1x02 (Story B) - Stubborn

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Lan stood watch, while Moiraine went into the cave to look after Egwene. He didn't feel the servants of the Dark One, which meant that they were safe for the moment. But the Trollocs wouldn't give up. They would follow them, and the warder wasn't sure how long they could run away from them.

The children were young and inexperienced. They didn't know anything about being on the run. Trollocs and Myrddraals belonged to their stories. Stories the villagers of the Two Rivers had told their children to scare them when they had misbehaved. But now those monsters had become reality and they were chasing those children.

Rand was the only one, who had a weapon. Two actually, since he has the sword of his father as well. Lan was sure that the boy knew how to use the bow. But wielding a sword? He was the son of a sheepherder. He never learned how to use a real sword. He would probably kill himself by using it. 'Maybe I can teach him, so he won't kill himself or the one's around him.'

Besides, he could use some help should the Trollocs attack them again. Moiraine would want him to save the children since one of them was eventually the Dragon Reborn. She would want him to leave her behind and that was something he couldn't do. He had sworn to obey her and to protect her from every danger coming her way. And in her condition, she couldn't fight the Shadowspawn. She would die in a heartbeat.

Lan's heart ached when he thought about how close he had been to losing her in the Two Rivers. If the blade had pierced her skin just a little deeper, it would have moved right through her heart, and she would have been gone. He had failed her. He hadn't protected her from this attack.

Angry, Lan cracked his knuckles. No matter how often he thought about it, he couldn't change what had happened. He had to focus on what was lying ahead of them. Suddenly, he felt Moiraine's calmness through the bond. She felt his anger and knew exactly what the reason was. That he was cursing himself.

Of course, she didn't blame him. She had told him this in the Two Rivers and whenever they had had a moment to themselves. That's why she was sending him her calm feelings, as well as her undeniable trust in him and his skills.

Lan took a deep breath, while he tried to calm himself. He needed to concentrate. No Shadowspawn would come close to his Aes Sedai tonight.

When he felt pain in his left shoulder, he dove into his bond with Moiraine. She wasn't in the cave anymore, but Lan was more interested in her condition. The one, she tried to hide from him, by pushing other feelings in his direction. Her calmness, her love for him, the joy when she suddenly embraced Saidar, and... there it was. The exhaustion, the tiredness, and the pain.

Silently, the warder left his spot and moved closer to his Aes Sedai. Surprised, he noticed that she wasn't alone. Egwene was with her, and they were using her kesiera to channel.

'Foolish woman! She needs to save her strength, but here she is showing Egwene how to use the One Power! Will she ever listen to me?!'

Cursing silently, the warder left the two women alone. There was nothing he could do now, to interrupt them. Instead, he would prepare the ointment for her wound. She was in pain, but too stubborn to say something. Well, he could be stubborn too. When she wasn't taking care of her wound, then he would make sure that she would do something.

After what felt like hours, Egwene left Moiraine to go to bed. The woman of the Blue Ajah stayed on the ground, while she was concentrating on suppressing the pain, so Lan wouldn't feel it.

"Are you done for tonight?"

Moiraine shrugged when Lan's voice appeared behind her. She had forgotten to check on the bond. Quickly, she placed a smile on her face and turned her head to him. "Egwene is strong. She could be a very powerful Aes Sedai one day."

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