The Talk

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Third person POV (A few days later)

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Third person POV (A few days later)

Silver stared hard at the wall. She hated it here. She hated being chained up like this. She's in a fucking straight jacket for crying out loud! They have some nerve! Some nerve man! She spat angrily. She couldn't believe she let herself get caught. But this was hell of a lot better then what they do to her, back at HYDRA. Because if she had gone back, failed mission. They probably would have beat her half to death again. And she hated that. But she always felt like she deserved it. But did she? Did she really deserve to be beaten half to death, because of a failed mission? She didn't know.

And for some reason. She didn't really want to kill the avengers anymore. But they would never trust her. But maybe she can earn their trust? Right?

Silver was snapped out of her thoughts. When the door to her cage was opened. And in came that doctor. The one with the strange last name. His last name was Strange. Which she found was odd. Because she had thought it was a fake name. But it was actually his last name. And she had to admit. He was very attractive. She can tell why her other half choose him as her mate. But he could smile more. He doesn't smile around her. She could understand why, she did try to kill him.

Silver had no soulmate. She was made in a lab. She wasn't born. She was made. But being friends was better then being enemies.

Silver looked at the man that was approaching her. She looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want?", she asked him. She watched as he sat down. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw his cloak moving. That wasn't normal. But neither was she. But it was still a surprise to see it moving. "I'm here to talk", he told her. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Talk about what?", she asked him. She always felt like she needed to be on high alert. But that was because of what HYDRA put her through.

But strangely, she didn't feel like she needed to be on high alert with him. Odd.

"You don't want to hurt us, do you? You were just listening to their orders. Weren't you?", he asked her. Silver sighed. "I thought if I brought you back to the base, they would stop hurting me. But when they found out that I failed my mission. They nearly beat me to death. Previous missions are the cause of these ugly scars on my face. Even with werewolf healing. Wounds always leave a mark", she said. She hated looking in the mirror and seeing the scars on her face.

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