Your ready

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Third person POV

Chloe or more like Silver Solider walked into the room. Her guard walking right beside her. But she was pretty sure he was more afraid of her then she was of him. Seeing as he was carrying a very very big gun on him. It only caused her lips to raise a little, into a tiny little smirk. She loved when people were afraid. She loved the scent of it. The scent of fear. Hmm.

She dropped to a knee in front of her superior, the scientist that made her this way. But she never had any Ill feelings or thoughts towards him. Because well, she wasn't programmed to. She didn't the man that tortured her with the fact that her soulmates were dead. She didn't see the man that tortured her day and night. She only saw the man that made her into this. A machine. A killing machine. She didn't have a problem with that. To her, she was glad they turned her into this. To her the old her was just a weak whiny brat. Or so she thought.

She bowed her head in his presence. But he only smirked. "Hello Silver Solider. It seems that your training is complete. Your ready for the big mission I have assigned for you. Killing The Avengers. But don't worry, you won't be able on this journey, you'll have a old friend to join you. The dark Angel", the man said.

Silver Solider could hear his footsteps before she saw him. She growled at the threat. And before she knew it. She was face to face with a emotionless man. For some odd reason, he seemed familiar. But from where? She shook off the thought. No matter. She growled at him again. To see if she could scare him. But what disappointed her was the fact that he didn't even flinch at her growl. Hmmm. Maybe he was like her.

"Play nice, he'll be helping you on this mission. But I can promise you this. If he does act out in any way, that isn't towards The Avengers. You have every right to kill him", the scientist said with a dark smirk on his lips. The Silver Solider just growled lowly. She sniffed him, smelling his scent. Even his scent seemed familiar, but from where?

She was cut off of her thoughts. "You'll be leaving in two days tops, they won't expect a thing. They'll be thrown off their game the minute they see you", the scientist said. With a dark smirk upon his lips. But his words help unknown information that he wasn't giving. But she didn't ask or care. She wasn't programmed to ask question or care. She was programmed to kill. "Now take them both to their cells. I'll see you both in two days, get your rest, you'll be needing it when your out killing", he said. He chuckled. As if they needed rest. They were both two uncontrollable killing machines. They didn't need rest. They could go for days without sleep.

But what no one saw. Was the look that Eddie had given Chloe. The side glance. Even she didn't even catch. Because the minute she turned her gaze to him. He was already looking forward. And looking like before. Like a robot. Like a machine.

She didn't expect a thing. And that was what he was hoping for.



The avengers. Mightiest heroes all the world has ever seen. But today. They didn't feel very mighty. None of them did. None of them could get out of the bed they were laying on. They didn't see the point in it. Why get up? She wouldn't be there when they did, so what was the point?

They all turned to the other side of the bed. Cold. It was cold. Because none of them wanted to. It was cold. Because that was supposed to be her side of the bed. She was supposed to sleep on that side of the bed. And every day when they did wake up. They were always so disappointed. Because she wasn't there, they would never wake up, and see that beautiful face again. They wouldn't wake up to her. In the morning. To see her sleeping peacefully. Only in their dreams. She was still in their dreams. And yet, her face was fading. And they didn't have the guts to look at any of the photos that were around. They just couldn't. Because that would only bring more sorrow and pain. They couldn't take it. They weren't strong enough to take the pain of seeing her smiling face every day. So they never looked at any of the photos. They never said her name. Nothing. To others. It was as if she never existed. Expect for the pictures that were hanging.

And she would always be in their hearts. Their much broken hearts.

They were broken.

They weren't mighty heroes.

They were weak and useless without her.

Because she was the reason why they were strong.

Because before, they knew they had a chance of meeting her. And after meeting her. She gave them the strength to do whatever. To fight, and to help.

And now, after her death. There was no wanting of anything.

They didn't want to fight.

They didn't want to help.

They just wanted to lay down in their beds forever.

No matter how dramatic that sounded.

But I guess they couldn't get what they wanted.

"Mrs. Malina wishes for me to tell you to get your lazy asses up and up to the kitchen for breakfast, her words 'Don't make me come up there'", FRIDAY said. And even though she was just a computer made by tony himself. She agreed with Malina. Because she knew if Malina didn't try, they would be wasting away.

They all groaned. They didn't want to get up. But they knew they had to. Because she wasn't kidding. She would end up coming up here. And one by one. Bring them down by their ears.

So they got up. And went down the elevator. Even if they didn't want to.


What was the point?



Silver Solider grinned Darkly. She twirled her knife around. And threw it at the wall. Which happened to have a picture of the Avengers. She had no Recognition of any of them. Just that they were her mission. And her mission was to kill. To end all of their lives. To rid the world of them for good.

And she'll be able to. In two days. Two days from now.

And she'll be ready.

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