My Love Letter

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I broke my own heart and cried a bit while writing this, so I wish y'all luck😭

The sky was dark and cloudy, much like my mood. Today was the day I was dreading. I've locked myself away in my room, away from everyone, until today. If my mom hadn't come over and dragged me out of my room, I'm sure I would still be wrapped in my blanket.

"You're doing so good, sweetie." My mother whispered in a soothing tone as she reached down and grabbed my hand. Everyone was walking down the line, telling me, my mom, and Kacchan's parents that they were sorry for our loss. I haven't responded to anyone yet. I couldn't focus on what anyone was saying for more than a few seconds at a time.

I glanced across the tent, quickly locating my friends. They promised they would all stay together, and in my eyesight, today, since this was the first time I'd left the apartment since Kacchan, Ashido, and Tetsutetsu were murdered. When I had a few seconds without someone standing in front of me and trying to have a conversation with me, my eyes scanned the rest of the crowd.

We still had no idea who was doing this, and I'm not sure if there was any evidence at the scene since I haven't talked to any of my friends. Hatari took my phone that day, and I still haven't gotten it back. I'm not sure why he took it, but I haven't needed it anyway.

My eyes locked on someone standing by themselves in the far corner of the tent. It took me a minute to figure out who it was since everyone was walking around. When I noticed her, I turned to my mother.

"I have to go talk to someone." Those were the first words I've said out loud since we got here. I know she was hoping for something more than that, but I didn't have it in me.

"Okay, baby. Stay in our eyesight, please," Usually, I wouldn't care to stay with the crowd since I was going to die anyway, but I didn't want to get murdered at my husband's funeral.

"I will," I replied before gently pulling my hand away from hers and making my way across the tent. My friends saw me move, so they naturally followed me. When I reached Ahna, she had tears rolling down her face. I threw my arms around her and pulled her to my chest. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Her tears soaked through my white shirt, but that was the least of my worries right now.

Ahna didn't have any other friends here. Hell, I don't know if she had many other friends back home. I wanted to go through this alone, but that doesn't mean she did. I should have contacted her sooner to see if she needed anything.

"Who's this?" Uraraka asked from behind me. I slowly pulled away from Ahna before stepping to the side so everyone else could get a better look at her. They didn't get to meet her the last time she was in town. I'm not sure if Kacchan ever told Kaminari about her, either.

"This is Ahna," I introduced. "She was Kacchan's best friend back in Matisha."

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss." Uraraka frowned.

"Wait, you're the one that worked at the bar, right?" Kaminari questioned. "You built Bakugo's awesome desk." That brought a small smile to her face, which made me smile softly too. At least Kacchan mentioned her to his friends.

"That's me." She replied as happily as she could.

"Did you want to go up and see him?" I asked. "I'll go with you." I offered. Despite standing in front of the coffin all day, I haven't looked at him. I had my back turned when the lid was opened, and I never bothered to turn around. If I had to see him lying there, I'd lose it all over again.

"No, I don't think I'll be able to handle it." She replied. "I know where his grave is now, so I'll come to visit him another time." She pulled her purse to the front of her body and pulled out an envelope. She handed it to me.

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