2x02 (Story A - What now?) Part 2 - Begging

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Moiraineand Lan's second attempt at a conversation still doesn't go well but is calmerthan the first one.

Moiraine watched herself in the small mirror which hung in her room. After a short debate with Verin, the Brown Sister had finally left the room. The Cairhien woman had refused another healing. She deserved the pain she was feeling now and didn't want Verin to take it from her. Besides, it was nothing compared to her hurting heart. The harsh words she and Lan had thrown at each other... Moiraine wished she could take them back.

Had she ever felt so awful before in her life? She doubted it. Why had no one ever warned her about the love an Aes Sedai felt toward her Warder? That it was nearly impossible to push him away, and that she was hurting herself as much as she was hurting him?

No one at the White Tower had ever told her about the depth of the Aes Sedai-Warder connection. Of course, they all say that no one was closer to an Aes Sedai or Warder than their bonded partners, but no one mentioned how close you became after years.

Moiraine finally understood why some women needed decades before they bond another Warder after losing the previous one. It broke her heart to lose Lan. And in her case, the man was still alive, following her around.

The Cairhien woman didn't know what was better. Would it hurt less if Lan had died and she felt his death? Would that hole in her soul feel different from what she was feeling now?

Stop that! She scolded herself. Lan isn't dead! He is alive, and once he realizes you two don't have a future together, he will go to the White Tower to become Nynaeve's Warder!

Another stab to her heart. Nynaeve. The young Wisdom from the Two Rivers. Was that young girl worth Lan's bond? Would she be a good Aes Sedai for him? That's none of your business, Moiraine. These two love each other, and you shouldn't stand in the way of their happiness. They will find their way once you're out of the picture.

Moiraine took a deep breath, then pulled her clothes back in place. She had to focus on today. Her plan to run from Tifan's Well in the middle of the night with no one noticing had failed. Verin and Adeleas would start asking questions very soon, and Moiraine didn't have any answers for them. She had to leave Tifan's Well to find out more about Lanfear – to find Rand. The boy was in great danger if the Daughter of the Night walked among them again.

Frustrated, the Cairhien woman left her room. Her belly hurt where the Myrddraal had hit her, but it didn't stop her from moving. She needed a plan – a new plan for leaving that place without having Lan follow her.

When the Aes Sedai passed her Warder's room, the door was closed. Relieved, she mended her pace when a groan stopped her in her tracks. She knew that voice, and a cold shiver ran over her back.

With an agonized look, she turned her face to the closed door. It pained her to hear Lan being in pain. Carefully, the Cairhien woman placed a hand on the wood. She couldn't go in there. It would ruin everything she had done so far to push him away. Yet, her heart urged her to give in to her longing. Lan was right behind that door. It wouldn't take much to open the wooden thing, and slip into the room.

Another groan sounded through the door. Regretfully, the Aes Sedai leaned her forehead at the back of her hand. How much easier things would be if she still had the One Power at her fingertips. She wouldn't hesitate to heal Lan from the pain. Light, he wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place! They wouldn't have come to Tifan's Well, and even if they had, they hadn't stayed for months!

Moiraine couldn't remember when they had stayed that long in one place. Not even when they had visited the White Tower in the past. The longest was probably two months and only after Siuan had been raised as the Amyrlin Seat. All Ajahs had come together to discuss how to deal with the changes and what the new Amyrlin was expecting from them in their separate constellations. During those months, Moiraine had rarely seen Lan, though he made it a habit to wait for her in her room whenever she returned from those meetings every night. Sometimes, he had prepared a nightly dinner or brought some honeycakes to cheer her up. And then there had been nights when she had fallen asleep in his arms, exhausted from the day's meeting.

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