Exciting news for some.

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It was a week since the video was uploaded and all the boys and my mum had gone out. The boys were at a meeting with Jacob and Ronnie and my mum was out with her mates. I was so bored so I asked Chad 10 minuets ago if he wants to come round, he said yes. I didn't go to soccer because of my ribs they hurt when I run but we had training tomorrow I might go and watch. As I turn the TV on I hear a knock at the door.
I walk fast to the door.
"Hello chick," Chad says pulling me into a hug.
"Hiya." I reply. We go and sit down in the living room. I put the soccer on the TV and fall into a deep gaze. My gaze is broke by Chad fake coughing.
"Where are your brothers?" He asks turning to face me.
"At some meeting." I answer still watching the game.
"What am I to ugly that you can't look at me." He laughs with his bottom lip sticking out.
"Yeah haha only joking gorgeous." I answer kissing his cheek. And turn back to the television.
Hours later And Chad has gone home. My mum is back from her day out and she bought me a new phone case with Melbourne victory on it. I switched it with a dirty pig one a fan made for jai but It I nicked it. Jai text me saying he was going out with the boys for a meal so it was just me and my mum. She was making mash and sausage my favourite. Me and my were hardly ever alone because the boys were always with us but I liked it when it was just us two. We get to talk about stuff we wouldn't say in front of the boys and talk about life in general.
"Foods ready babes!" My mum shouts to me upstairs. I climb out of beaus bed because it's much comfier than anyone else's. And trail do the stairs to the dining room. When k step in the food is payed out on the table and it smells amazing!
"Thanks mum." I say sitting down. We tuck in to our food.
When we are finishing the boys come rushing through the front door.
"We have news girls." Beau shouts running running round the house.
We go take our plates into the kitchen were jai and Luke are. Jai gives me a hug and winks it me, I guess this means he has important news.
"We're going on tour!" Luke screams at us.
"Geez boys that's great." My mum answers pulling her eldest twin into hug.
"It's only round America and some in Australia." Jai says sitting on the counter.
"How long will you be gone for?" I question.
"Trust you to ask that, only one month and if it's successful we will go round the world." Beau answers. A worried look spreads across my face. A month ! That's the longest I'll have gone without seeing them.
"Don't worry babes I'm sure they will visit plus they have girlfriends here so why wouldn't they." My mum says putting her arm round my shoulders.
"Okay." I whisper and plod up to my room and shut the door to my room quitley. I don't mind them going I'm happy but I have a feeling they won't come and visit. Jai and beau are all loved up with their girlfriends they will probably forget about me. If Jai doesn't speak to me for a month I'll probably go mad because he is like the dad I never had. He is my favourite out of my family and that's even including my own mum. I know that sounds mean but it's the truth.
I hear all the boys and my mum go to there room one by one. I scam through Twitter, I have gained a lot of followers since that singing video. People are always commenting omg your voice is amazing I just answer thanks. I tweet out saying ' next month will be hard' because to be honest I am dreading it.

