Six: Smells Like Teen Spirit. Part Two.

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Elena, Damon, Caroline, Alaric, and Ellie stood in a classroom...

"I'll lure Stefan away from the fire. When he's distracted..." Ellie said.

"I'll shoot him." Said Alaric.

"Can't Bonnie just Juju him?" Damon asked.

"We're trying to keep Bonnie out of it." Elena tells him.

"I don't trust Stefan won't hurt her. And I don't trust that Bonnie won't hurt him. Caroline, are you covered?" Ellie asked.

"Yes. I will make sure the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready." Caroline said.

"You're forgetting a key player here. Rebekah. Wherever Stefan goes, she seems to follow him." Said Damon.

"Yeah, like some sick, lost puppy." Ellie said, scoffing and rolling her eyes.

"Which is why it's your job to keep her away from him." Elena said.

"For good." Ellie says, scoffing.

"Hm. I'm detecting jealousy. How? She's an Original. Last I checked, we're out of daggers." Damon says.

"Preoccupy her with your charm." Elena said.

"Uh, you all probably have better chances at finding a dagger."

"You ever not gonna be mad at me, Ric?" Damon asked

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"You ever not gonna be mad at me, Ric?" Damon asked.

"Doubtful." Ric says.

Tyler walked in.

"Sorry, I'm late. Got your text, El. What's up?" Tyler asked.

"Uh, we need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while." Ellie said.

"Ellie, that's your boyfriend. You can't do that to him. You are the one person who's supposed to have his back, not vervain him." Tyler said, looking at her.

"Why not?" Asked Caroline.

"Trust me, Tyler; it's in his best interest. He needs our help." Elena says.

"Yeah." Caroline nodded.

"But it's not in Klaus's." Tyler said.

Everyone looked at him as if to say, "Is he for real?"

"But Klaus is the bad guy." Caroline said.

"Why are you even acting like the man is some saint? What? Are you his hybrid slave-minion?" Asked Ellie.

"Uh-oh." Damon said, clicking on when Ellie mentioned hybrid slave-minion.

"What?" Alaric asked.

"Klaus made me who I am, Ellie. I owe him everything." Said Tyler.

"Oh, boy." Said Damon.

"What's going on?" Elena asked.

"I'm just gonna go." Tyler says, walking towards the door.

Damon stabbed him in the back with a vervain dart.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked, glaring at him.

"He's been sired." Damon tells them.

"What?" Ric asked.

"Sired. He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus' blood created him." Said Damon.

"Loyal how?" Asked Elena.

"He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's rare. Maybe not so much in hybrids." Damon says.

"So how do I fix him?"

"So how do I fix him?"

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