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It has been two weeks since I got kicked outta school and I'm now back. Its last lesson on Thursday, English, we are doing Boring Romeo and Juliet. I haven't spoke to beau and Jai since the incident but tonight my mum is having a talk with us. If she seriously thinks I'm gonna forgive them for calling me and saying I have issues than she is totally wrong.

The bell finally goes signalling we can leave for home. As usual I walk home with the crew and we say goodbye as each of us reach our house. Then finally I reach my house of the end, I walk slowly ours knowing what is going to happen. I unlock the door and walk through to the kitchen.
"Honey come in here." My mum shouts.
"Sure." I mumble. I walk in and they are all sat down, I sat at the end of the table and get my phone out my bag.
"Give me that." My mum stands up and takes my phone of me.
"I was using that." I shout and stand up and bang my hands on the table
"Just sit down please." Jai tells me. I pull a face at him.
"Don't tell me what to do." I reply.
"Please." Luke says. I sit down and slump back in the chair.
"Right we have issues to discuss." Mum starts. "So who wants to talk first."
"Me." Jai buts in. " Aubrey you need to calm down and realise we are sorry."
" Excuse me calm down! And I won't realise your sorry until you realise what you did this past month. And if you think I'm gonna forget you with one five lettered word well pfft you should think again pal." I shout.
" You make a good point. Jai beau what did you say before you went." Mum says.
" That I would stay in touch. And visit." Beau mumbles.
"Exactly and did you do that."
"Nope." Beau answers.
"Neither did Luke." Jai buts in.
"Yeah but he didn't come back at all you came back to visit your dipshit girlfriends and not us." I shout. Luke smiles at me across the table.
" And you two have got her I a lot of shit." Luke adds.
"Well I couldn't help that if we were in the other side of the country." Jai shouts.
"Skype." Luke adds cheekily. They both glare at each other.
"Boys stop. You know I would never pick sides out of my children but I think Luke and Aubrey are in the right. You to should apologise." Mum asks.
"But she just said she wouldn't accept it." Beau shouts.
"Beau.." Mum glares at him.
"Gods sake. Aubrey I'm sorry for not speaking to you while we were gone. I will make it up to you promise." He says.
"Jai." Mums adds.
" Aubrey I am sorry to for all the shit I got you in. For ignoring you. And most of all hurting you." Jai says and looks at me.
"Aubrey." My mum looks at me she can't actually think I'm gonna apologise.
"Hell no I'm not saying sorry. I'm the victim of this. And Luke doesn't need to apologise either." I shout.
"Do you accept. Don't go shouting before you don't no why your mad." My mum says looking at me.
"Kinda I mean it's a few sentences for a month of them ignoring me so it will take a bit longer." I say looking back at my mum.
"Finally we are getting somewhere. Now Aubrey maybe you should try to behave better at school." Mum tells me.
"I can't help getting annoyed anyway mum because we have have no school in the morning Chad Brock Abby Grayson Mason and Cody are coming for a pool party." I tell her.
"Okay I'm working tonight . Y'all can go now." She dismisses us and we walk. Away.
It's 5:30 now and they are all coming at 6:00. I have a quick bath and shove my new bikini on, it's coral with a Lacey frill on the bikini top. I just put a romper over the top and Grammy shades. Luckily it's a nice day so maybe I can tan a bit!
I run downstairs and sit on the couch, my mum has gone to work so it's just us four. The door bell rings and it's Mason Cody and Abby. I open the door and let them in, they each give me a hug and we all sit on the couch waiting for the others. Beau Jai and Luke are sat on one couch and we are on the other. Then the bell goes again it's Brock and Grayson, I open the door and let them in.
"Chad has just finished training he is on his way." Grayson tells me as he sits down.
We sit and talk for a bit until the bell rings a final time and it's Chad.
"Hey." I say as I open the door.
"Hello sorry I'm late I had practice." He says and gives me a hug and kiss.
"It's okay." I say and we all make our way to the pool.
We get to the pool and all the boys jump in, which causes a big splash and me and Abby scream. Everybody laughs and me and Abby jump in.

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