Looking Up

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Sorry for the late update! I have finals this week and exams next week, so everything may be a day or two behind until after my exams. I'm about to head to bed now, but I'll be working on getting the new chapter of cold cases out when I wake up. Thank you for your patience!

"Midoriya, you have a visitor that isn't registered." The morning nurse Nakimi said with a smile from the doorway.

"Is it press?" I groaned. Somebody let the fact that I was in the hospital leak, and they've been trying to see me every day.

"No, her name is Ahna. She said she's a friend of your husband." I looked at Kacchan in confusion. He usually tells me when someone is going to visit.

"Um, I wasn't expecting her to show up." Kacchan said as he stood from the pull-out couch. He has officially set up camp in this room and ensured I wasn't kicking the bucket. "I'll go down and see what she wants."

"She can come up." I shrugged. "I don't mind." She was Kacchan's best friend, and I knew he could really use her right now.

"Are you sure?" He asked, making his way across the room. "I can catch up with her another time. You need to rest as much as possible."

"Kacchan, I can have visitors and rest at the same time." I laughed lightly. "I promise it isn't going to kill me any faster." I turned to the nurse before giving her the okay to send Ahna up.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

"Katsuki, I know you vowed to spend the rest of my life taking care of me, but that doesn't mean you have to stop living yours. She's your friend, and she probably has a million questions." I sighed. I doubt he's told her anything about us getting married or me being sick. She probably found everything out on the news.

"Can I lay with you?" He asked. I nodded my head and scooted over for him. My doctor was okay with it as long as he stayed on my left side and we didn't fall asleep together. "We get to go home in two more days."

"I know." I wrapped my arms around him with a smile. "I can't wait to actually cuddle you in our bed."

"Well, it's this cute!" Ahna said from the doorway with a wide smile.

"Hey Ahna, it's good to see you again." I said.

"You as well, even under the circumstances." She turned her attention to Kacchan with a scowl. "You, on the other hand, I might kill."

"Rain check? Give me seven more months." He laughed. Even with everything going on, I was glad he could still crack a joke.

"You got married!" She yelled in a voice of betrayal. "And you didn't even call to tell me! I found out on the news!"

"I know." Kacchan sighed. It was amazing to see how much he has grown since high school. If we were still back in U.A., he would have blown up on Ahna and told her it was none of her damn business. I felt bad for not reminding Kacchan to tell her. Just because he moved away doesn't mean he should have kept her in the dark about everything.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled. "I should have kept in touch better."

"You've been busy." She smiled sadly. It had to hurt when someone you cared about moved away and didn't keep in touch. I would kill to talk to the people I love again. "Congratulations to you both."

"Thank you." Kacchan replied happily. I never thought I would be the reason he could be so happy. "Did you come all this way to yell at me and congratulate us?" She let out a heavy sigh as she walked further into the room, taking a seat in one of the recliners by the pullout sofa.

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