Alex And Arthur

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Third person POV (A week later)

Things have been going well for Chloe/Silver. She got along with most of the Avengers. Some were still distant. And yet, some were really nice. Silver wasn't afraid anymore. It didn't seem like they were gonna her. So she took her walls down for a bit. She still had trust issues, but who doesn't?

But she still hasn't met the important people. Chloe's family. Her parents, her siblings, or that guy friend, Ed, or Eddie? Yeah, Eddie. It kinda hurt that they still haven't came to say hello. But she can kinda understand why though. She did try to kill them. But she wanted be friends with Chloe's family. Because Chloe was her best friend. When she didn't have anyone, she had Chloe. Even though she wasn't exactly the best person to be around at times. But that was because of what they made her believe. It wasn't exactly her fault. It was HYDRA's, they made her believe that the Avenger's were the bad guys. But they weren't. They were good people. Just misunderstood.

Like her.

But some of them just didn't want to try and get to really know her. She was built with a personality and conscious, even though HYDRA didn't know that. If they did. She would have been worse. So she kept it from them.


Silver sat on her bed. Feet curled up on the bed. She was comfortable. Besides the fact that anyone could come in and see what she was doing. But she felt comfortable. She grew to be comfortable with her surroundings. So she just sat there. And read a book that she could understand. Thanks to Stephen. He was really nice to her. Even though he doesn't seem like it. He's secretly a softie. But don't let him know that she told you that. Hell strongly disagree.

But he's secretly a big softie, for her and for Chloe.

But Chloe in a romantic way.

For her in a friend/uncle kind of way.

But the others. They seemed still a bit, weary of her. She could understand though.

She sighed and flipped the page and started to read the next page. It was a good book. It was about a girl that gets kidnapped and then the said girl is like Chloe. She has a second person in her head. Which seemed a lot like their situation. It was love, romance, and sadness. But it was a good book. She liked it. The more she read. The more she understood. She was growing up, the more she learned. The more grown up she became. The more she saw. The more she learned. She could read people. Know when they were lying. And when they were telling the truth. And who liked her and who didn't like her.

It was sad knowing who the people who didn't like her.

It was mostly the people who worked here. They were still afraid of her.

Like she was some ticking time bomb.

She didn't like that.

But they just wouldn't give her a chance to make up for what she's done. She really wanted another chance. She can prove it to them if only they have her a chance. She sighed again and continued to read. But before she could. She heard the sound of the door to her cage open. She turned her head, she saw a woman and a man coming in. She's never seen them before. Who were they? She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion. But she felt a sense of happiness go over her. And she knew it was Chloe. 'It's my brother and sister, Alex and Arthur, they're awesome', Chloe told her.

Silver couldn't help but smile. New people. New friends. She set her book down and got up. She smiled at the pair. "Hi! I'm Silver! It's nice to.......", but she was cut off. But their heavy glares. She shrunk a little. Not liking the glares she was getting from the both of them. She gulped. Now she was getting confusion from Chloe. She didn't know why. "You may have them all fooled. But you won't have us fooled. What is it that your planning, are you just waiting for us to let you go, so you can attack us at our most valuable time? Huh? Is that what it is? Because I will tell you, your never getting out of here, not if I have a say in it! You may them fooled, but you don't fool me, your not my sister, your a murderer", Alex hissed at Silver. Her eyes a hard golden. Silver shrunk back even more. She didn't like the words she was hearing. She could feel the tears in her eyes forming.

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