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It was tuseday and mum was packing to go to New York. I woke up and opened my eyes to see Jai sat flicking through Instagram on his phone.
"Hi aubs sleep good?" Jai asked.

"Yeah did you Jai." I said

"Very good thanks, beau is dropping you off this morning on his way to the airport with mum." Jai added.

"Ok." I answered I got up and walked into the kitchen to find luke making pancakes. I sit down and look at my phone.

"Morning aubs want a pancake?" He says winking at me.

"Yeah." I replied. I heard mum talking on the phone to nonna. She was telling her about taking me to the specialist that put me in a mood for a while. After I got dressed and packed my bag I went to the kitchen to get my dinner out the fridge. There was a note saying Have a good day aubs. Love your fave bruv Jai. A smile spread across my face I turned around and jai winked at me. I Can always trust him to put a smile on my face.
I jumped in the back of the car and started to text Abby
To Abby:
On way meet me at science x
She relplied 2 minutes later
From Abby:
Alright will do cya there xx
I loved talking to Abby she was like the sister i never had. It was quiet in the car until I finally started a convocation with mum.
"When are you back mum?" I asked.

"Thursday darling, you have an opoitment on Wednesday with a specialist." Mum continues. "Beau will you take you there honey."

"Sorry can't I told you I'm going meeting someone." Beau mumbled concentrating on the road.
I was confused when he said that because he never goes anywhere. If he is going anywhere it's to the shop to buy freakin beer or shisha.

"I suppose jai or Luke will have to take you sweetie." Mum said flicking though her phone
"Fine with me" I added as we reached school. I jumped out the car ,beau rolled the window down and shouted.

"Give us a kiss." He was trying to embarrass me. He grabbed my face and kissed my on the lips. When he let go I wiped my mouth and he laughed.

"Bye mum see you later" I walked to her side of the car and kissed her on the cheek.

"Bye Aubrey." She kissed my forehead then whispered in my ear, "don't worry jai thinks the world of you, you will be fine with him don't worry about beau and Luke."

"Ok." I replied crossing the road.

I wasn't the biggest fan of school well who is! I got bored really easily because the lessons are boring as. But my best friends made it more fun. As with every school there comes a cocky girl who thinks she has it all. At our school her name is Amy. She doesn't pick on my but she has always hated something about Abby, personally I think it's because Abby is quite popular and very pretty. At school everyone is aware that the brooks are my brothers everyone always asks can I come to your house just so they can see them. I just flip them of and walk away because they are a waist of my time.

I walked up to Abby she was already stood with Brock and one of Brock's friends . We were all in the same class for everything apart from gym.

"Hello peeps" I shouted as I walked up to them.

"Hello aubs." Brock shouted giving me a high five.

"Hi." Abby said hugging me. Our fist lesson was science I hated science because I have to sit next to Amy . UGHH.

Today we had an early finish for some year 11 thing. Crap! I forgot to tell jai. I will have to text him and tell him I think he is filming with the boys.
To jai:
Forgot to tell you we have an early finish today 2:00 can you pick me up plz xxxx
He replied whilst I was in the middle of math
From jai:
Yeah course you will have to come with us while we film dare Sunday's xxxx
The bell rang and I flung my bag over my shoulder. I walked out with Brock and his friend Chad. I had only come across him a few times, needless to say he was good looking.

The Brooks.  * EDITING *Where stories live. Discover now