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(Once a soulmate dies, so does the bond. But since she came back, they won't feel the bond until they touch again. So they won't know she's alive until they see her or touch her) (also it's gonna be a very very big chapter. So get ready! 😃)

'Time doesn't heal all wounds'

Third person POV (Six months later; Previous time)

The lab was silent. No music. No sound of anything being worked on. Tony sat at his desk. He was slumped over in his chair. He had bags under his bags under his eyes. He hasn't been getting any sleep lately. Not for awhile. He's been getting nightmares. Ever since that horrible day. He can still see her. Her eyes, the light in her eyes slowly fading. That beautiful light in her Beautiful blue eyes. His beautiful blue eyed baby girl. He could still hear her whispering 'I love you' into his ear. It's all he thinks about. Every day and night. It's a reminder. A reminder he couldn't save her. He didn't even care that he felt tears welling up in his eyes. He's hadn't stopped crying since that day. He couldn't. Because every time he closes his eyes, he sees her beautiful smiling face. And all he wants is to be with her. He really wanted to be with her. But he knew better then that. He knew that she wouldn't want that.

He sighed shakily and rubbed his hand over his face. A few sobs escaping his lips. His soulmark felt empty. It throbbed. Or maybe that was just his heart. Throbbing in pain. His soulmark had grown dark and black since that day. It just felt wrong. Just so wrong. He hated it. He's spent his whole life waiting for her. And when she finally came into existence, at least he knew she was okay, safe and happy. He could feel her in the bond. But now, now it just felt like a void. A painful void.

He looked up, and saw the picture on his desk. It felt as if the picture was mocking him. Everyday he sees the picture of the two of them. He had come behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her neck. But seeing as he had facial hair, it tickled her neck. So she bust out laughing. And he couldn't help but chuckle at her giggle. And FRIDAY like always. Had captured the picture. And now, now it's just mocking him.

He sniffled and picked up the picture frame. He felt a tear roll down his cheek. He licked his dry lips. His heart throbbed painfully inside of his chest. He sniffled again. He ran his thumb over the picture. "Oh baby girl. I wish things were different. I wish you were still here, with me. I miss you so much", he whispered. And with every word. His words cracked from crying. And the sobs that were escaping his lips.

'She'd take the world off my shoulders
If it was ever hard to move
She'd turn the rain to a rainbow
When I was living in the blue
Why then, if she is so perfect
Do I still wish that it was you?
Perfect don't mean that it's working
So what can I do? (Ooh)'

Whoever said time heals all wounds, was wrong. Or they lied. Because the gaping hole that was in his chest, still bled since the day he lost her.

Time does not heal anything. Just makes the void bigger, and bigger. He couldn't do it. He can't do this anymore. He can't. It hurts too damn much. He missed her too much. He couldn't keep living like this. Without her. But he knew she would want him to. But he will keep waiting until the day he could be reunited with her. He'll just wait. It's what he wanted. He'll wait until the day he could take a glimpse of her beautiful face. One day. One day. "One day my baby girl, one day, I'll see you again. I promise", he whispered. He sniffled. But the next second, he broke down and sobbed into his hands. His heart continued to throb in pain. Because his other half was gone. The other half of his heart was gone. And his heart was longing for its other half.

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