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Third person POV

Stephen knew something was wrong, could feel something deep in his chest, that something was wrong, and he didn't like this feeling. It felt like the same feeling that he had when.....................Chloe died. But that couldn't be, she was okay, right? Right. She was back at home with the others, but he hated leaving her, hated not being there for her. Hated seeing them put her in yet another cage, he could see the impact it had on her, it wasn't good. Not at all. But do you think they would listen to him? No.

But at least he wasn't the only one that thought that. As he looked over at the others, he had gone on a mission with the others, it was another big HYDRA mission that they all needed to go on. Well, not all of them, half of them stayed at the tower, while Wanda, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Dimitri, and he had gone on the mission, both Thor and Loki were stuck in Asgard, something their mother or father wanted, but he could tell they hadn't wanted to leave, just like him, they didn't want to leave her. Not that he didn't trust the others, okay, maybe he didn't, but he a really good reason not, okay?! Most of them didn't even bother to go see her, her wolf is probably on edge after what happened with the guard, probably is even more on edge with being a cage. She must be so scared and alone, those idiots, thinking it'll be better to stay away. How would that make things better?! It'll only make things worse! Her and her wolf thrive on touch, on attention, on feelings, he didn't want to know what would happen if her wolf snapped or something worse. And it wouldn't be her fault either, it would be theirs. Because her wolf thrives on attention and scent, but it's been so long since they had come to see her, he didn't know if her wolf would recognize the scent and not attack, soulmate or not. And yes, he knows a thing or two about werewolves. But he was still nervous about what he was going to find when he goes back.

"Stephen, you okay?", he snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Natasha speak. He turned his head to look at her, her eyebrows scrunched up in what looked like concern. Maybe he wasn't the only one that felt that awful feeling. He sighed softly to himself, maybe he was just anxious or worried about nothing. "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling is all. Could be nothing", he really wanted it to be nothing, because he didn't know what would happen if something did happen. But what made things worse, was the fact that he saw both Natasha, Wanda and Bucky look at each other in concern, he then knew now, he wasn't the only one that felt it.

And he only hoped that they got back to the tower soon. Before something does happen.


Stephen didn't exactly get what he hoped for, because as soon as they walked into the med bay, things weren't exactly okay. There was talking, yelling, machines echoing in the room, oh and there was Peter laying on a medical bed, bleeding from a wound on his chest. Which looked deep, like really deep. But he seemed conscious now, so that had to mean something, right? "What the hell happened?", he spoke his concern when his eyes landed on Peter, Malina hovering over him, looking ready to heal him with her powers. Tony stopped what he was doing to look at Stephen, his eyes full of worry and concern. "Chloe, she, she slashed Peter across the chest", Stephen didn't expect an answer as such as that one, his eyes grew wide with shock. And he wasn't the only one either, the others behind him gasped softly. Chloe, did that, to Peter? Didn't sound like her, he knew she would never hurt him. So what happened? But before anyone else could speak, Peter did. "Don't blame her for this.............this wasn't her's mine. I got too close, when she kept telling me to leave her alone. It's my fault, not hers", he spoke between gasps of pain. He didn't want anyone blaming her for what she did, it was his fault, he got too close to her, when she specifically told him not too. She warned him, and he got hurt in the process, it was his own fault. And he wouldn't let anyone put the blame on her, when it should be on him. He ignored her warnings, and he got what he deserved, even though he didn't know what she was going through.

Stephen sighed in irritation and shook his head. Great. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Damn it. Damn. Damn. Damn! "You idiots never fucking listen to me", he looked up as the others looked at him, surprised at his choice of words, but did he care? Not one bit. He glared at them, how could they not think this was going to happen? She was a werewolf for crying out loud, she thrives on attention, on scent, on familiar touches. And this what they get for distancing themselves. Fucking idiots. "You don't listen, you just don't fucking listen. You really thought distancing yourself was the top choice! You thought wrong! If you haven't already noticed, she is a werewolf! She thrives on attention, on scent, on familiar touches! But have any of you been there recently? Let me think about it, No! You've had your heads up your fucking asses for so long, she tends to forget scents, touches, her wolf doesn't recognize any of you, so I'm not surprised she snapped! She was already on edge after being locked up in a cage, then the incident with the guard, and now being put in another cage?! Of course she was going to be tense and on edge, she felt like you were Cornering her into a corner she couldn't get out of, and her wolf did the only thing she could do, she protected her", by the time Stephen finished, he was already seething with anger, how could they be so fucking stupid?!

He then looked over at Malina, Jackson, Arthur and Alex, he glared at them. If looks could kill, they would definitely be ash right about now. "And you have some nerve. You know what she is, she's your daughter, you should know why this happened! And yet you didn't do a fucking thing! You could have fucking prevented this, but you didn't! You hid like a fucking coward, because you can't see past what they put her through. What she did, was not her fault. Neither was it Silvers, it was HYDRA, and yet, you can't see that. No one seems to see that, she didn't ask to come back from the literal dead, only to be kidnapped, tortured, be told that her soulmates were dead, and then be forced to have someone in her head, and that's just the icing on the cake, she didn't ask to kill those people. Just like Bucky didn't ask for it either, and yet, when it comes to her, you can't see that, she just wanted to come home, damn it! She fought so she could come home, to us. And yet, your acting like a bunch of fucking pussies. You've always been afraid of her, feared her, because of what she was. I don't get why fate even gave her to you. You are not worthy of her, you don't deserve someone like her", again, by the time he was done talking, he was pissed, livid, angry, all the fucking above. Even his hands were shaking, that's how mad he was.

But before he could speak again, he was interrupted. "What happened here?", he turned his head to see that Loki and Thor had made it back, and both were confused and a bit concerned at the scene in front of them. Oh there was Shuri and T'Challa, what were they doing here? But he didn't focus on that. He turned his gaze back on the others. "This is what happens when you don't fucking listen", he spat at them in anger and in disgust. All the talk about loving her, missing her, mourning her. And this is how they act? They really showed their true colors. If he could, he would take her away. Just take her and disappear, no one would find them. They could be happy. And any other day, she probably would have said no, that she would want to stay here with them, but it looked like she would probably go with him. After how they treated her, like some caged animal. Well, they wanted an animal, and she snapped back like one. And he did not blame her one bit. You don't go up to a wolf like that, and don't expect to not be bit or clawed back. They keep forgetting what she is. She's a werewolf, and when she tells you to back up or away, you back the fuck up. He got his warning and he ignored it.

They just didn't fucking listen.

And this is the consequences.

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