There leaving.

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It's finally here the day my brothers leave me. I wake up in a terrible mood. I hop out of bed and look at my phone, one message of Chad.
From Chad
You will be okay today xx
I answer
To Chad
Thank you talk to you tomorrow xx
After I answer him I slump downstairs to see three suitcases at the front door. I turn the opposite way to the kitchen were Jai and beau are.
"Hello." They say in unison.
"Hi." I mumble moodily back.
"What's up with you sassy." Beau asks.
"Nout." I say and watch into the dining room with an apple . We didn't have to eat in here I just wanted peace. After I finish the apple I run upstairs to my room, and slam the door. I put some jean shorts on and a Melbourne victory shirt on. I just shove my hair in a high pony and grab my phone. My mum shouts me to get in the car the boys gesture me to walk out. I walk past them with my head facing the floor. I jump in the back because I don't wanna sit in the front with a mood like this my mother will shout at me.
"Shit." I mumble to myself
"What." My mum asks
"I forgot my tablets." I mumble back.
"That's why you can't keep still." Luke laughs.
"Oh haha." I sarcastically laugh back and face out the window.
We reach the airport and James and Daniel are being hassled by paps. They see the boys pull up and rush over to them. But luckily big rob is there to stop them getting to close. Jai grabs my waits and walk my indoors. Luke does the same with my mum. Skip and James are stood waiting the run and jump on the boys and give my mum a hug. They come over to me
"Hello mini brooksy." Daniel yells
"Hello." I mumble and walk over to my mum.
"Whats up with her" I hear Daniel say.
"She is sad were going." Luke answers
"Ohh." Daniel says.

I was so excited today was the day we are going on tour. We were heading to Florida America first. I have never been to America before so I was excited. The tour round Australia got cancelled so we would only be gone for a month not one month and 3weeks. Aubrey was in a mood today. I am going to miss her so much this is the longest I have been without her. She is like my little sidekick always there for me and I'm always there for her. I'll miss Bailey to, she couldn't be at the airport today because she had a job interview but we said our good byes last night and other stuff. Beau said bye to Rachel last night because she was at a christening today.
I break away from the conversation with James and beau to go and speak to Aubrey. She is sat cuddling my mum. I grab her arm and drag her over to a corner. I sat her next to me and she just slides away so I slide up closer to her.
"Listen I'm going to be gone for a month that's all. I will have to come back and visit Bailey anyway so I can see you the." I say
"Exactly you just proved why I have been moody this morning. I'll be back to see Bailey. That girl has changed you I mean I like her n'all but she is the first thing on your mind. Not your single mum or your little sister your girlfriend ." Her voice raised and her eyes started to water.
"I dint mean it in that way. I dint wanna leave you in a mood with me." I say
"Jai I've bee In a mood with you since you broke my trophy. I feel like you don't give a shit about me any more. You promised me you'd repay me for the smashed trophy and swollen wrist but no that didn't happen I just ..." Tears are streaming down her face. My eyes start to water to.
"I'm sorry I love you so much your my main priority when I'm away. I will think about you every day." I pull her into a hug and she hugs me back.
"I love you to." She looks up at me and my heart melts she has red puffy eyes she looks heart broken. I kiss the top of her head and we get up and walk back to the group. She stays by my side the whole time were waiting. I really don't wanna leave her but I got to. We spend 2 minutes hugging when the women calls for us.
"I gotta go now aubs I love you and ill see you soon." I hug on to her tight.