I wake up with the noise of loud voices. Jai and Luke are arguing again.
"Shut up dick your the one who smashed it." Jai shouts.
"Uh yeah cause you shoved me into it prick." Luke shouts back. I tip toe to the door and open it. I see the twins stood on the landing holing my soccer trophy I won when we came first in the league! They both turn and stare at me.
"Listen we can explain..." Jai says shoving Luke.
"Yeah well this morning when I woke up Jai was stood In front of my door with a jug of water, that's why my clothes are wet." He rings his clothes out then carries on." Well I pushed Jai back and he swung me round right into your trophy and it kinda smashed in half." He finishes holding up the trophy.
"Fucking blame it on me why don't you." Jai mumbles smacking Luke on the back of the head.
"Gods sake you two piss me of. I'll smash your fucking phones. That was the first thing I won." I say charging into jai's room. He chases after me, I spy his phone on charge and I unplug it and hold it up in the air.
"You dare and I'll ..." He screams
"You'll what you already smashed my trophy and are leaving for a month." I shout back. He grabs my hand and snatches his phone out of my hands. I didn't let go at first till he twists and squeezes my hand.
"Wow you dick." I scream eyes watering. Jai starts inspecting his phone.
"Jai there was no need for that look you made her cry." Luke glares at Jai and sits down next to me.
"Fuck I'm sorry." He says just noticing the small years running down me cheek.
"Piss of." My hand is starting to sweep and bruise.
"Hey what's happening in hear kids?" Mum opens the door holding the smashed trophy."why is your sister crying." As soon as she finishes her sentence beau runs in.
"Who is crying?" Beau questions.
"Well this morning Jai stood at my door with a bucket of water and threw it over me. I pushed him back and he threw me round into Audrey's trophy. That's why it's smashed. She walked outside and threatened to smash our phones. She ran into jai's room and grabbed it. She held it up and Jai reached it but Aubrey wouldn't let go. So he squeezed and twisted her arm now she is crying." Luke finish'a out of breath.
"The hell Jai brooks that's your sister." My mum shouts. She beckons me over and inspects my arm. It is swollen and has a hand shaped bruise round it were he squeezed it.
" Well I'm sorry I just tried to have fun for fans on keek." He says looking sorry.
Beau comes over looking at my arm.
"Shit are you okay." He says pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms round him for a second then go to Jai.
"I'm sorry I got so annoyed it just means lot to me." I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
"No I should be the one saying sorry I shouldn't I grabbed you like that. I'm so sorry please for give me." He says staring down at me.
"I will never forgive you but I won't be mad at you." I glare up at him.
"Thank god I thought you would of fallen out with me. I love you." Jai says pulling me into a hug.
"Aww sibling goals." Beau shouts taking a picture of us.
we all burst out laughing and form a big family hug. Minutes later and I'm back in my room doing my hair when my phone buzzes.
@Brooksbeau: these two crack me up. He has just smashed her soccer trophy and nearly broke her wrist and she forgives him. These two are literally sibling goals. #inseparable
I retweet it and comment ' haha I still have a sore wrist.
Loads of people are commenting aww cute and I wish they were my brothers. I lock my phone and carry on straightening my hair. I put it in a donut on top of my head. I shove on some black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a dirty pig vest top. I slip my white converse on and grab my phone. Today was the day I got this stupid cast of and my splint on. Beau was taking me because my mum was taking Jai and Luke out for some new shoes.she promised last week if they put the fence up at the back they could have a new pair if shoes. I go into the kitchen and grab a drink of orange with my tablets. There is just a random piece of toast on the side so I pick it up and eat it. After I eat it I hear beau shout me to get into the car. I jump in the front .
"Ready chick?" He questions staring the engine.
"Sure lets go." I answer. I stay on my phone the whole time Jai keeps texting me saying I'll make it up. To be honest I have got over that now it's just a trophy. It could of been worse one of them could of broke something.
We get there and we jump out the car. There are two men stood with cameras.
"Beau beau !" They shout.
"Hi fellows have a good day I need to be somewhere." Beau answers putting his hands on my shoulders and pushing me forward. We get in and sit down. We are sat there for 10 minutes and my name gets called. Beau stands up and I follow him in.
"Hello sweet heart you okay." A nurse says.
"Yeah thank you." I say sitting down.
"Who is this you brought. Uncle?" She asks looking at beau. She is an oldish lady she looks nice.
"No. My brother." I answer.
"Oh hello sir.
"Hi nice to meet you." He says putting his hand out. She shakes his hand.
"Right were gonna take your cast of today chick. Let me look and both your hands to see if it's swollen. Face your palms to the roof." She asks.
The nurse notices my other swollen arm were Jai grabbed me.
"Oh my. Your others hand is swollen. How did this happen."
"My other brother grabbed me a bit to hard." I laugh.
"Oh haha. Right darling this saw will chop your cast right of. Don't worry it stops when it comes in contact with skin." A worried look is on my face she notices and says " don't worry I have never in 16 years chopped someone's hand of.
Thank god for that! She starts sawing it of beau is on his phone texting Rachel. He locks his phone and looks at my arm. She has got the cast of and is cleaning it up.
"Right you need another x-Ray. Come with me." I follow her and beau stays sat down.
We come back twenty minutes later. My x-Ray looks fine I just need a bit of support. She puts a black splint on that fastens.
"Okay missy were all done her. Brother she will need to keep this on for 3weeks then she can take it off. Bring her back if it hurts again." She looks at beau.
"Right will do thank you." He answers standing up.
"Your welcome dears." We stand up and walk of.

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