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We boarded our flight back to Australia for Christmas, I was excited to see my family and friends again. Today was the 20th so I had a couple of days to catch up with them all before Christmas.
Luckily I was sat near the window next to Daniel and James was next to Daniel. I had got really close to skip this last week mainly because he was like a child and was fun to be around.
"You ready to be sat next to me for 15 hours." Daniel laughs.
"No I'm dreading it." I say and he laughs.
"You okay?" He asks randomly.
"Yeah I'm good thanks why you ask that?" I reply.
"I hardly ever ask you it so I figured I would now." He says and I laugh.
"Ahh you make me laugh Daniel." I say and he bursts out laughing.
"Lets take a pic." Daniel says holing out his phone. He take 2 pictures for Twitter, one of us sticking our touches out and one of me kissing his cheek.
@danielsahyounie- My plane buddy 🤓 Can't explain the love I have for this kid. 😍
I retweet it and comment saying - Love ya to skip .

I was sat next to my twin and Ronnie for the plane ride home, Luke got the window seat. Lucky bastard! It was and hour into the plane ride and I was bored out of my head so I decided to make a pic college of mine and Aubrey's selfies, I had at least 100 form when we younger and from now.
After I made it I put the picutre on Instagram with a big caption- I'm not usually one for soppy captions but I fell like this picture needs one.
When my little sister Aubrey came home for the first time I wasn't very happy because I didt want a sister. (I know jai did want a sister but just pretend for this he doesn't.)But after time I realised how much I needed her in my life. I remember when I was 7 and Aubrey was 2, my mum took us to a park and this little shit ran over and picked her up. I ran over and burst his nose saying ' Dont touch my baby' and from that day on I knew I had to protect her. Aubrey is the most positive and happy person I have ever met when ever your with her or near her she brightens your mood instantly. Through life she has told me to not give up and ignore all the negativity. She has helped me through tough times and helped me to get where I am today.
I just wanna say Aubrey, you are the most beautiful girl in the world don't let anyone tell You any different. I love you so much baby sis 💕

I put the picture on Instagram and lock my phone. Now 14 hours left how fun! I'm grateful we are in 1st class. Luke was already asleep and so was Ronnie and I could see everyone else was to great.

I woke up and looked around me and saw everyone eating. I looked on the tv I front of me and we had 8 hours left so I had sleep for quite along time. I can see Daniel tucking into his food and he has a lot.
"Morning cutie I got you a sandwich." He says throwing a ham sandwich at me.
"Thanks." I say and start to eat it. I go on my Instagram and look at a picutre jai has tagged me in. He had made a pic collage of me and him with a massive caption. I read it all and it made me a bit emotional, God I loved him. I commented saying- I love you so much jai 😘.

After I ate my sandwich and drunk a bit of Daniels water, I look over to James who was on my iPad, how the hell he has got that I don't know.
"James get of my iPad." I shout he jumps and drops the iPad on his knee.
"Gees I was just looking on it." He says but doesn't give it me back.
"So are you gonna give it me or what." I say.
"Ah let me think about it." He says.
"James you dick give it me." I scream.
"Oi miss brooks stop shouting." Jeremy says I just glare at him.
"Ooo i can look at yours and chads messages."
"You dare."
"Aww how cute." He says flicking through my messages.
"Right, that's it." I crawl across Daniels lap and slap James in the arm. He puts his arm out which is holding the iPad so I crawl across his knee and try to grab it. Luke stretches his arm out on accident and knocks my iPad flying down the isle. Luckily there wasn't a lot of people on the plane. I get up and go to my iPad, I pick it up and the screen is smashed badly.
"James I'm gonna chop your balls of." I scream and run over and punch him in his nuts.
"What was that for." He says.
"You smashed my iPad you dick head." I say.
"That was Luke." James replies.
"He did it on accident if you would've gave it back when I asked none of this would happen." I shout.
"Sheesh." He says. I crawl back over the boys and back to my seat its lucky I'm not sat next to James or else I might of just killed him. Is shove my iPad back in my bag and sulk looking out the window.
"Aubrey." James says but I cut him of.
"Don't talk to me." I say and fully turn my back to him. All the boys laugh apart from James and I laugh a little too. I turned around and looked at the tv to see what films were on, I decided on Lord of the rings to keep me occupied.

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