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It's the Friday before we go to Sydney for the show, we are flying out tomorrow morning. I have just got back from school and am sat on the couch watching toddlers in tiaras, whilst beau is making my tea. My mum flew to California yesterday and she is back next Thursday which means Ronnie and my brothers are looking after me.
"Foods ready." Beau shouts from in the kitchen. I turn the TV of and stumble into the kitchen were beau is stood holding a plate of pasta. I take it out of his hand and go sit in the dining room, I'm joined by the other three.
"You ready for this show lads." Luke asks them. They all shout yeah and continue eating there food.
"I don't have to go on stage do I?" I question, hoping the answer is no.
"Yeah duh that's why your coming. We want you to come on with us." Beau says. "That's why you two have to get on." He finishes, I just walk out I've heard enough of them and Ronnie saying you need to get on. It's him they need to tell.

"I think you have told her enough now beau." Luke tells me.
"I know I just don't want them to kick off at each other I front of the fans." I say.
"Listen bro if she don't kick of with me I won't with her." Jai reassures me. Me and Ronnie keep telling Aubrey her and Jai have to get on and I think it's starting to get on her nerves. I just don't want the fans thinking were always fighting because normally were not. I walk away from the table and head to my room, I need to finish packing my bag for tomorrow. I'm so excited for the shows, I love performing for the fans. And to make it even better I have my best friends and my siblings with me, life is perfect right now.


I wake up to my phone alarm singing my favourite song, five more hours by Chris brown. I jump out of bed and go for a shower. Our plane is at 12:00 so we are getting there for 10:00 it only takes 1 hour and 25 minuets to get there. After I finish my shower I pick my clothes, I just put a dirty pig t-shirt on with some light grey jeans and red converse. I grab my bag up of the floor and through it on my bag. I run downstairs and all the boys are sat on the couch including James and skip.
"Am I late?" I ask worriedly.
"No we are just early for once." Luke reassures me and I sit down next to Daniel. It's only 9:30 and Ronnie is picking us up at 10 so we have half an hour. I go on my phone and check all my social media aka Twitter snapchat and Instagram. I tweet out saying Sydney here we come. I'm excited to go because I get the day of on Monday and Tuesday.
The door opens and Ronnie walks in.
"Ready lads and girl lets go." He yells. They all jump up and run out the door, I slowly get up and throw my bag on my back. Ronnie winks at me as I walk out the door, I get in the mini van next to James and beau in the back.

