The U.A. Killer

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Welcome friends! I'm happy to bring you my newest BakuDeku!! Just a few things before we get started. If you see a spelling error, feel free to point it out in a respectful way. This does not include names since Bakugo and Bakugou are both correct. Also, certain words can be spelled differently, depending on where you're from. Example, Gray and Grey.

There will be smut, blood, gore and major character deaths in this story. You have been warned.

Due to these chapters being two or three times as long as my usual chapters, you will not receive an update every 2-3 days. It will most likely be every 3-5 days. You'll still get a few double updates and a few splurges every once in a while.

Anyway, enough of this damn authors note. Happy reading!!

I kick my shoes off by the door when I enter my shared penthouse downtown. I've had one of the longest patrols of my life. Not a single thing went wrong. There weren't any villains, no vigilantes, nothing. I know that's supposed to be a good thing, but I was bored out of my mind while wandering the city. I slowly made my way through my apartment, stripping off my hero costume as I walked to my bathroom. I didn't do anything to work up a sweat, but it was one of the hottest days we've had so far this summer. Maybe that's why it was a slow day. I guess even villains want a day off when it's over a hundred degrees outside. I dropped my clothes in the hamper by the sink and turned the shower on, wanting to give it a minute to get hot before I stepped inside. I look at myself in the mirror, hating how greasy my face looked from just walking around. I turn on the faucet, splashing my face with cool water, trying to make the redness on my cheeks disappear. I'm honestly not sure why I bothered, considering I'm going to get into a hot shower anyway. I let out a heavy sigh as I turned the sink off and walked back to my shower.

I step into the scalding water, letting it hit the back of my head and fall down my back, washing away eight hours of built-up sweat. I begin massaging my scalp with my apple-scented shampoo as I hear the front door open, signaling my roommate was also home from his patrol. The first thing he liked to do after a long day was shower. Usually, I'm out of the shower when he gets home, but I was more sluggish today from the heat. I quickly lather my body with my body wash, trying to be quick. After I felt clean enough, I rinsed off and stepped out of the water. I grabbed my green towel, wrapping it around my waist. I dried my feet on the floor mat to the best of my ability and walked into the hallway. I didn't want to stay in the bathroom any longer than I had to.

"Sorry, bathroom is all yours!" I shouted as I walked down the hall towards my room.

"It's no problem at all." Iida yelled back to me as he walked out of his room, still in his hero costume. "Did you have the longest day of your life too?" He asked me.

"Yes." I replied as I stepped into my room, talking to my roommate through my open door. "I'm glad nobody got hurt obviously, but there wasn't even a petty thief today. It was the most boring day I've ever had." I groaned loudly as the shower turned on.

"I could always try and commit murder again if you get too bored." We both started laughing at the memory of him attacking stain almost seven years ago.

"I'd rather you didn't, but if you must." I sarcastically replied as I removed the towel from my waist, slowly drying off. Deciding to room with Iida was one of the best decisions I have ever made. There's never a boring day around him. I'm not entirely sure what happened to him in our last year, but he isn't as uptight as he used to be. He can still be strict when he needs to be, but he's definitely learned to cut loose. His boyfriend might have a huge part to play in that, but he didn't really know.

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