1x06 (Story A) - Tea lifts the spirit

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"If Wisdom is the title you claim, I suggest you start using some."

After those words, Moiraine quickly left the balcony. She had no intention to get into a fight with Nynaeve. Not after she had just freed Mat from the dagger. Helping the boy had taken all her strength, and she was barely able to stand on her own feet. But she kept her composure and held her head upright, while she walked downstairs. When she reached the last step, her feet gave in. Luckily, she was able to stabilize herself by leaning against the wall.

Laughter was heard from the tavern, while Moiraine tried to regain her strength. No one had seen her weak moment, which was a good thing. Everyone in this town knew that she was an Aes Sedai. It wouldn't be good if the people would see her like that.

Light footsteps came down the stairs, then an arm moved around her waist to steady her. Immediately, Moiraine noticed Lan's presence. Of course, he had felt her struggle and had come to her rescue. She tried to straighten up but had to give up quickly.

"Take it easy.", Lan murmured in her ear when he pulled her close against him. He was sending her his strength, and Moiraine took it gratefully. They had to return to the White Tower.

After a few more minutes, the woman of the Blue Ajah felt strong enough to walk again. The innkeeper, who finally noticed her when she crossed the room, tried to talk her into staying a little longer. One look from Lan, and the man was quickly apologizing himself and retreating.

Outside, Moiraine moved straight for the tower. She needed to rest to fully regain her strength. Suddenly, a hand on her arm stopped her and pushed her gently aside. Lan stepped in front of her and blocked her from everyone, who would be looking. The disapproving look in his eyes made Moiraine feel uncomfortable. She knew that she was pushing herself to the limit. A fact, Lan didn't like, and never hesitated to tell or show her that.

Moiraine's eyes fell on the hidden object in Lan's hand. The dagger from Shadar Lagoth! Now that she had something to focus on, it was easier to pretend like everything was alright. Her back and her shoulders straightened again until she had the charisma of an Aes Sedai again.

"This shouldn't be on the street for that long. Bring it back to the White Tower. It should be safe there."

"WE will get it there."

"Don't be stupid! You know how dangerous it is. I don't want it out on Tar Valon's streets longer than needed."

"And we will."

"Go. In the meantime, I will..."

Suddenly, Lan took another step forward. Now, Moiraine was pressed with her back against the wall of a building, while her Warder's nose almost touched hers. "I'm not leaving you alone."

"I can take care of myself."

"I'm. Not. Leaving. You. Alone. Moiraine." The determined look in his eyes showed her that he wouldn't negotiate with her.

Still, she couldn't resist trying it anyway. "I can't touch it, Lan. Who knows what it will do to me when I somehow...?" She left the rest of her sentence unspoken on purpose.

But her Warder was no fool. He knew her way too well. A little smile appeared on his lips. "Then it's a good thing that I have two hands." With those words, he offered her to tuck her arm into his free arm.

Moiraine hesitated. She didn't like it to be weak. But what was the alternative? Without Lan's help, she probably wouldn't make it to the White Tower unnoticed. If she would lean on Lan, while they would walk side-by-side, no one would assume something suspicious.

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