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The school year was slowly coming to an end.
Nothing really happend anymore.
I Was still struggling but I've been asking for help.
Pancy, draco and I walked to divination class.
I'm not that big of a fan of this class, but I liked professor Trelawney. How she was unapologetically herself, not afraid to show her weirdness.

I almost feel asleep but draco kept waking me.
"Sorry" I say to him everytime.
Eventually class was over.
One of the students was sick and ran out. Dropping the crystal ball.
I picked it up.
And gave it to professor Trelawney.

"O thanks dear" she took the ball and touched my hand. All of a sudden her eyes changed. She was having a prophecy.
Her voice wad deep.

"The dark Lord is coming next school year! You will stand for a difficult choose. The risk your live and protect those of your friends by standing along with hogwarts or to give in to the darkness and survive along with you know who"
Her head falls back.

I grab her arm and images flash before my eyes.

The good side:
I fight along with hogwarts, I'm the emerald witch but im still me. I save my friends and end the regime of the dark Lord. I see images flashing of my friends being Hurt but in the end they smile at me. Were all laughing.

The bad side:
I see the emerald witch in all heat darkness. Fighting along with the dark Lord.
I see my dad next to me, he looks scared of me.
I use my powers to Hury the people I love. The images end , the last thing I saw was hogwarts falling into pieces leaving nothing but ruines.

My vision goes back to normal. As tears feel down my face.
I look in the professors eyes.
"Did I say something wrong dear?"
She looks shocked.
I let go of the crystal and walk backwards. I bumped into draco who was standing behind me.
"Y/n are you okay?" He placed his hands on my upper arm.

"I-... I have to go" I run the downstairs.
I wanted to cut so badly.

I used my powers to teleport to my dorm. I found pancy's potions knife and duplicated it.
I felt like I was suffocating. I don't want to be that!
I teleported to the bathroom infront of moaning myrtle.
"Aaa your back. Hehehe I knee you couldn't keep away" she says in her high pitched voice.

I getting frustrated I throw the knife through her. She gets startled and disappeared In the toilet.
I fall to my knees and just break.
I held my head in my hands and screamed at the top of my lungs.
"AHHHHHH" the scream breaks into outloud crying.

I crawl to grab the knife and roll up my sleeves. I was to lazy to even get into as stall.
I cut and cut. Blood gushed out and my cries turn silent.
I catch my reflection in to the mirror at the sinks.
But i don't see myself. I see the emerald witch. Destroying everything and everyone I love.

I scream again and thrown the knife at the mirror. It gets stuck right in the middle. Pieces break off and fall down. A few blood spatters are on it aswell.
" I don't want to be you!!!! I'm not you!!!" I scream again

I hear a sound and turn invisible.
Severus, draco and mcgonagall came running in.
"Nooo she-" I hear my dad say as he look at the blood dripping from the knife in the mirror.

"What exactly happend mister malfoy"
Mcgonagall asked.
I held my hand on my mouth so they wouldn't hear my cries.
I got up from the floor and moved in an open stall. The blood was visible om the ground.

"Professor Trelawney had some sort of prophecy. Both her and y/n got in a trance or something and she ran away crying"
Draco explained.
I moved my head out of the stall to see them. Minerva moved her hand on her mouth and gasped for air.
"I can't believe she relapsed" draco said quiet.
I can't believe it either. I hadn't self-harmed in so long. My dad and fred were helping me so much. Fred would take me out every Saturday to get my mind of off things.
And now I threw all my progress away.

I made a small crying sound but nobody heard
"Mister malfoy go tell Fred weasly and her friends to be on the look out for her"
Draco let out a tear and left.
I've barely seen him show emotions.
I felt like such a disappointment.
My dad took out the knife from the mirror. When moaning myrtle appeared.

"She threw it right at my head" she cried out.
"Myrtle did you see her leave?"
My dad asked.
She shook her head.
"But I've seen her do that. Multiple times actually"
She pointed to the blood pool and disappeared again.
My dad was moved to tears.
I crawl up In a bawl right outside the stall. Hoping they don't hear my cries.

Minerva held his arm.
"She"ll be alright severus I promise"
She comforted him.
He cries on her shoulders.
"I just wish she came to me"
Mirva hugged him and held her tears in aswell.
"I'm sure she wanted to but she just couldn't get this out of her head"
She was right.

I would have run to my dad but the urge was to big. The solution was in my head And I couldn't get it out.
There was no way of getting it out, the only way was to do it.

"And when she's gets the courage she will come to you" Mcgonagall continued.
I couldn't hold it anymore. My cries were heard.
Both my dad and minerva shifted in my direction. Looking around trying to find me.
"Y/n are you still here"
Minerva asked.

My cries continued.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
I say In-between breaths.
Occasionally I gasp for air as a weight sits on my chest.
I stil sit crawled up In a ball
Minerva pointed to blood drops next to me.
My dad walked closer to me. And reached out into nothingness. Until he finally hit my knee. The moment he touched me I turned visible.

My face is red and burns from all the cries.
Blood is on the floor my arms and dripped down to my knees.
My head felt light but my chest felt heavy.
I lift up my head and sit eye to eye with my dad who sat down on his knees.
Mcgonagall stood further behind him.
"I'm so sorry" I repeated again.
He embraced me in a hug, I wrapped my blood arms around him.

My breathing was still heavy as the images kept flashing through my head.
Everytime I saw her...the emerald witch in all her terror.  I flinched and my body wanted to crawl up and hide
My dad softly wisperd in my ears.

"Shh you're not her. You're not her. I'm here. Your safe"
I didn't even have to day what I saw, it's like he already knew everything.
Minerva walked closer and also sat down on her knees.
And held my hand.
Neither of them cared that the blood got om them all they cared about was me.

"I'm here to. Okay, we're both here" Minerva said to me.
My dad held on tight. The pressure on my chest was coming down.

"I-i don't feel great" my head is heavy to hold up.
It flops back and minerva held it.
My dad moved away from me and healed my arms.
"Let's get her to the your Chambers"
Minerva said to him.
He picked me up bridal style while minerva held my head. I could barely keep my eyes open. I didnt realise how deep I had cut.
I saw fred and draco running towards me.

"Y/n!!" Fred to me.
I give him a weak smile.
"I'm tired" my eyelids felt heavy.
I close them and heat minerva say.
"Boys let's give her some space I'll come and get you when she's better"
I felt my dad pick up the paste before I passed out.

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