2x01 (Story G - Myrddraal attack) - Run!

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We get an insight into Moiraine's thoughts during her ride and fight with the Shadowspawn.

Quote: "An Aes Sedai needs a Warder." (Lan)

Hastily, Moiraine tied her bags on Aldieb's back. She had seen Lan and Tomas filling the plates for Verin and Adeleas, so they would be occupied for a while. It would take a while until her Warder or sisters noticed her disappearance. Yet, she wanted to have as much distance between her and Tifan's Well as possible.

Once she was done, the Cairhien woman couldn't stop herself from throwing a glance back at the house. Lan. What would he do when he found out about her sudden disappearance? Would he curse her or be happy about being free of her and her cruel behavior? Surely, he wouldn't follow her – not after everything she had done to him.

No. Moiraine shook her head to shake off that fear. Her Warder's outburst was proof that he was done with her. Every human being had an inner tolerance line, and when that line got crossed, it was hard to get back on their good side. And the Aes Sedai had obviously crossed that line today.

Let's hope Alanna receives my letter soon and guides Lan back to the tower. I can't let him waste his life in the Blight just because I set him free.

Heavy-heartedly, Moiraine grabbed the reins, then pulled herself in the saddle. She shouldn't think about Lan. A clean cut was the only way to save him. Lan was an extraordinary swordsman and a talented Warder. It was cruel to hold him close to a broken Aes Sedai while there was a young woman waiting for him at the White Tower, being in need of an excellent Warder very soon. Hopefully, the man would understand that.

Aldieb danced nervously like she didn't like Moiraine's decision to leave in the middle of the night without anyone accompanying them but obeyed when the Aes Sedai gave her the sign to ride. Quickly, they left Tifan's Well behind them.

Everything went as planned. No one had noticed Moiraine's departure and no one followed her. Yet, the Cairhien woman couldn't stop looking back to the house, which had disappeared behind the trees and small hills. Her heart ached a little bit more with every step Aldieb took and begged her to turn around. It longed for Lan and didn't want to be separated from him.

Shut up! This is the only way to save Lan's life! Stop acting so selfish!

But her heart didn't listen. It kept hurting, and she continued to throw glances back to the house – hoping to see Lan coming after her, even when it was only a tiny part of her.

Sighing, Moiraine turned her head back on the road when suddenly, a shadow emerged out of nowhere. A Myrddraal! A shriek escaped the Aes Sedai's lips. How did it find her?

Its high-pitched scream rang in her ears, then it swung its poisonous blade at Aldieb. The mare reacted immediately by moving on to her hind legs to escape the weapon, which drew another shriek from Moiraine's throat.

Sadly, the woman of the Blue Ajah couldn't hold herself on Aldieb's back and fell to the ground. Cursing, she got back on her feet while the mare used the opportunity to run. Moiraine couldn't even be angry with her. No one liked to face a Fade, and she didn't have the One Power to protect herself. But there was no one there to help her. Lan, her sisters, their Warder – they all were enjoying their dinner. No, she was on her own.

Moiraine didn't give the Myrddraal the chance to attack her and followed Aldieb's example – she ran. But instead of running back to Tifan's Well, she took the quickest way across the field between the trees and hills until she reached a landing with big rocks that she could use for hiding. She couldn't lead the creature back to Lan and the others. What if it had Trollocks with it? They would surprise the unprepared women and men, and Moiraine couldn't live with herself should she be responsible for their deaths.

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