The Final Month

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"Are you sure I can take this stuff?" Ahna asked me while holding a box of Kacchan's belongings.

"I won't need it," I frowned. "I would rather have someone who will appreciate and take care of his stuff than just leave it with everyone else." If I weren't dying in the near future, I would be more hesitant to let it go. However, she deserves something to remember her best friend by as time goes on.

"Thank you," She smiled softly.

"It's not a problem." I shrugged. "Thank you for stopping by for lunch. I wish I had more energy to go out and show you around." Today has not been a good day for me. My entire body aches, and I can barely stand. I'm struggling to breathe with every step I take.

"It's okay," she frowned. "I should get back home anyway. I have to work tonight." Unfortunately, I have to go to the agency right after I go to the doctor.

"Drive safe. It was good to see you again, Ahna." Even under the circumstances, I'm glad she showed up.

"You as well. I'm really sorry about Katsuki."

"Yeah, me too." She balanced the box in one arm and gave me a quick side hug. After that, she left. As soon as the door shut, everyone walked into the kitchen. They stayed in the living room for the last few minutes that Ahna was here to give us some privacy. Now that she was gone, it was time to get back to work.

"Are you ready to head out?" Uraraka frowned. "Your appointment starts in five minutes. You're already late."

I've never been late for an appointment, so I think my doctor will live. I don't need to see him to know that this will be my last appointment. I know how bad I am. I know how fast I'm deteriorating. I don't tell my friends that, though. They don't need to know just yet. I need all of our focus on the U.A. Killer, not on my health.

"Yeah, let's go." We slipped our shoes on one by one and walked out the door. Luckily, Iida volunteered to drive, which was nice because his car wasn't low to the ground. I don't think I could get back out of it if it were.

The drive to the hospital was far from silent, but I wasn't paying attention to a single thing that was being said. I sat in the passenger seat and watched the scenery as we drove through the city I'd lived in my entire life. I never thought about how much I loved it here. The small bookstore Tsu and I used to go to before she moved to another city, the quiet coffee shop where Uraraka and I used to sit in absolute silence for hours after a rough shift, the park where we used to all meet and hang out.

I never thought I would have the opportunity to miss it. Not like this.

When we got to the hospital, Iida dropped me off at the front door. As I stepped out, I opened my door and used the bar for support. My knees tried to buckle when I put my weight on them, but I somehow managed not to fall.

"When do you think you'll be done?" Iida asked.

"I have to do scans and wait for them, so it will be a while. Probably three or four hours." I shrugged.

"Do you want someone to come in with you? We'll stay in the waiting room if you want." Uraraka offered. I almost said no until Kacchan's letter popped into my head again. I have no idea how much time I have left. I don't want to pass on any opportunity to see my friends.

Not only that, but I've done this alone for so long before Kacchan. Doing it alone again feels like I'm going backward. Even if my life is ending, I refuse to go backward on any progress I've made.

"Kaminari, come on." I pretended not to notice the hurt on Uraraka's face when I didn't tell her to join me. If they were going to investigate any other person's death other than Kacchan, Ashido, and Tetsutetsu, I would have asked her. However, I feel like Kaminari doesn't need to go to the scene where the last two friends from his main friend group were murdered. I would rather him be with me than force himself to imagine how they died. We've put it off long enough, so we couldn't push it back anymore.

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