Beat up.

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It's Saturday morning and I'm sat downstairs with James and Jai while they talk about soccer and stuff. I am on my phone looking at Pinterest and partly watching the TV.
"Hey Aubrey I'm filming with shery today are you coming?" Jai asks.
"Sure at his house." I say.
"No were meeting at Nonno and Nonna's house." Jai replies I told and take my attention back to my phone. 

A while later and everyone was now downstairs watching the TV.
"Aubs go got changed." Jai tells me.
"Here I'm gonna tag along." James says. I do as my brother says and go get changed. I put my grey jumper which says cool on the front with my disco pants. I slip my black and white Adidas on, then do my hair. I put it into a high pony tail and wash my face & brush my teeth before running downstairs. Jai smiles at me as I skip to the front door were James was putting his shoes.
"Ready?" Jai asks and we both nod. We only had to walk because Nonno and Nonna's house was round the corner. We walk down the drive and past the park to our grandparents. Guess who was on the park only fuckin Amy and Zac with there mates. The two worst people!
"Oi." Jai shouts and starts walking over to Zac.
"Jai." I shout and pull him back but he breaks free and carries on walking. He walks right up to Chad and stares down at him.
"Not so tough are you know midget." Jai spits in his face. Zac looks up then looks straight back down. "Listen lad stay away from my sister. You've messed with the wrong people here mate. Fuckin touch her and I'll knock your head of. Get it?" He shouts.
"Yeah." Zac whispers.
"And you. Stop pestering my sister. And stop calling Abby she is our friend to so leave her alone. Okay?" He says to Amy.
"Okay." She mumbles. Jai scoffs at them then carries on walking to my Nonno and Nonna's. Me and James just look at each other and follow him there.

We finally get there and shery is waiting outside with there friend Corey.
"What's up." Shery says giving James and Jai a hug as well as Corey.
"You good Brooksy." He says to me.
"Yeah." I answer as he gives me a high five. They all walk in side so I follow em. I walk in and my Nonno and Nonna are sat watching the TV.
"Hello." I say and kiss my Nonna on the cheek.
"Hello sweetie." She replies.
"Hi Nonno." I say and give him a hug.
"Hello." He says. Jai says hi and we all go outside were shery was setting up his camera. I sit on a chair next to James behind the camera when my phone goes of, it was Zac.
You've had it bitch. You think your dick of a brother can solve all your problems well I'm afraid your wrong. Wait till Monday slut.

My eyes widened as I read the text again. I locked my phone and slipped it in my pocket. Jai and shery were just about to start the video as I looked up.

The boys were doing the Aussie slang challenge for shery's channel and so far it was hilarious. Every Time the boys got one wrong Corey would slap them.
"Right the next word it Franga." Shery tells Jai.
"Ur." Jai says thinking.
"What does it mean." I whisper to James.
"It means condom" James whispers back and I pull a face at him.
"I know what it is." I tease Jai.
"Can you use it in a sentence." Jai asks.
"I dunno um." Shery thinks.
"Well Aubrey seen as you seem to be featured in this video you explain." Jai say looking at me.
"I have used one of these before. You need one to stop you from making a baby." I laugh.
"A condom. Wait you have used one before." Jai says standing up.
"Yeah many of times." I say trying to hold back the laughter obviously I hadn't needed to use one before.
"Aubrey it's not funny. Are you serious." Jai says.
"Maybe." I say and look at the floor.
"Look here when I'm talking to you." Jai says
"Fuckin hell knob. I swear you think I'm a slut." I say and they boys all burst out laughing apart form Jai.
"That wasn't funny dicks." He says sitting down. They carry on the video until they are all out of words, they pack up the camera and my phone goes of again another message form Zac.
Oh and don't get your mates on me. I have year 11 that can't stand you our your brothers. So prepare to fuckin die.

I read it a couple of times before the message finally got to my head that I was fucked at school. Year 11 at our school were massive so god knows what they would do to me. I started to panic so I locked my phone and blanked out of everything. Why was he so mad at me? I did the right thing by denying him and he took it all the wrong way. To be honest I wouldn't ever go out with Zac he wasn't my type but I would've gone to the cinema with him if I wasn't seeing Chad.
"Aubrey are you ready?" Jai asks me taking me out of my daydream.
"What uh yeah." I say and look up at Jai.
"Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yeah sure." I say still thinking about Zac. I stand up and walk to my Nonna and Nonno to say goodbye. I say it quickly and walk to meet James and Jai outside seen as shery and Corey had ran of without them. The boys set of walking at I trail behind still thinking about Zac, he scared the shit out of me. I wasn't gonna turn my phone on for a while I would talk to everyone on snap chat on my iPad if they wanted me. I don't see what his problem was I mean all I did was deny him. It's possible because I'm the only girl that has ever done that to him.
"Aubrey come." Jai shouts as I am so far behind. I jog to catch up to him and walk with the boys.
"What's up sulky." James asks.
"Nothing I'm good." I lie and carry on looking forward and I can see our house in the distance.

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