Eleven Months

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I let out a heavy sigh as I walked into the loud agency. The interns were running around and screaming, like they usually do. I get that kids are kids, but it would be nice to walk into a quiet agency sometimes. I guarantee Endeavors agency is nothing like this.

"Morning Deku!" Uraraka cheered happily as she landed next to me.

"Morning." I replied with a wide smile. "It's a little loud in here today." I cringed when I heard a loud boom from behind me. I turned to see the two youngest interns in a fistfight, again. Before I could say anything, one of the older interns walked over, stopping the fight.

"They remind me of you and Bakugo." Uraraka said with a small laugh as I shook my head in amusement. I slowly walked through the agency to my office in the back with my best friend following me. "How is it, by the way?" She asked suddenly when we entered my quiet, soundproof office.

"How's what?" I questioned in confusion as I took a seat behind my desk. Uraraka sat in the green plush chair opposite of me.

"Him living with you!" She exclaimed, all too happy.

"Did you tell Iida to offer it?" I questioned with a heavy sigh, already knowing the answer.

"Of course I did!" She said with a wide smile. "Come on! You're totally in love with him!"

"I don't do relationships." I let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through my messy curls.

"But if you did, I guarantee it would be with Bakugo." She replied with a mischievous grin.

"He's the one person I couldn't be in a relationship with." Her smile turned to a frown as she studied me carefully.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because we weren't meant for one another." I said with a frown. It wasn't a lie either, she just didn't need to know the context. I have maybe eleven months left to live. I won't be spending it by making somebody fall in love with me, just to destroy them in the end. I wasn't made for love.

"That's a lie and you know it!" She yelled defensively. "Don't think I didn't see you guys flirt through the last couple of months of school. I pay attention to absolutely everything."

"W-we weren't flirting." I mumbled in embarrassment. I didn't think we were flirting, but everybody else did. I thought Kacchan was just being friendly and nice.

"Yes you were!" She defended once more. I couldn't do this with her. I let her go because it was easier to let her live in her fantasy world, but I couldn't do this today.

"Your patrol starts soon." I informed as I looked down at the stack of papers on my desk. My patrol also started soon, and I was leaving early today. I was going to regret my decision when Tuesday rolled around, and I had double the paperwork to do since I didn't give myself any time to start shuffling through it today.

"So does yours." She reminded. "You could join us if you want to, so you're not patrolling alone. We'll just patrol both areas together." She offered, setting aside our previous conversation for the time being.

"I'm alright, thank you though. I'll patrol with you on Thursday like usual." I replied as a loud knock echoed on the door.

"I thought you didn't want anybody patrolling alone." She countered as she pushed herself from her seat, walking to the door.

"I'm not patrolling alone." I responded with a heavy sigh, already knowing who was standing on the other side of the door. She ripped it open with a huge grin on her face.

"Are you guys in the middle of something or can we get going?" Kacchan asked with a cocked brow, looking between Uraraka and me.

"We can go." I responded as my best friend sent me a knowing glare.

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