Four: Disturbing Behavior. Part Two.

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Back at Gloria's bar, the bar was empty, and Gloria was cleaning up the empty glasses...

"There you are."

Stefan walked in.

"Thought you were resting." He says.

"Well, now we both have a secret."

"What did you see?" He asked, looking at her.

"It's what I heard that's interesting."

He poured himself a drink.

"You know, the girl with the necklace, they were talking about you. One of them said, "Stefan gave me this; it's the only thing I have left of him." Quoted from the girl's mouth."


"Yet you didn't tell Klaus. Why?" He asked.

"I wouldn't help that hybrid half-breed with anything. The necklace is a talisman from the Original Witch herself. I want it."

"Well, I'm sorry, I can't help you." He said, walking away.

"Don't be difficult."

He growled under his breath.

"I'd hate to have to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick is."

Stefan growled and ran at her, but she turned and started using her magic on him. He groaned.

He grabbed his head.

"Guess I gotta get it out of you the hard way, huh?"

"Guess I gotta get it out of you the hard way, huh?"

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Stefan groaned and dropped to the floor.

Later, Stefan was grunting...

"What is this? Why can't I move?" He asked.

"Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell. Nothing major."

She sliced down his arm, and he yelled.

"Gotta get that information out of your pretty little head."

He growled at her. All that kept running through his mind was Ellie and how horribly he treated her.

"You know, witches nowadays, they're into New Age stuff. But I'm a little more old-school voodoo."

She made the same cut on his other arm.

She then picked up these metal pins.

"Ah. To stop that pesky healing."

He yelled and screamed, and she placed the metal pin into his arm, preventing it from healing.

"I won't tell you anything." He said, screaming softly.

"You don't have to."

His blood dripped into the bowl below.

"Feel that? That's your essence. Your spirit. It lets me make a connection. Herbs help too. Diviner's sage. Witch hazel. But my personal favourite... vervain."

She placed her hands on his bare chest, and he screamed, and his skin sizzled.

Back at the Lockwood's, Ellie still sat on the bench with Bonnie, and they just had a long talk...

Suddenly, Ellie grabbed her chest.

"Ow. That's uncomfortable." Ellie mumbled and groaned softly.


"I don't know. Nothing." She said, placing her hand on her chest, and looked around.

At the Council meeting...

"There have been no incidents of question since spring. It's been quiet." Said Liz.

"Anyone else have anything to add to the minutes? Damon?" Carol asked.

"Oh, no, I think the Sheriff covered it, Mayor Lockwood. Looks like we've made it through the worst." Damon says, standing up.

"I have nothing new to add; thank you all for coming." Carol said.

Carol and Liz walked over to Damon.

"I have a question."

Liz turned around. "Bill."

"Do you three think that everybody on the Council is clueless or just stupid?"

Later, Bonnie was in Jeremy's room when he walked in...

"Hey, tell me if you see anything in these Grimoires that involves... precious medals or a symbol that resembles a necklace."

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