damn is he nice to look at', Silver wrinkled her nose in disgust. Ew. She didn't want to hear that. She then turned her attention to the man or god? It was getting confusing. He must be like Loki too, right? Yeah. He must be.

"My princess, how are you?", he asked her. Silver raised an eyebrow at him. That wasn't her name. She wasn't a princess either. Chloe was. But once the god got a good look in her eyes. It seemed like it clicked for him. "Oh, you are not my princess", he said softly. His smile turned into a frown. Silver shook her head. "Nope, I'm Silver. It's nice to meet you", she said as she hesitated. A smile grew on his lips. "It is nice to meet you as well lady Silver", he said with happiness. He reminded Silver of a innocent animal. It was........cute? But she raised an eyebrow when he called her lady. Her name was just Silver. Not lady. 'Don't worry about it, it's from where he's from. Literally all the women have the word lady in front of it', Chloe told her. Oh. Okay. Less confusing now.

"Loki was busy, so he asked me to bring you both something. She's been missing her mother. And I also have missed her as well", thor said. Silver was confused again. What did he mean by that? She wasn't a mother. She's never mothered a child before. So what was he talking about? But before she knew it. He had pulled something out of his shirt or whatever he was wearing. Her eyes widened when she heard a meow. And then before her, was a beautiful white kitten.

Oh my gods

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Oh my gods. She was beautiful. She could feel her eyes watering. But she didn't know why. It must be Chloe. 'My baby. My little Ellie, oh how I missed her', Chloe said in her head. She seemed really emotional.

Thor gently placed the kitten in her lap. And then suddenly, she was attacked by a wet but rough tongue. She giggled softly as the baby kitten licked her face. She seemed very happy to see her. The little one probably thought she was her mother. She cupped the little thing in her hands. She was overwhelmed with happiness and love for the small creature. Ellie looked at her with those beautiful eyes of hers. And meowed. Silver couldn't help but aww. It was adorable. Silver gently ran her hand through her fur. "Hello little one", she said softly to the small little creature in her hands. She was very small. It was cute. Ellie meowed again and Licked silvers nose. Silver giggled. Silver gently set the small creature in her lap and started running her fingers through her fur softly. Silver smiled when she felt Ellie begin to purr at the action.

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