Aggresively Approaching

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"The results are back," Iida informed as he scanned the paper. "The blood belonged to both Tsu and Kirishima." I watched Hatari's hand reach out and give Kaminari's hand a gentle and reassuring squeeze.

"Did we get anything else from the scene?" I sighed.

"From the U.A. Killer, do we ever?" Kacchan scoffed. How can he be killing people so easily but not leaving a single clue of evidence behind? Nothing on the body and nothing at the crime scene.

I took a seat in one of the many chairs surrounding the large table in the center of the room. Going off on my own sounded better with every passing day. Monoma's coming home soon. I still don't think he's the U.A. Killer, but I can almost guarantee that the killings will start again when he gets home.

"Babe, you good?" Kacchan's loud voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I've been pretending I'm okay all day, but I'm not feeling that great today.

"Yeah, just a little off today." I shrugged.

"Do you want to go home?" He walked around the table and pressed his cold hand to my forehead. "You're a little warm."

"I'm not that warm." I turned my head to the side, forcing him to retract his hand.

"Yes, you are." He hissed before turning his attention to Uraraka and Iida. "What did you guys eat for lunch?"

"Iida and I had chicken curry. Deku had half of a salad." Uraraka flashed me an apologetic smile. "He never finished the other half."

"So all you've had in the last ten hours is half a granola bar and half of a salad?" He asked in disbelief.

"The doctor told me to eat light." I groaned. "I don't want to start even sicker."

"Eat less, but more often. Was there any meat in the salad?" He asked Uraraka. He knew I would lie, so he didn't even bother to ask me.

"No." She sighed.

"Come on. We're going home." Kacchan bent down and grabbed my wrist.

"I don't want to go home." I sighed. "I want to stay here." His red eyes locked with mine as I was pulled to my feet. His eyes were filled with rage and irritation. It was something I was getting used to seeing.

"I don't want to fight with you in front of our friends." He whispered. I didn't have to look around the room to know they were still staring at us. I could feel their gazes on the side of my head.

"Then don't." Kacchan let out a heavy sigh. The anger and irritation faded from his eyes. When they did, I realized how exhausted he looked. When I was up, he was up. And since I was up sick half the night, so was he. I let out a defeating sigh. I turned my wrist and pulled my hand out slightly to wrap my hand around his.

"Let's go take a nap, and then we can come back." He took a deep breath as relief washed over his body.

"You can nap while I make dinner."

"Why don't you guys take the rest of the day off?" Hatari asked. "Midoriya, you have an appointment in the morning. By the time you nap and eat dinner, we'll be on our way back anyway. We can talk more when we get there if you want, but there's no sense in you coming back out." Hatari has joined the group of people staying at my house. He doesn't stay every night, but he does stay two or three times a week. He crashed on the couch with Kaminari while Uraraka took the second bed in Iida's room.

"Are you guys sure?" I asked them. "I want to help wherever I can."

"You're no good to us when you're sleep-deprived, food-deprived, and running a fever." Uraraka scolded. "Go home."

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