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Third person POV (A week later)

Things have been...........okay. They could be better. But that's what happens when your in a freaking cage. Reading books upon books. Eating your meals in front of anyone who dared to come near her cage. And don't even get her started on when she has to go to the bathroom. It still causes shivers down her back. But other then that. Not many people have came to see her. Well, Stephen, Eddie, Bruce and Peter have came to see them. They were nice. But that was pretty much it. Sliver thinks that the others were still weary of her. And she knew that it hurt Chloe. Even though she doesn't show it. But it does. It does hurt her. Silver blamed herself. But Chloe told her not to blame herself. But she couldn't help it.  It was her fault that Chloe's soulmates won't come and see her.

"Things will be okay Silver. We.......we just need to give them time is all", Chloe told her. Yeah right. They're gonna rot in this damn cage. Even Chloe's parents and siblings didn't want anything to do with her. And she was in the body of their daughter/sister. Silver sighed. She leaned back and went back to reading her book. Because that's all she can do. She was surprised that she hadn't gotten paper cuts yet. And even if she did. The werewolf healing would have healed that right up. She flipped another page. She sighed again and set her book down. She rubbed her eyes. She spent all of her hours reading. So it was a pain in the ass for her eyes.

"Readings a pain in the ass, isn't it?", she heard a familiar voice. Silver yelped. Not expecting anyone to be here. She pulled her fingers away from her eyes. She blinked a few times. And she blushed when she saw that it was Wanda and Natasha. New people. She hadn't seen Wanda since that day she came to visit. Silver looked at her hands. She shrugged. "It's all I could do, I'm just glad that Stephen brings me new ones every other day, or else I would die of boredom", she muttered softly.

The two girls looked at each other. And then back at silver. They slowly made they're way towards the bed. They sat down on the edge of the bed. "How are you doing sweetie?", Wanda asked her. Silver shrugged. "Just trying to except the fact that I'm going to stay in this cage for a long time. I should get used to people watching me like some prized dangerous animal. It's all they ever did at the base. But it's better here. They have better food and they don't beat me half to death. So it's not so bad", she said honestly. And honestly, it broke Wanda's and Natasha's heart. She sounded so sad. Wanda put a hand on Silver's leg. Silver jumped and flinched slightly at the touch. She looked up at the two women. "Don't say that, sooner or later you'll be out. The others are just being over cautious. In a few days they're gonna let you out and in a different room. Where you have a little bit more freedom", Natasha said. She didn't see Chloe in Silver. But a little bit of herself in Silver. She was a bit like Natasha. She went through a similar thing that Natasha had gone through.

Silver looked up, she had hope in her eyes. "Really? They're, they're gonna let me out? I get my own room? My own privacy?", she sounded excited. Just at the thought of having her own room and her own privacy. And that hurt the two women. The girls had definitely been through a lot. She got excited over having her own room and privacy. When privacy should be a given. Wanda smiled at her. "Of course! But they vill have to keep tabs on you, just for security reasons", she told her. But Silver didn't care. She was gonna get her own room! Her own privacy! She was so excited!

Even Chloe seemed excited about it. They finally get some privacy. "I'm so excited! Thank you! Thank you so much! It sucks being in here, especially when I have to use the toilet. Don't ask. You don't want to know", she told the two girls. The girls looked at Silver. And they knew that Stephen was right. Silver was a young girl. Too young to have gone through the shit that she's been through.

Silver looked at the two girls nervously. "New.............friends?", she asked them. And that broke their hearts even more. She yearned for positive feedback and attention. "Of course little one, of course ve'll be your new friends", Wanda told her softly. Natasha smiled and nodded in agreement. Silver seemed so happy after that. She had more friends! She had new friends! She was so excited that she wrapped her arms around their necks and hugged them tightly. "Thank you! Thank you!", she said happily.

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