2x01 (Story D) - A smile

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After reading the poem, Moiraine knows she has to leave Tifan's Well and can't take Lan with her. But her sweet Warder hasn't given up on her yet. How long can she push him away until he snaps?

Quote: "Is an Aes Sedai not allowed her secrets?" (Moiraine)

Anxiously, Moiraine walked up and down with the poem in her hands. Lanfear, the Daughter of the Night. Ishamael had freed one of the most dangerous Forsaken! Light, she needed to find Rand! Should Lanfear find the boy before her... he had no idea what the Forsaken could do! And if she pulled the Dragon to the dark side... then the world was lost forever.

Had Rand found Logain by now? It had been her idea to bring the False Dragon to Cairhien – away from Tar Valon and the Aes Sedai. Rand wouldn't risk finding that man when Logain was surrounded by Aes Sedai. Had he learned anything already? Could he use Saidin? How far had he fallen for the madness?

I need to leave Tifan's Well. Rand needs to be protected before the Forsaken find him. He isn't ready to fight them.

Footsteps on the corridor pulled Moiraine out of her thoughts. Lan! Her Warder paid her a visit each time her visitors left her. She knew it was bothering him that she didn't include him. His anger was audible, and sometimes, it was even visible on his face.

Yet, the stubborn man refused to leave. No matter how often she told him to return to Nynaeve, he insisted on staying by her side. He cared deeply for the Wisdom from the Two Rivers. Why wasn't he leaving? Didn't he want to be happy? Didn't he want a loving wife and a family?

Moiraine didn't know how much longer she could keep up the act. She hated herself for ignoring Lan. It was so hard to avoid him when all she wanted was to be close to him. Light, she missed him so much!

The emptiness within her sometimes felt unbearable. There were days when she didn't want to get out of bed because her heart hurt too much. For hours, she lay in her bed curled up in a ball, longing for everything she had lost. She even called for Lan through the bond in those moments, which never reached him. Her Warder could no longer feel her. Their bond was broken forever.

And then there was her mind. It felt so empty without Lan's presence. The Aes Sedai and Warder both liked silence and weren't much talkers. They could sit together for hours and wouldn't get bored – at least in the past.

Lan's presence in the back of her head had given Moiraine security. She knew the Malkieri was always there, always watching over her. As long as she could feel him, she was never alone. That man was her home!

But instead of showing him how much he meant to her, she had to hurt the man she loved with all her heart to save his life. When would he finally give up on her?

Suddenly, Moiraine realized she was still holding the poem in her hands. Lan couldn't know about it! Light, he would never leave her side again once he knew the truth!

Quickly, she grabbed some papers to have something in her hands. The poem wouldn't look too suspicious if she held more than one piece of paper. Please, let it fool him. Lan can't know about its existence.

The woman of the Blue Ajah took a deep breath. She needed to calm herself and put her mask in place. Should he see her like that, he would know something was up, and Moiraine didn't know how much longer she could ignore his questions before she would tell him everything. She WANTED to tell him about what she had found out but knew she couldn't do it if she wanted him to survive.

A knock at the door made her wince though she had expected it. Lan was there! Moiraine never invited him in, yet he always came in. That room didn't belong to her. The house belonged to Verin and Adeleas, and she and Lan were only guests.

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