The Trap: Confirmed

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"There aren't as many people here as there were at Ojiro's funeral," Kacchan mentioned as we sat in a large tree, watching the funeral from above. We sat side by side on a large branch with our legs swinging over the edge. I didn't have a problem getting up here in my suit, but Kacchan did since he isn't supposed to use his quirk right now.

"Tsu moved away, and she isn't in the top fifty heroes." I shrugged. She could have easily made it to the top twenty or thirty, but she never cared. She didn't put herself in public view a lot. She didn't like going on huge missions; she preferred to work in a small town on the beach. "I'm sure if she wanted to be buried back at her home, there would be twice as many people."

"It's less for us to keep an eye on. That's all I'm saying," Kacchan said softly. "Do you think the U.A. Killer would be stupid enough to attend her funeral?"

"I'm not sure." I shrugged. "With how little we know about them, they could."

"I have a few more suspects to add to our list, by the way," Kacchan informed me as we watched Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki huddle in a small circle by the entrance to the cemetery. They most likely needed a minute to step away from the crowd, but I kept a close eye on them. Not because I suspect them, but because I don't trust them not to go off on their own. On a day like this, everyone's brains were a little scattered.

"Who?" I asked, not taking my eye off the crowd of people below us.

"Just a few people from the dark web." He informed. I sent him a quick side glance, unsure how I felt about him being on the dark web. I've been there a few times for missions, and it is a horrible place to be. The dark web is how most villains start or get their story out. It's usually a way for sick individuals to meet up and plan stuff just like this.

"Did you figure out who they were, or do you just have their alias?" I asked, turning my gaze back to the ground. I looked at the entrance for Iida, Uraraka, and Todoroki, but they weren't there.

"They're talking to Aizawa and Nezu behind the casket." Kacchan said suddenly, noticing how my body tensed when I couldn't find them. I only took my eyes off them for fifteen seconds, but it was enough time for them to rejoin the funeral. "I have two of their real names; I have eight people's alias that I've been trying to figure out, but I'm not the best hacker in the world."

"I can ask Hatari to look into them. Do you have the website you found them on?" I asked as I watched my friends walk over to the casket with Aizawa and Nezu.

"Yes, but I don't know how many people I want to get involved in this." He let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his wild hair.

"What do you mean? Everybody should be involved so we can figure it out faster." I scoffed. If he thought we could do this by ourselves, he was crazy.

"Everybody is a suspect Deku."

"Even me?" I asked with a cocked brow. I understood where he was coming from, but this was going to be hard if we couldn't trust anybody.

"No." He shook his head. "You were patrolling with Glasses in an entirely different part of the city when Shoji was murdered."

"How do you know that?" I asked with confusion. He wasn't here and didn't have my patrol blocks from that time.

"It was on the news," Kacchan said with a small laugh, knowing I was temporarily revising my suspect list in my head. I would never suspect Kacchan seriously, but that threw me off a bit. "You and Iida were patrolling in the next district over, so you guys were the first heroes on the scene. Not to mention, the time frame doesn't work for Tsu's murder."

"At the estimated time of her death, you were taking me to the agency before heading off with Todoroki," I said with a sigh of relief, glad that Kacchan couldn't have been the U.A. Killer if he wasn't around Tsu to murder her.

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