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"Look who finally decided to show up!" Kirishima yelled as Kacchan, and I approached our group of friends. We were officially an hour late and didn't have much time before our groups split off.

"Deku didn't want to get out of bed today." Kacchan shrugged. I glared at him. We both knew we were late because we had started a kissing session that we didn't want to stop. We eventually pried our lips apart and made our way here.

"Well, there's still some food left." Uraraka gestured towards the basket with a frown. I feel bad for being late. I know how much this time means to her.

"Thank you." I mumbled as I sat beside her. Kacchan sat next to me, reaching for the basket.

"Where's Iida and Todoroki?" I asked as I looked around the circle. I'm surprised I didn't notice their absence sooner, considering Uraraka was the only person from my friend group that was present.

"Iida had an emergency at the agency and Todoroki had to patrol for a few hours." She replied. "They'll meet us here soon so everyone can do the next patrol schedule."

"Are we still going paint-balling?" Kirishima asked Kacchan. "We're supposed to be there in thirty minutes."

"Yeah, I'll just take the sandwich to go." He turned to Uraraka. "I drove us here, so can one of you guys give Deku a ride home?"

"I can walk." I said with a heavy sigh. This was why I didn't want to tell people I was sick. I didn't want anybody to worry about me.

"Not alone with the U.A. Killer on the loose." He replied quickly. Until now, I haven't thought about being a target for the U.A. Killer. I knew I was going to die, so I never cared. However, I had a reason to live as long as possible. I still thought I was safe from the U.A. Killer for the time being, but I wasn't positive. He could kill me in a heartbeat, and I can't leave this world a minute sooner than I have to.

"Yeah, I'll give him a ride home," Uraraka reassured.

"Thank you." Kacchan nodded as he stood up. I wanted to kiss him before he left, but I said I wanted to tell my friends privately. I wasn't going to tell them I was sick, but I would rather tell them privately than kiss him here and cause a commotion. "I'll see you at home later." We said our goodbyes to Kacchan, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. When they were gone, it left Uraraka and me to clean up the mess. I haven't eaten my food yet, but I'll snack on it as we work on our schedules. Since Kacchan and I aren't patrolling right now, I've been letting Uraraka decide who to pair the work-study students with since I didn't know their progress, and she was in charge of the program.

"Have you talked to Shinso recently?" Uraraka asked when everyone was out of earshot.

"I talked to him the other day," I informed. "He and Hagakure are keeping a close eye on Dabi." Since Uraraka had been cleared from being the U.A. Killer and she worked at my agency, I decided to tell her about Shinso and Hagakure's mission. Other than her, only Kacchan and Hatari know.

"I find it suspicious that there haven't been any since they started their investigation."

"Are you suspecting one of them, or Dabi?" I asked with a cocked brow. I cleared Shinso, but I don't believe Hagakure ever got cleared. But what are the odds she would kill her husband? Plus, the U.A. Killer showed themselves to us; they weren't Hagakure's body type at all.

"Dabi." She laughed nervously. "I don't think Shinso or Hagakure have the heart to hurt the people they love."

"I don't know if I find it suspicious or not." I said, finally answering her question. "In my head, it makes sense that it would be Dabi. But in my heart, I feel like we're barking up the wrong tree. Kacchan and I were talking about it a while ago. Dabi being the U.A. Killer makes the most sense since he has a reason to want us all dead, but he's never been one to hide his power. Kacchan feels like he would want the world to know if it was him."

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