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It was 3:00 and I had just finished school I ran out as fast as I could knowing my mum would be there waiting. I spotted her in the corner of my eye she was parked in her usual spot near the corner shop.

"Aubrey chick." she greeted me as I jumped in the car. "Did you have a good day?"

"Good thanks I got in the school soccer team." I replyed.

"Wow, that's great the boys will be proud." She exclaimed as we drove off.

School was about 20 minuets away from where we lived, which gave me and my mum a great chance to catch up.

"How was your job interview this morning." I asked, grabbing an apple mum had brought.

"Great thanks aubs. I have been promoted and will be traveling a lot with work."

"Wait does that mean I have to stop with them three ?" I asked worriedly

" THEM THREE are your brothers and yes you will" she replied angrily. I sighed as we drove up our driveway.

I jumped out of the car, grabbed my bag from the boot and rushed in the front door.

"Hiya aubs , how did the trials go ?" Jai asked as I rushed towards my room.

"Great I got in the team" I shouted as I slammed my bedroom door.

"Good" I heard him shout.

My room was my only way I could get away from the madness of my family. I could sit for hours on end talking to my two best friends Brock and Abby. We had been friends since we could start walking, well so our mums said, and we have never fallen out with each other. Will apart from little arguments but who doesn't argue with their best friends.

I grabbed my phone out of my blazer poker I had a message from Abby.
From Abby ;
How were the trails :) xx
I replied ~
To Abby ;
Gud thx I got in :)x

As you could probably tell by now these trails were a big deal to me. I loved to play soccer I play for a team and train every Tuesday.
After I finished my conversation with Abby beau and Luke came in. I got mad whenever they came in because they never knocked only jai did. Plus I hated them coming in my room they always messed it up to get on my nerves.

"Yo sis why didn't you tell us you got in!" Beau said, as he jumped on my bed knocking my phone out my hands.
"Jai was the first person I saw when I walked in" I said inspecting my phone for

"Well anyway" Luke mumbled and joined beau on the bed "mum is going to New York tomorrow so we are taking care of you."

I sighed and slammed my head in the pillow. I didn't really like it when the boys looked after me, the only reason being they forget to feed me and take me to soccer. I felt a hand smack my back,i rolled over and sat up revealing beau with a smug look in his face.

"Ouch what was that for!" I screamed.

"We can look after you, you know!" Beau yells back.

"Mmm that's debatable " I replied. The last time they looked after me was when my mum went picking nonna and nonno up from the airport and their flight was delayed. So my mum had to sleep over at a hotel. The boys were all out partying apart from jai who fell asleep and forgot about my soccer practice.

It was later that night and mum called for dinner. Mum always cooked the best Dinners so i was looking forward to eating it. She says it's her Italian roots what give her the cooking talents, she's mad! We all had certain places around the table me and Luke on one side beau and jai at the other with mum at the top of course. I sat in my seat and waited patiently for food to arrive. Mum put the food on the table and noticed Luke and jai weren't there.

"Jesus not again, Aubrey go and get your brothers for dinner I bet they are playing Fifa." She demanded. She was right! I slipped my had around the door to find Luke banging his head on wall and jai singing with happiness . Luke hates getting beat especially by jai.

"Erm.. Dinner is ready" I said weirded out at Luke's behaviour.

"Cheers spud" jai said jumping from the top bunk and ruffling my hair on his way out. Luke was still banging his head on the wall.

"LUKE " I shouted and ran out before he got the chance to jump down and hit me.
We were all sat around the table with tacos in front of us. It was Luke's turn to say the dinner prayer and he didn't look so happy about it.

"Dear lord please make sure I never loose at Fifa again and that jai gets shot in the next 24 hours. Oh and thank you for looking after the brooks bunch" he finished. Me and beau couldn't help but snigger at what Luke said. Jai jumped from his seat and put Luke in a head lock.

"Boys break it up and Luke you are grounded don't say that about your brother." Mum yells

"But ..." Luke said banning his head on the table.

We all started eating our food and when we were done we had to wash up the plates .

"Anyone up for a film?" Beau shouted.
"Yep" we all answered in unison.

"Mean girls?" Questioned Luke.

We all sat down in the living room. Me on jai's lap in the armchair Luke and my mum on the couch and beau on the floor. For some reason if felt like I needed to keep moving. I feel an urge to always be moving round. This always happened to me when I was sat down still or doing something boring. I got up to go to the loo and jai sighed with relief that I had got of him. As I exited the room I hear my mum whisper it to beau
"There is something wrong with her she can't stay still for 10 minuets, she has been like this for a ages now. I think I might go and see a specialist about it she might have some attention disorder or something like that." Mum whispered.

"Good idea she can never pay attention to me when I talk to her for five minuets." Beau whispers back.

I can't believe they think I have a disorder, sly much. I slouched back in the room and sat on the floor annoyed at my mum and beau. Jai could tell there was something wrong. He always can. I turned around to see if my phone was on the arm of the chair I was originally sat on and saw jai give me the 'what's up look' I just ignored him and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Brock
From Brock:
Wanna come to mine after soccer Tomoz ;) x
To brock :
Deffo anything to get away from this lot ;) x
From Brock :
Good my mum will pick you up after training x
I was glad to have Brock as my friend. He always understood what It was like having three brothers because he also brothers 4 of them. Brock always wanted me at his house and I'd didn't mind, his parents are amazing last year they took me and Abby to Madrid with them !
Beau leaned over to look at my phone.

"Who you texting." Beau says.
"Brock nosey fucker. I'm staying at his tomorrow." I say to beau.
"Right that's okay with me I won't have to feed ya" beau said cheekily.

I was getting super tired so I decided to go to bed. I kissed my mum goodbye and Luke gave me a hug. Beau just high-fixed me and jai followed me to my room. I slammed down on my bed face first knowing jai was behind me. He pulled the covers over me and he got under too.

"What's up " he whispered. I tuned to face him and said

"What's up! Mum and beau think I have a disorder and I don't and I just ..." I burst out crying but I don't know why.
Jai put his arm round me and I layed my head on his chest. I'm sick of people talking about me behind my back. It's been like that since I was born, 'don't tell Aubrey she'll tell' or 'Aubrey isn't mature enough to understand.' Is what they'd say.

"Listen, you need to go and get a few tests done because to be honest you can't pay attention for long, now don't go mad at me for saying that. I love you no matter what just remember that so do the rest of us." Jai explained he kissed me on the head and then i fell asleep. I loved jai the most out of my brothers he was always there for me. I'm not saying I hate my tiger brothers but everyone has a favourite deep down.

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