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"Morning, guys!" Uraraka cheered as Kacchan, and I walked into the U.A. Killer Investigation room. After we got married yesterday, we ended up getting a hotel. When we stopped back home to grab a bag, I gave her the key to this room. I didn't tell her why we were staying at a hotel, but she probably guessed it. Who wouldn't want endless rounds of sex in a jacuzzi tub?

"Morning." Kacchan replied as he clenched his cup of coffee in his hands. He was usually a morning person, but we were up late last night, so he relied on coffee today.

"I see you two had a wonderful time last night." She smirked as her eyes trailed over my body. I knew she was staring at the hickeys littering my neck. If only she saw my chest, she's probably crap her pants. "A really wonderful time!" She yelled in shock as she crossed the room. She stopped in front of me and grabbed my left hand. She pulled my hand up, admiring the golden band around my finger.

"Yeah, we did." I smiled at her before turning to my husband. "A damn good time." He smirked as he set his coffee cup on the table.

"You guys got married, and I wasn't invited?" He frowned, dropping my hand.

"It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing." I shrugged, walking towards the board on the wall. "With the U.A. Killer on the loose, we figured we might not have another chance."

"Hopefully, we will figure out who the U.A. Killer is soon." She let out a deep sigh as she walked over to me.

"Where is Iida?" Kacchan questioned, joining us by the city map on the wall.

"He and Hatari went down to grab a coffee." She informed. "Did you guys see them down there?"

"We didn't get coffee here. We brought it from the hotel." Kacchan shrugged. As long as they were in the agency, they were safe. "Did you guys learn anything new?"

"Not necessarily, but Hatari gave us a list of every hero with access to all the files through the Hero Safety Commissions. Hatari has been working on tracking every fight through cameras, but they seem to be blocked off during the time of the fight." She sighed.

"What do you mean they were blocked off?" I asked, turning away from the board. "How could they have been blocked?"

"You'll have to ask him about it when they get back up. The only thing I can offer you is a list of heroes who could have access to the schedules and computers there." She replied.

"How many heroes are on that list?" Kacchan asked, turning back to his coffee.

"About a thousand." She sighed. "I haven't looked through them yet because I'm unsure how to do this." She grabbed the stack of papers from the table, handing them out to me.

"We could start narrowing it down by body type," I suggested, taking the long list from her hand. "From what we saw, they're slim. They don't have a lot of muscles, and they're between 170 and 210 centimeters. I want to say they're male, but they might be female. We didn't see them from the side, but it didn't look like they had a big chest."

"Were you trying to check out the U.A. Killer?" Kacchan asked sarcastically.

"Jealous?" I replied in a teasing tone. His eyes ran up and down my body before he responded.

"No." He bit his lower lip, and I knew he was thinking he didn't have a reason to be jealous. He's seen more of me than the U.A. Killer ever will.

"I'm not sure I want to know what we just walked into," Hatari mumbled from the door. I was so lost looking at Kacchan that I didn't hear it open.

"They're just flirting and undressing each other with their eyes." Uraraka laughed.

"We were not!" I defended. He might have been undressing me with his eyes, but I wasn't. I was thinking of all the ways I could undress him at a later time.

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