Friends solve everything. ☺️

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Guess what I'm doing yet again. Getting told of! I kicked of with the drama teacher again and through my book and knocked a glass of water over. The reason I got so angry was this morning I looked in Twitter and there was a video a fan filmed and the Janoskians concert. I clicked on it and there was Luke pushing Jai to the floor and him kicking him. I understand why it pissed me of so much because jai is the one that keeps arguing me. But yeah here I am in the heads office again.
"Seen as you misbehave in your drama lessons we are kicking you out of drama for this year." Mrs Owens says.
"That doesn't bother me I hate it." I explain. She shoots me a disgusted look.
"Watch your lip missy. When you have drama you will be taken for anger management." She explains.
"What I don't have anger issues." I scream.
"Well judging by your behaviour we think you do. So trot along to your last lesson and I'll see you soon." Mrs Owens says. I stand up and wave sarcastically.

The day has finished and I'm lying in bed texting Chad. He is telling me about what is happening in his life but it's nothing serious. Me and Luke have talked a bit but not in a very good way. I asked him why did he kick of like that he just said I was sticking up for you bye. So that was the end of that. Beau has put a picture on Twitter with Rachel saying went back to see my girl. I guess he came back again and didn't see us, dickhead. Tomorrow we have a day were we just stay in form, I don't know if I can cope with Mr wilkinson for a day. Luckily I have Brock Chad and Abby all in my form so we will just sit and talk for the day.

I wake up to my phone ringing . The caller id is Jai! I hesitate to answer it but I do in the end.
"What." I say moodily
"Don't be a bitch and don't go causing shit today." He says.
"Look who's suddenly talking I'll do what I want it's your fault I'm pissed of."i shout.
"Fucking hell calm down." He shouts. I just put the phone down I can't be doing with him.
I leave my hair dangling down my back and pin the sides up with bobby pins. I grab my bag and head to the door to see Chad waiting outside my house.
"Hello." He says running to hug me.
"Hello lets go." I say and grab his hand. We walk to school together and let go when we get to form.
Mr wilkinson tells us we can come in. He tells us to sit in groups of 4 two boys and two girls. That's lucky for us. He has moved the desks into fours so it's easier to tell the groups. I sit next to Chad with Abby opposite and Brock next to her. Chad sits with his arm round the back of my chair as Mr wilkinson starts to speak.
"Today you will be doing friendship bonding." He says.
"Gay." Chris shouts from to back.
"Shush Chris. That's why your in groups of boys and girls. You are going to get to know a person of the opposite gender."
"Well Chad and Aubrey already know each other pretty well." Amy shouts sarcastically. My face blushes and Chad pulls me into a hug.
"Shut up Amy at least she has a boyfriend." Chad shouts back at her. Everyone shout ohh burn and burst out laughing.
"That's enough 8.4 listen up! Your going to talk to the person sat next to you then at the end of the day tell the rest of the class about them." he explains "so ask questions and get to know them off you go."
Everybody starts talking to each other and asking questions about each other. Obviously me and Chad know each other pretty well and so do Abby and Brock.
"Well this is going to be boring seen as we know nearly everything about each other." Chad says turning to face me.
"Yep we can just chill." I reply.
We spent the fist half of the day chatting and cuddling. Occasionally he would look round to see if Mr wilkinson was looking and peck my lips, everyone would make puke noises but we just laughs. Mr wilkinson calls the first table to the front no they all start talking about each other.
A couple of tables late and it's our turn, we all get up and walk to the front.
"Chad you go first, tell us about Aubrey." He tells Chad
"Right well her name is Aubrey Ashley brooks. She lives with her mum and three brothers. Her mums name is Gina and her brothers are called Luke Jai and beau." He continues." She plays soccer every Tuesday and loves wrestling. She also has a handsome boyfriend called Chad. Aubrey has long brown hair and brown eyes and is gorgeous." He finishes. Everybody claps for him and he takes a bow and watts laughing.
"Wow we have a couple here do we." Mr wilkinson laughs to himself.

*the following weekend*

It's Saturday morning and I'm lying in bed watching YouTube videos. I flick through my subscriptions and there is a new video on their blog called we're not breaking up. I click on it and beau Luke and Jai are sat together. They start of by saying hello and talk about the tour. Then Jai says " lots have you have seen that video were Luke pushes me to the floor and are asking why he did it. It is quite personal but we can tell you not in detail."
Then Luke interrupts "well basically when we came on this tour Jai promised he would keep in touch with our little sister, Aubrey. And well he's not. Probably about an hour before that show I face timed her and she wasn't happy." Luke continues." She is getting in loads of shit at school because these two keep ignoring her and she gets annoyed. I flicked through Instagram and saw a picture one of you fans screenshoted and it was Jai having a go at her."
"Let me finish." Jai buts in." Well he got pissed of at me and Ronnie had to drag him outta the way. Then on stage when we played that game I slapped him in the face for a laugh. He got really pissed of and beat me up." Jai finishes and shows a bruise on his ribs.
"So guys were not breaking up its just a little family brawl. We love you guys and we will see you soon" beau ends the video.
A little family brawl what the fuck is he on about. And I'm not to happy he has shared our whole argument on YouTube. Before they want I never wanted them to go but now I wouldn't care if they stayed forever.
To take my mind of things I decided to go on a walk. I knock for Chad on the way. He says we should go and call for the rest of the gang meaning Brock Abby Mason Cody and Grayson. So we do. We are now on the park near our house, me and Mason are on the swings chatting. Cody and Abby are talking because they are now a couple. And the other three are playing basketball. When I was with these five I forgot about anything they were truly my best friends. Then out of the blue Brock shouts
"Guys why don't we make a you tube channel I have a camera."
"Great idea lets go back to yours." Cody answers. Why did we never think of this before.
We reach Brock's house, on the way there we thought of a name The Aussi's. We are currently sat in front of the camera ready to record. Brock suggested we should all introduce our selfs at the start. He hits record,
"Hi guys were the Aussi's. I'm Brock McDonnell." He says.
"I'm Grayson Denver."
"I'm Abby Jones "
"I'm Cody Ashcroft"
"I'm Aubrey brooks" I say
"I'm Chad Logan"
"And I'm Mason Buckley."
The rest if the video we talk about why we made the channel and what type of video's we are gonna make.
Abby suggest to save time we should make our first video. She comes up with a great idea to do the five things about me. So brock turns the camera back on, we sit in the same positions as we were in the last one and introduce ourselves in the same order. Brock says his then Grayson then Abby then Cody and now it's me.
"Well I play soccer. I love WWE. My favourite animal is a tiger. My favourite colour is blue. And ..." I say
"And she is the sister to beau Luke and Jai out of the famous group the janoskains." Abby shouts.
"Oh yeah and that." I laugh.
It's 10:00pm and I'm lied on the couch watching some random TV show my mum loves. Since we posted that video five things about me we have gained 750 subscribers i think it's because I put it on Twitter and I have 6k followers. Due to me being related to them.
"You ready to see the boys on Monday." My mum asks me.
"Not beau and Jai but I'm looking forward to seeing Luke." I answer.
"I understand why your annoyed they were being tight." Mum says giving me a reassuring smile.
"Anyway when are nonno and nonna coming. I haven't seen them in a while." I asked.
"Next weekend chick go get yourself to bed now you look shattered." My mum tells me. Truth is I'm shattered, today was a good day with my mates they solve everything.

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