a dream turns into a nightmare

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I start to feel sleepy as i let my mind open to relies its fantasy.

My mind goes into a deep sleep as a dream starts to form.

"Hey severus, may i ask you something " I asked , walking out of my room in snapes own house. The calender said 24 August.

" ofc my darling, what is wrong"
" I just wanted to know whether I can call you dad" I said shyly

severus his faced lit up, " yes I would very much like that, but only if you feel comfortable "
" ofc...dad :)" I said as the smile on my face grew.

A few days passed, nothing changed very much I kept calling severus dad . We even started saying I love you. My mental health got a lot better since severus started acting as my parent and took me in.

I was sitting on the couch when dad came home, he went out with bellatrix and narcissa. He drank a bit so he layed himself down next to me.

" Hey dad do you need a glass of water, I can get you an advil aswell"
I said while getting up and trying to help

" NO make yourself usefull and get me an anther bottle you pig"

I turn around as I see severus turning in my actual dad Derek. Just like the bogart
" what are you standing there, I said fetch me a bottle"

I stood there in shock not knowing what to do. When my dad Derek came running at me, " DID YOU NOT HEAR ME- YOU DUMB SLUT" he yelled as  he placed his hand around my throat chocking me

" I cant breath-- get off of me" I said as I kicked around. Eventually I managed to kick him off, I start running up and down stairs trying to loose him. I try to find my wand but its like it doesn't exist anymore.  I cant seem to do simple magic like moving the door open and close with a simple movement.

Most muggels fear of not being able to scream in such situations, wizards get scared of not being able to use magic.

I couldn't do anything, I was just a helpless muggel. I hide myself In the closet as I hear.
" come out come out where ever you are" . " you think I'm dumb don't you, I can see that ur in the closet. Don't make it harder then it already Is. I dont want to hurt you, but bad children need to be punished" He said.

He opend the closet and draged me on the bed. He pulled his pants down and ripped mine.
" No no don't PLS HELP HELP, get off of me pls get off of me".

Snapes pov:

I was in a light sleep when I started hearing screams and kicking. I ran to my room where y/n was sleeping. While holding my wand out.

I see y/n fight and screaming in her sleep. They are cover with sweat and look very scared.
" NO NO, get off of me" I hear her scream. They are having a nightmare again about their dad's abuse.

I try to wake them up by placing my hand op there shoulder.
They didn't wake up. I lay myself next to them wanting to hold her to remind her that she is save when...

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