Angrer takes over.

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It's been two weeks since the boys had gone. Not one of them has contacted me they have spoke to my mum Rachel and Bailey but not me. We go back to school tomorrow I'm glad I need to take my mind of things. My mum says she is getting worried about my behaviour because I hit out at one of my team mates the other day so I can't train for a month. I just feel depressed, they have just ignored me for 2 weeks. I have tried talking to the but the just ignored me. It's 6:30pm and I've just had tea and stormed upstairs. I feel so angry all the time I feel like I'll just snap at someone one day. I look at Instagram and the boys have posted loads of pics. Oh and guess what they flew back just to visit their girlfriends and not us. Well that made me mad I tweeted out saying ' i can't be doing with you anymore' loads of people are like have you broke up with Chad but we both posted pics of us together to confirm we were still together. Only Luke commented saying what I just ignored him I didn't want to kick of with him in their.
I had one piece of homework for the whole of the holidays it was to Wright an essay on my family. I just wrote about my brothers and my mum and how I don't have a dad. When I finish that i decided to have a shower. I put my waterproof speaker on and zoned out of the world. When I finish I dry my hair and put my pyjamas on. I flick through social one more time before I go to sleep. Jai has tweeted saying just seen your tweet and I don't know what your one about weirdo. That pissed me of to the limit. I get up and throw the pic of me and Jai against the wall it smashes into a million pieces. That relieves so much of my anger. My mum rushes in
"Chill girl what's up Hun." She says sitting on the bed.
"Jai just called me a weirdo in front of everyone on Twitter I can't stand him any more."
"Did he. Well he will get told go to bed darling you have school. Night sweetie." She says sitting the door. Just to piss Jai of I put a picture of the smashed picture on snapchat for 3 seconds then go to sleep.

I wake up to the noise of my alarm. I jump out of bed and wash my face and brush my teeth. Quickly I shove on my uniform and sit down to do my hair. I put it in a waterfall braid around the back of my head and go down for food. I just grab a banana and head out the door. My mum wasn't up yet so I text her saying see you later. I stand outside chads drive as he comes out the door. He grabs my hand and we walk to school.
When we get there Brock and Abby are waiting for us, we have only seen them one e since the start of the holidays.
I run up and jump on Abby she wraps her arms around me. Brock and Chad have a man hug and we all squeeze into a group hug. We head to our new form, we have my art teacher from last year and I can't stand him. I'm afraid I might just snap at him today I'm not in the mood with what happened last night.
We walk in and our seating plan is on the board. Before the end of last year they moved all the Forms around for this year, so us four were all in the same form. Unfortunately we were in the same form as Amy. And even worse she is sat next to me! Chad is lucky he is sat next to Abby and Brock is sat on his own at the back.
Mr. Wilkinson walks in and glares at us all.
"Good morning children welcome back." Everybody but me shouts morning.
"Now for the register. Abby, Sophie Charlie, Chad,Brock," he continues till he gets to me at the end."and last Aubrey."
"Yep." I shout.
"What madam."
Yep sir!" I answer back.
"Get out of my room now!" He shouts. I snigger and walk out standing on the opposite side of the door. After 5 minutes he tells me to come back in. I slump on the chair and the bell rings, I grab my bag and head to the door but he pulls me back.
"I'm not putting up with this miss.brooks your turning into your brothers." He tells me
"Well you will have to because we have the same genes see you tomoz." I say sarcastically and slam the door. He gets on my nerves so much. My first lesson was drama, I hated it.
We go in and there is a new teacher I haven't seen before.
"Students welcome take your bags of and find a chair." She explains. We do as she says and sit down. She starts the lesson talking about shit and then she asks us to perform the script she has just spent the last ten minuets about. We get into groups of four, well you know who I'm going to go. She doesn't even give us time to rehearse she says if we listened we would know. It's our turn we stand up and Chad starts of talking.then it's supposed to be me.
"I have no clue what to say because I haven't listened to this rubbish." I say in a funny Shakespeare accent. Everybody laughs apart from the teacher.
"Go to the deputy head now." She screams.
"Geez I'm going." I answer and grab my bag. I get there and knock on the door. He shouts "come in" I enter and sit in the chair.
"Mrs.clough has just rung me to tell you what you have done." He says." Well we have discussed to give you a detention after school."
"What just cause I didn't listen." I shout.
"Yes miss and your attitude. I don't want you turning into your brother beau he was the worst pupil we had here in a while." He says
"I've had that once today I'm sorry but I'm going to end up like that one day." I shout.
"Right well come back to me in the morning for your detention okay?" He asks.
"Sure bye." I answer and leave.
It's end of the day and I'm walking home with Chad and one of our mates who lives near us Grayson. I get to my house and leave the boys. The school have rung my mum and told her about my detention but luckily she won't be home till 10 tonight so I'll be in bed when she comes in. Chad Cody and mason are coming round to mine tonight for a movie night. Even though I was the only girl I loved being with them, they were so funny and great friends. I run upstairs and throw my bag on the floor. I get changed into some jeans and a vest top, and let my hair dangle down my back. The boys were coming at 5 which gave me 30 minutes to pick a film and get some snacks ready. I decided on cabin in the woods because I haven't seen it in ages.
The bell goes and I see three reflections in the window, there here! I open the door and I am greeted by my best friends, even Abby and Brock have tagged along.
"Omg this is going to be great." Abby screams as I put the film on. We decide to take a picture for our twitters. I tweet out saying: @aubreybrooks01 : only people I need right now.
They all retweet it and favourite it. The film starts and Chad starts cuddling me, I look up and smile at him. Abby is sat to my right and Brock mason Cody are sat on the other couch. The film is some scary shit so to take my mind of watching it I flick through Instagram. I refresh the page and Jai has posted a picture of him and Bailey saying only girl I want. That boy pisses me of so much. So in anger I take a selfie with me Chad Brock mason and Cody saying only a lads I want in my life right now and post it.
We finish the film and chat for a bit. Cody tells me to come upstairs with him, he says he wants to ask me something. So I lead him to my bedroom.
"What do you wanna ask me?" I question him.
"Well I kinda like Abby I was wondering if she would wanna hang out sometime." Cody says anxiously.
"Course she will she is into your type. Brown hair brown eyes. She would love to hang out." I laugh."ill ask her when we go down."
"Thanks your amazing." He says as we walk back downstairs.
I have already asked Abby if she would like to hang out with Cody and she said course I would. So we might have a new couple on her hands! Everyone has gone home now and I'm lying in bed watching TV. My mum will be back in half and hour, I'm praying she won't go mad at me. I just felt so angry today and I couldn't help myself, it's probably because the boys haven't spoke to me. I have tried talking to them but they just look at it and ignore me. I thought Jai would've been the one to talk to me like her promised at the airport. But no he didn't. I mean Luke has face timed me and commented on my selfie the other day gorgeous but he just ignores my texts.

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