I Want it so Damn Bad

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"What if we get murdered?" I asked Kacchan as he continued gripping my wrist tightly, pulling me to his car. "When Tsu tried to leave, she died!" I complained.

"Deku, we're going on a short trip and will be back by tonight." He barked back. We've been fighting since we woke up about leaving the city. He has to go somewhere, but I don't want him to go alone. Not only that, I was scared of us getting attacked if we tried to leave. "Plus, Shinso and Hagakure are both fine. I think they just went after Tsu because they knew she wasn't coming back." He added.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"Matisha." He informed as we came to a stop in front of his car. "Everyone apparently wants me to move back here, so that's what I'm doing."

"You're moving back home, like officially?" I ask excitedly. When we talked about it last week, I wanted to ask him if he would stay. However, I never did because I thought it was selfish. I couldn't ask him to stay when I was dying. I didn't want him to say yes to me because I wouldn't be here in a year.

"As long as I can continue staying with you, yeah." He shrugged, releasing his firm grip on my wrist. He opened the passenger door, letting me crawl inside before shutting it gently behind me. He walked to the driver's side and climbed into the driver's seat. "So, can I continue staying with you?" He started the car, causing warm air to be blasted on our faces. I quickly reached over and turned off the air conditioning so it could cool down for a minute.

"Until I die and my will is read." I smiled sadly at him. I was so happy that he was moving back home, but it made me want to live so much more. It destroyed me that I was getting what I wanted, but I didn't have that long to enjoy it.

"Who gets your penthouse?" He asked with curiosity as we began our four-hour drive to Matisha.

"Uraraka," I informed. "If anything happens to her, then my mom gets it."

"Do you have backups for everything in your will?" Kacchan asked. Most people don't, but I didn't know who would be alive when I died, so I was trying to have everything covered.

"Yeah. Iida gets my car first, but Todoroki gets it if anything happens to Iida." I explained. "Kirishima is second in line to get my agency."

"Is Pink Cheeks first?" Kacchan questioned as he turned onto the main road leading us directly to the highway.

"No." I smiled softly. "She told me that she never wants to run an agency. She enjoys patrolling and having time to go home and see her family."

"So who gets Might Tower then?" I looked over to Kacchan, studying his facial expression. He looked genuinely curious. He didn't look hopeful that I would say his name, which is how I knew I had made the right decision. He didn't want the fame and glory that came with the agency. He just wanted to be a hero.

"You." I watched his eyes widen in a shock.

"Wait, what? Why me?" He asked in a panicked tone, trying to keep himself from swerving the car.

"Because I know you'll run it right." I responded. "You have what it takes, and I know you'll be great, Kacchan."

"I don't know anything about your agency." He countered, panic still lacing his words.

"Do you think I let anybody help with the block scheduling? Have I involved anybody else in my high-profile work? Have I let anybody else in on the U.A. Killer? Not to mention, Saki usually only answers to me. She's a receptionist for the phone, but she's my personal assistant." I asked with a small laugh, hoping he understood where I was going. He stayed silent and focused on the road, pondering my words for a few moments before speaking again.

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