Back to hell.

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Tour had finished 1 week ago today. It was a great experience and I would definitely do it again if the boys would let me go with them. I have caught up with all of my mates and family and today is the day i go back to hell aka school. Beau had already shouted for me to wake up so I had. I got up and brushed my teeth; washed my face; cleaned my retainer. Oh, I got my braces of now so I just have to wear a retainer at night now. After I do all that stuff I curl my hair and shove my uniform on before going downstairs to meet the boys and my mum. I can hear them all chatting in the kitchen so I head in there.
"Morning precious." Beau says. Me and beau made up the other day from our fallout. He bought me some new shoes as an apology.
"Morning." I reply.
"Baby beau is going to take you today because he needs to speak to Mrs.owens." My mum tells me.
"Why?" I ask.
"Something to do with your behaviour. Anyway gotta blast." My mum laughs and runs out the front door,I think she was late for work. I eat the pancake my brother made and drank the water he gave me to.
"Where are the twins?" I ask as I get into beaus car.
"In bed the lazy fuckers." Beau says and reverses out the drive. We jam out on the way there to beaus Justin Bieber playlist on his Spotify.

We pull up at school and beau parks up near the school. I get out the car and beau follows me through the school gates. I receive a few funny looks of people but beau just glares at them. I couldn't bloody wait to get my hands on Zac. I walk into the office and the office lady is there.
"Ah hello miss brooks nice to see you again." She says.
"You to miss my brother has a meeting with Mrs. Owens." I say.
"Yes come through guys." She says and leads us over to Mrs. Owens room. God I haven't missed this bitch at all. We walk in and beau shakes her hand I just smile at her sarcastically and sit down.
"Nice to have you back Aubrey. Did you have a good time?" She asks.
"Yeah thanks." I say.
"Right now before you left we discussed about a card to get you out of lessons when your getting angry." Mrs. Owens says.
"I don't want one it'll make me look special." I sigh.
"It won't. Here it is. You show this to your teacher and they will let you go. You will go to Janes office and cool down." She says and I smile at the thought of Jane. "Your also gonna be in report for the first 4 weeks because we want you to be a model student by the end of year."She says.
"How fun." I reply.
"Beau, did you try taking her to anger classes."
"Yeah my mum took her with our brother Luke but they got kicked out." He tells her.
"Jesus. Ah well beau you can walk your sister to form and then leave her there." Mrs. Owens tell us. We both nod and walk away to my form. Form had already started and I could see my best friend, mr wilkinson talking away. I walk up to the door and say bye to beau.
"Try not to get into trouble chick. I love you lots ember that." He tells me and gives me a hug.
"I love you to." I say.
"Daniel is picking you up." He says before walking away. I grab the door handle and breath in before I walk into the room.
"Aubrey brooks what a nice surprise. Sit down." He says sarcastically, I sit on my desk at the front and everyone says hello and stuff.
"Did you have fun whilst you were of." He asks.
"Yep got away from you that's why." I laugh.
"Planner on desk now. I'm not having anymore of your bad behaviour." He shouts. When your in report you have a card and you have to take it to the teacher at the end of the week. I put it on his desk and sit back down, I quickly smile at Chad Abby and Brock before I turn round.

It was dinner time and I hadn't bumped into Zac yet so I went on a hunt with Maddox and Sierra to find him. He would normally be at the back of the football pitches with his little posse. The best thing about bringing Maddox and Sierra was they had very short temper like me, and they were quite tall and threatening. I can hear him laughing round the corner so I walk round and see him there with his two friend Tom and billy.
"Hello dickhead." I say and stand with my hands on my hips.
"Hello slag nice to see you back." He says.
"Not nice to see your still here." I say.
"What do you want?" He asks.
"You need to leave Abby alone prick. Do you know what you have done to that poor girl. I'm here now so leave her alone. You have messed with the wrong people mate." I say.
"Finished yet." He says cheekily."
"No not just yet." I say. I step forward and punch him square in the face. I hear something crack then his nose starts to bleed. Billy and Tom step forward but they were tiny so Maddox picked them both up by there shirts and threw them across the concrete.
"Come on." I say and walk of. I thanks Maddox and Sierra for helping me and the bell goes so we go to our fourth lesson, I had chemistry but luckily I sit next to Chad. I walk up to the lab and Chad is stood on his phone texting someone. I sneak behind him and shout down his ear and he jumps and nearly drops his phone.
"Fuckin hell aubs you scared me." He says and puts his phone in his pocket. "You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine thanks." I say.
"Good baby." He says and gives me a hug and kisses my head. We get called into our lesson by our teacher Mr. Doran, he wasn't the nicest of teachers but he wasn't that bad. I sit down on my table, it was me then Chad in the Middle then this girl called Fiona who had a thing for Chad. I take everything I need out my bag and place it on the table and everybody else does the same.
Mr. Doran gives us our sheets and everybody starts the sheet, he lets us talk whilst we do the sheet which was a bonus.
"So Chad you still playing football?" Fiona asks and flicks her hair.
"Yep." He says popping the p and looking at me.
"Your the captain aren't you." She says and bats her eyes, I'm one step away from pulling her hair out.
"Uh huh." Chad answers.
"I'm head of the cheerleading team. And you head of the football team." She says.
"Yeah and." He says.
"Well in films they are normal a couple." Fiona says.
"Yeah Fiona that's in films plus I'm seeing Aubrey so soz buddy." Chad says and Fiona rolls her eyes.

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