"I gotta go now aubs I love you and ill see you soon." He hugs me tight. I don't wanna let go. He kisses my face and goes to my mum. Beau approaches me next
"I'll see you soon chick I love you to the moon and back don't forget that. Be good for mum and look after her." He says cupping my face and kissing me. then Luke comes up to me
"Aww babes I love you be careful whilst we're gone. Don't worry I will keep in touch if they don't love yall." He says holding back the tears. I don't reply to any of the boys I just cry. Daniel and James each hug and kiss my check before they get on the plane. Jai comes up to me one last time his eyes watering.
"Bye aubs I'll miss you so much." Jai mumbles
"I'll miss you to big bro." I say whipping his tears. He walks of and my brothers turn to wave it me. I can guarantee that's possibly the last time I'll see them for 4 weeks. My mum puts her arm round my shoulder and we walk out accompanied by big rob who is flying over tomorrow. We get into my mums car and my tears have stopped, mum hasn't cried once she is probably putting on brave face. My phone buzzes a text from Jai
From Jai:
Missing you already x
To Jai:
Same here x
We reach home and me and mum decided to watch a film to take our minds of the boys. Mum suggests little mermaid it's her favourite Disney film. I fill a bowl with popcorn and get us both some coke. She has already put the film on, I sat next to her and get comfy. We finish the film and go to bed. I scroll through Twitter and Jai has tweeted saying
@Jaibrooks1 : of to meet beautiful fans but left three even more beautiful people behind my sister my mum and my girlfriend #missingthem
I favourite it then Chad face times me. I answer and we talk for and hour I end up crying to him and he says he will me round tomorrow to talk about it. I'm clad I still have him. I have soccer tomorrow for the first time since the accident and I'm buzzing I've missed it so much. Basically my life revolves around football WWE friends and family. I take my medication and decided to watch some YouTube. My favourite you tube Chanel apart from Janoskians is saccone joly's there are so funny. Iwatch the latest vlogs and finally get to sleep.

I wake up with a banging headache must've been with all that crying. I go downstairs to see a note from my mum saying ' sorry babes got called to go to work be back at 3:00pm' I read the note and throw it in the bin. Chad text me before I fell asleep last night saying he will be here at 10:30 it's now 10:15 I can't be bothered getting changed so I just stay in my shorts and beaus jumper.
A knock goes at the door and Chad enters. I told him he could just let himself in.
"Hey." I say embracing him in a hug.
"Hello you good?" He says kissing my lips.
"I'm okay you." I answer
"Don't lie babe and I'm fine." He answers he can tell when something's up. I sit down and he follows
"So what's up." He asks.
"It's just. Well the boys have gone and i -I feel lost without them. You know how my dad just left well Jai was like my dad and now he's gone to." I try and hold back the tears.
"Aww aubs I'm here and don't worry they will be back soon. Let's watch some wrestling to take your mind of this." He knows how to cheer me up.
We watch WWE smack down and WWE raw. I make us some chicken sandwiches and crisp. We eat that and suddenly Luke starts face timing us.
"Hello sis you okay." He shouts through the screen
"Ill do how about you?" I ask
"Good what ya up to." Luke says.
"Chilling with Chad." I answer
"Aww well I'll stalk to you soon." He says and kisses the screen. I kiss the screen back and hang up.
"Told you they would talk to you." Chad says.
"By they you mean Luke." I answer back.
"Still one of them I'm gonna go now I've got my aunties bday bash I'll talk to you later beautiful." Chad says pulling me into a hug.
"Bye I'll see you soon." I say shutting the door as he walks down the path.
Minutes later my mum gets home. She has churped up since last night.
"Hi mother you good?" I say opening the door for her.
"Look who's happy what's happened." Mum says hugging me.
"Luke face timed me." I say smiling at her.
"Aww he's a good un. Your coach text me saying training has been moved to four so go get your kit in chick." She tells me. I rush upstairs and get my kit on I decided on a Manchester City one Luke bought me when he went away for the weekend. I grab a drink and we get in the car.
We get there and the whole team is there, I have missed these so much. I run over and get embraced in a hug. We start our training session and it starts to rain, we play a quick match we I have to sit out of because of my arm. I decided I might as well just go home so I say bye and go to my mum in the car.
"Your early." She says handing me some crackers.
"Yeah I can't play with this wrist." I answer eating the crackers.
"Oh god yeah well we better get going." She says and starts the engine.

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