We get to the airport and there are fans and paps there. Luckily big rob and 3 over security guards are there, they make way for us down the middle of the girls. Big rob opens my door and we all get out, the boys are welcomed by girls screaming there names at the top of there lungs. They quickly take pictures with a couple of them and carry on walking into the airport, When we finally get in Jeremy Is stood waiting for us, the boys all run and jump on him nearly knocking him flying. I just walk up to him and he gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head, he hands us all our tickets and tells us our gate. We all wait already for a bit till they call our gate, they all jump up and run screaming Sydney Sydney! I roll my eyes and so does Ronnie he comes and walks with me putting his arm over my shoulder. Me and Ronnie are quite close he is like a dad I never had, he always took care of me when we were gone. Me Ronnie and the boys hand there tickets in and head to the plane. I end up sitting next to Jai and Luke! I am sat near the window with Jai next to me and Luke next to Jai. He looks and smiles at me I just turn my head looking at the men packing prams and suitcases into the plane.
"Aubrey we need to at least pretend to like each other for this trip please." He begs me. I turn around and look at him.
"I suppose just in front of the fans though when we're not it will be like normal.Okay?" I say.
"Okay." He says and smiles at me.
I spend the rest of the flight looking on Twitter and texting Grayson and Abby. We finally land and the boys all jump up outta there seats. Ronnie told us that when we get of there will be and interviewer to ask them a few questions, he told me to stay with him all the time. We get of the plane with Jeremy leading the boys, he leads them out into the Sydney airport. The boys are greeted by hundreds of girls, Ronnie grabs my hand and squeezes it.
"Stay with me honey." He says, I squeeze his hand and tell him I won't move from his side. In the middle of the girls is the interviewer the boys were going to talk to, Jeremy moves all of the girls aside so the could get to the man. Me and Ronnie catch up to them and stand behind them watching the interviewer.
"Hello lads how was your flight." He asks.
"Hi it was great thanks." Daniel answers.
"So your guys are here for a 3 night show what can we expect." The interviewer asks.
"Lots of fun. It'll be just like a video in real life." Beau tells the man.
"Any special guests." He says.
"No just our little sister." Luke says pulling me into him. I smile at the interviewer and he asks me a question.
"What's it like being the brooks brothers sister." He asks holding the microphone to my face.
"Great. We fall out most of the time but I love them even though they do my heading." I answer and my brothers all look at each other and sigh, they are probably happy I didn't say anything mean.
"One more question boys. Are you single or taken I'm sure the girls want to know."
"Single Pringle" Daniel answers and winks at the camera.
"Taken." Beau answers.
"Taken bacon." James answers.
"Single." Luke answers.
"Taken." Jai answers.
"Great boys lovely meeting you. Have a nice time in Sydney I'll see you soon." He finishes and shakes the boys hands. The boys walk over to the doors were the car is waiting. I walk with Ronnie and Jeremy when Jai looks back and mouths thank you. He must mean for not saying anything to the interviewer about us falling out. I get in the mini van and sit in the middle row next to James and Ronnie. Jai Luke and Daniel sit behind us with beau and Jeremy in the front. I lean back and Jai's knees are in my seat, I sigh and slam my back on the seat.
"Get your knees outta my seat." I shout and turn round to face him.
"Calm down and put your seatbelt on." He tells me.
"No you ain't my dad." I shout in his face.
"Aubrey sit down and put your belt on." Ronnie tells me. I do as he says and put my belt on. It takes 20 minutes to get to the hotel, I spend the whole time staring out the window looking at all the cool stuff in Sydney. We finally reach the hotel and there are fans there again. Luckily this time big rob was prepared, there were metal barricades forming a walkway for the boys. They jump out and start waving at the fans, I jump out and Ronnie grabs my hand. The boys take a few selfies with some of the girls as Ronnie and Jeremy lead me indoors. Finally the boys get indoors and Ronnie tells us our rooms.
"Beau Daniel Jai your in a room together. Luke James and Aubrey your together. And me and Jeremy are together. Okay guys."
"Okay." We all answer in unison and head to our rooms.
All our rooms were in a row on the top floor, Ronnie handed beau and James the keys to the rooms. We walk in and see two double beds a bathroom and mini kitchen. James and Luke run in and jump on the beds.
"Wait a sec. I can't sleep with your little sister." James says confused.
"Duh I know that. Me and her will share a bed we have done before." Luke says dragging me onto the bed with him. He kissed the top of my head and lets me free of his grip.
"Hey snapchat were in Sydney meet my roommates." He videos himself and me and Luke jump in the back of the video.
"We need to get ready for the show tonight. We're leaving hear at 4:00." Luke tells us. James and Luke start to get changed into more appropriate clothes instead of joggers and a scruffy t-shirt. I didn't need to get changed I had decent clothes on, jeans and a dirty pig t-shirt.
After they finish getting ready we head down to the lobby to meet the rest of them. We get there and everyone is there waiting for us, Ronnie quickly leads us to the van and we all jump in. The venue was really close to the hotel so it didn't take us long to get there. The boys have been practicing what they are going to be doing but they came a few hours earlier to have one last run through. They haven't told me yet why I have to go on stage but I'm hoping I only go on for a couple of seconds, my thoughts are broken by Jeremy shouting were here. We all get out the car and head into the venue through the back, some of the fans are already lined outside 3 hours early they are dedicated! We get in and the boys check out to stage its massive. I go and sit down in the green room and leave the boys to it.

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