2x01 (Story G - Myrddraal attack) - Rescue in last second

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Lan realizes his Aes Sedai is gone and follows her through the night.

Lan needed one look. One look to see Moiraine's room was empty. One look to notice her bags were gone. Fear had taken hold of his heart, squeezing it painfully. Moiraine! Where was she?!

Most women die.

Adeleas' words echoed in the Malkieri's ears, but then he shook his head. No. Moiraine didn't try to kill herself. His stubborn bondholder was on the run. Someone who tried to end his life wouldn't take all his personal belongings with him. No, the Cairhien woman must have had another plan. And Lan wanted to be damned if he let her get away with it!

It was useless to search the room. Moiraine hadn't told him about her plan. She wasn't stupid enough to leave clues for him where to find her. The uncrowned king of Malkier would use Nynaeve's trick to find the Cairhien woman. Moiraine's tell was the only thing how Lan was still able to find her without their bond being unmasked. And Lan intended to find her!

Did she really believe he wouldn't follow her?! – That she could run from him?! Light, Moiraine should know how much he worried about her! What did he have to do to make her see how much she meant to him?!

When the Warder reached his room – something he still didn't like, but Moiraine had insisted on separating rooms after a while – he simply grabbed his sword and put it on. The Aes Sedai couldn't have gone far by now. Verin and Adeleas had been strolling around the house while Tomas and Lan had prepared dinner for everyone. The two older Aes Sedai would have said something should they have run into his bondholder. Especially since they knew Lan would bring the filled plate to his stubborn Aes Sedai. The question was, where had she gone, and which city did she want to reach?

For a moment, he felt like he was back in Fal Dara again. The moment when he had entered Moiraine's room after his incredible night with Nynaeve, only to find it empty. He had intended to inform her about what he thought about her masking the bond for that long. He had understood why she masked it when things got intense between him and Nynaeve but not why she left it masked during the entire night. They had had countless arguments where the Warder had 'informed' his Aes Sedai how much he liked it when he couldn't feel her. Short answer: he didn't like it at all – and she knew it.

And then he had found the letter. A piece of paper he had wanted to throw into the fire. A piece of paper that had torn at his heart and opened it wide for fear clawing its way into his soul. Moiraine – his smart bondholder – had left him behind to save his life. Lan had wanted to scream. He knew the Blight like no one else. He knew what could happen, and Moiraine only had a foolish boy at her side instead of HIM. What had she been thinking?!

Now, the same fear had returned and held a tight grip on his heart. The last time the Malkieri had found the Cairhien woman, she hadn't been the same woman as before. A shadow of the shining star she usually was. What would he find now? Was it possible for her to break any further? Or would it be worse?

Angrily, Lan stormed out of his room. His thoughts wouldn't get him anywhere close to her. Yet, he couldn't stop asking one last question, knowing she couldn't give him an answer. Moiraine, what have you done?!

Verin, Adeleas, and Tomas were still eating when the angry Malkieri left the house. The old Warder was the first to notice Lan and his eyes narrowed at the younger man when he saw the sword on his back.

"Lan, what happened?"

"I'll be back," the uncrowned king of Malkier responded in a clipped tone. He didn't have time to explain the situation.

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