The First of Many

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"At this moment, we would like everyone to close their eyes for a moment of silence to remember this brave, talented, and young hero who lost his life too soon." The funeral director for the hero commissions shouted, bringing everyone's attention back to the front of the burial, where he stood next to Ojiro's closed casket. The funeral was coming to an end and Hagakure was nowhere in sight. She didn't want to be bothered today, so she activated her quirk and became invisible. She told everyone she was there and she would meet the girls after at Uraraka's house, but she didn't want to be bombarded by the civilians in the back of the burial center.

I closed my eyes, looking down. I felt a hand slip into my left hand that was resting on my knee. I smiled softly as I squeezed Uraraka's hand in return. I've been to too many funerals for the people I cared about, and I was sick and tired of going to them. I couldn't wait until we could figure out who was doing this and put an end to it, once and for all. We sat in silence for another minute or two, the only sound being the birds in the air and the leaves blowing in the gentle breeze before the director spoke again.

"We will now continue with the burial." He announced loudly, causing everyone to look up once more. I could feel the tears falling down my face slowly as we watched his dark brown coffin be lowered into the ground inch by inch. I wish I knew where Hagakure was so we could comfort her right now. When the coffin was in the ground, the director looked up again at us again.

"That concludes the funeral for Mashirao Ojiro. A friendly reminder to the heroes among us today, there is free therapy at the commission's office if you wish to utilize it and talk about the life we lost today." After he said that, everybody from the front got up and slowly began walking away from the seating in the front. This was the time for the civilians to come and say goodbye since friends and family had a private showing before the burial.

"Are you heading back to your house?" I asked Uraraka as everyone began breaking off into their small friend groups since Hagakure was still invisible somewhere.

"Yeah. Kendo said she would be okay with the work-study students by herself if I didn't go in tomorrow. Hagakure is going to stay with me since my roommate is out of town."

"How long is your roommate out of town?" I asked.

"Until next Monday, so six days or so." She informed.

"If you want to take off until then to be with her, I'll push it through. I don't want her being alone." I offered. Not only was I worried about her mental state since she had just buried her husband, but I didn't want to give the killer easy access to her if she was alone.

"Are you sure?" She asked me with a cocked brow.

"Yeah, you always patrol with Kendo who is never actually alone. I'll just have to find someone to patrol with me the day you usually do and I promise it won't be too hard." I replied. I could always combine the group closest to my patrol area with myself and we could patrol both areas, or take somebody from a group of four. I know I'll figure it out.

"Okay, but promise you'll call if you need anything or find anything else out about the U.A. Killer." She said quietly, knowing we weren't supposed to mention that name in front of the civilians.

"I will," I replied with a sad smile. "Tell Hagakure to reach out if she needs anything." I only talked to her once since I found her husband, and she wasn't very talkative. She wants to avoid the media and heal properly.

"Sounds good." She replied before turning and walking to the group of girls from our class. There was a gap between Tsu and Jiro, and I knew that's where Hagakure was standing. I flashed a sad smile in that direction before a voice said something behind me, making me jump.

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