Break ups.

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It's the Tuesday after school and we have just took liv to dancing. We are all now sat on the couch and beau was going to tell us what was up.
"Right here goes nothing." He says and it goes silent.
"Me and Rachel have broke up." He says and looks at the floor.
"Don't worry bud. There are many other girls." Luke says comforting beau.
"Beau just remember we're here for you. We know how much Rachel meant to you so this must be hard." Luke says.
"Thanks guys." He replies holding back to tears.
"Don't cry beau." Liv says pulling his cheeks to make him smile. "Smile." She says and we all laugh.
"I love you guys." Beau says and pulls liv onto his knee. We all go and sit next to him and he takes a picture. Liv was sat on his knee kissing one cheek and I kissed the other. Luke and Jai came behind and smiled. He put it on Instagram
@beaupeterbrooks: Its times like this you realise how much you need your family.🔐
Poor beau, I feel so sorry for him. Rachel was his world all he would talk about was Rachel. But all good things must come to an end.
It was now 5:30 and I had my soccer party to celebrate us moving up tonight. Liv's dancing started at four so we were back for five. My party was at seven so I would start getting ready at six as it didn't take me long. I had already curled my hair this morning so I didn't have to do much with it. I just chilled watching the TV. Freya our coach had invited us all round to her house it was massive. She said we could bring our family so me Luke Jai were gonna go, while beau stayed with Olivia.

I'm up in my room getting dressed. I decided on a blue playsuit that has lace at the top. I clipped one side of my hair back and put my all white Nike roshe runs. I brushed my teeth and cleaned my brace before going downstairs. I was greeted by Luke and Jai waiting near the door. Jai had on a white polo tshirt with black jeans and Luke had blue jeans and a grey top. I follow them out into the car and buckle up. Luke and Jai didn't have their licences but they could drive properly because beau and taught them. Luke gets in the drivers seat and I sit on the front next to him. We start to drive and I turn the radio up. We end up dancing all the way there until we reach Freya's house. It was huge! We find a parking space outside and get out the car. I lead Luke and Jai to the front door. I press the door and wait until it's opened.
"Hello Aubrey." Freya greets.
"Hello." I say.
"Hey boys come in." She says and let's us in. We follow her in and into a room which had music playing. I could see Zoe and Francesca in the corner. They were my best friends on the team we had played football with each other for ages.
"Hello." I say.
"Hey Aubrey." Francesca replied. Francesca was loaded. And she was super pretty she had brown hair and brown eyes was a good tan.
"Hey Zoe." I say.
"Hey girl." Zoe says. Zoe was the life of the team. Always making people laugh. She was very small with blue eyes and blonde hair.
"Hey Zoe." I reply.
"Who brung you." Francesca asks.
"Brothers." I say and look over to them. They were sat down talking to Zoe's older brother kian who was 25. We start talking until we see our other teammates come in. We see Mollie Georgie Mia and Libby. They all come running over and we all say hi and stuff. We wait until we see the last of the team to walk in. Veronica Rosie willow kiera Charlotte and Louise. We do the same and say hi. Freya turns the music up and we all start dancing. Well everyone but me and Louise, we weren't really into dancing and stuff. Georgie and Zoe were always the life of the party. They were exactly the same personality wise. And I suppose they kinda looked the same apart from the fact Georgie was tall. I decided to go check on my brothers as I hadn't spoke to them in a bit. I walk over to them and they are sat by themselves laughing.
"Hello." I say and sit down.
"Hey sis you having fun." Jai asks.
"Yeah are you." I ask.
"Yeah it's okay." He replies.
"Could I please have some silence." I hear Freya shout. Everyone pays full attention to Freya.
"I would like to make a speech. I'm gonna go back to when I first met theses girls. They had come up as a team from the academy at the age of four i think. The girls were very quiet how I wish they were still like that now. They were a great team who stuck by each other and still are today. There a great bunch of girls who have been brought up extremely well." Freya says." Let's start of with our goalkeeper Zoe. Zoe were do I start, your an amazing golay and an amazing little girl. Lovely personality. Libby, your a very strong little girl. We all respect you and what you have been through in your life. Your defiantly the Rock of the group." Freya explains." Mollie your a adventurous girl who is always up for a challenge and I love that about you. Georgie well your just crazy and extremely talented in defence. Veronica is a delight to train and like lighting on the field running up the wing. She also has the best celebrations. Willow, the little mouse of the group but has the passion to play every time she steps on that field." She says." Kiera the sassiest and most fierce girl on the team she is very protective over the girls and is also the boss. Charlotte is the queen of free kicks and loves to play. Your definitely the more mature of the girls. Louise the maradona of girls, so talented and could definitely make a professional team. Francesca your a beautiful girl and is talented when she gets the ball at her feet. Mia the little weapon of the team, once she is on she is with the ball always she is also the mum of the group. Rosie were do we start, your the bomb at getting thoose headers in and queen of the corners. And last but not least Aubrey. We've had our ups and downs but you are a very talented girl. You would make an excellent captain to a professional team. You keep all the group together. Overall I love you girls." Freya says staring to get emotional, we all run over and hug her.

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