im a death eater?!

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Yep I'm a death eater. My only purpose is to serve the dark Lord. Ow and also to kill Harry potter, who happends to be my friend.

"What did I get myself into" I let out a big sigh.
"Let's go back to hogwarts, we will talk about 'what you got yourself into' later" severus said. I didnt even realise I had said that outloud. We both sat on ower broom and flew back to the castle. We flew over this beautiful lake, but I was too sad to enjoy the view. Same goes for severus.
I hope I didn't make him too mad, I have never seen him so disappointed in me. Not even when he found me in a pool of my own blood.

When i got to the castle it was noon already, around 1pm. I felt lightheaded as soon as I landed. The whole time severus was gone I hadn't eaten. Even on my date with fred. I almost fell through my knees. Luckily severus didn't notice.
"I need to take care of something first, I'll come to your quarters after" I said to severus. I gave him my broom and ran to the gryfindoor commonroom.

I burst the door open, the only person I see is hermoine.
" y/n are you oke? How did it go, did you save professor snape" she asked curios.
I walked up to her and sat myself down on the couch infront of the fire place. I stared In the fire for a second and then asked hermoine to bring the rest of the group to me.
" y/n!! Tell us about your great adventures" George said as he came into the room. Everyone gathered around me.
"Are you oke" fred asked concerned. He sat himself down next to me.
"No I'm not oke, severus was oke. He didn't need saving, but now I do" I said while looking down. My voice cracked as I held in my tears.
"What do you mean?" Ron asked. Everyone came closer to hear my story.
" he...he made me a death eater" when I said those words, I look deep into Harry's eyes. Millions of emotions went through him.
After I took a breath I explained everything that happend.
"Y/n it's not your fault. I'm not mad, you didn't want this" Harry said. I was relieved he wasn't mad at me. I was trying to hold in my tears, the group decided it was best that I kept them informed of things that had to do with voldemort.

After that I ran out the room. As soon as I hoped the door, my tears came rushing out. My breather started to get heavier as i rushed through the hall.
I saw professor mcgonagall infront of me. I stil felt weak, I fell through my knees. I looked down to the ground trying to get my breathing undercontrole but it only got worse. Mcgonagall rushed to me as soon as I hit the ground. She helped me off the ground and into her private Chambers wich was close to the gryfindoor common I just came out off.
"Shh" she said trying to calm me as she placed me on a chair. I was to busy hyperventilating to notice how the room looked.
"Y/n my dear, try to follow my instructions " minerva said. She breathed in and out very loudly, I tried to follow her rythem. It took me awhile but i finnaly calmed down.
"What happend? Is severus oke?" She asked after I calmed down.
"Severus is oke, just very mad and disappointed in me" I said.

I wanted to explain but severus came busting in.
"Minerva have you seen-. Y/n come this instance we need to talk about this" severus said as he raised his voice. I got scared by the door slamming open, I do not like getting yelled at. I jumped to the otherside of the room, and placed my hands on my hears.
"Severus calm down, they just had a panick attack. And your not making it better. They only tried to rescue you, I know its dangerous but seeing that your oke means that she succeded" minerva said as she blocked severus's way so he wouldn't get to me.
I wasn't paying much attention to what was being said. I was trying to calm down again, and holding back tears.
"You don't know what happend minerva. I know they wanted to save me, and I'm grateful for how much she cares about me. She's a daughter to me. But I didn't need saving, they made her  a death eater minerva" severus said concerned, his voice calmed down. I slowly removed my hands from my ears, a tear escaped my eye. I saw minerva look at me, she was concerned and worried.

" I know I'm dumb oke, I just didn't want to lose you. Your the only stable thing in my life. When I woke up and you still weren't here, I panicked. I dont know how to live without you severus. This all sound pathetic but it's true. All my thoughts came running back, the second you where gone. Your my dad severus, I still haven't heard anything from my mom so as far as I know you might be the only thing I have. I'm sorry I disappointed you, I even disappointed myself. Hell I disappointed everyone, Harry, hermoine... every single person that gives a fuck about me" I stared severus in the eyes as I said those words, tears came running down. I saw him drop his guard, so did minerva. Severus came walking towards me, and gave me a gentle hug .
"I'm sorry I yelled, I know you don't like it. We will work this through oke"
Severus dried my tears with his sleeves. Minerva looked at us with a warm smile. After a little while, me and severus walked to Dumbledore's office to tell him the news.
After he was informed Dumbledore send me back to the quarters. While he and severus had a talk the only thing i saw was that Dumbledore gave him a letter, and told him to wait a few days.

I waited patiently in his quarters.
When he came in I immediately asked.
"What was that about?"
"It was nothing, albus was just concerned about you " he replied. I knew he was lying but I couldn't push the truth out of him so I let it slide.
"I guess I won't attend any classes today" I asked him while looking at the clock its almost 3 pm already.
"I think its best you won't, im sorry
y/n" severus answered.
"It's fine, I wasn't feeling up to it anyway" I said as I walked away into the bathroom. I had to stop for a minute, my eyes went black. I forgot I still hadn't eaten anything.
"Y/n you oke?" Severus asked concerned.
"I'm fine" I said as I walked up to the bed. I just layed myself down. I was a bit exhausted. Probably from using my "powers" and the fact that i haven't eaten anything.

After an hour or so of laying awake, I fell in a deep sleep...
A dream started to form again.
"Y/n, my powerfully follower. Its your turn" voldemort said.
I walked forward into the middle of the battle field.
"It's time I show you what I can do"
My body got surrended by green particals. The same way my hands and eyes glowed. I started lifting in the are.
I flew around and threw energy balls, I hit neville first.
"Ow oops, I killed the weak one" I went on and killed alot more. I landed on the floor and walked up to fred.
"Y/n this isn't you pls stop this, I love you" I heart skipped a beat, my eyed stopped glowing and I went back to who i really am.
"Fred help me , he's controlling-me " as soon as I let out those word my eyes started glowing again.
"Ow y/n you can't escape me, now continue your task" voldemort said.
I went on and killed everyone I cared about. There was 1 person left. Severus...I raised my hand as I trew a energy ball at him. The ball flew closer and closer it was about to-

"AHHHHH!!" I screamed and woke up.
"Y/n are you oke?!" Severus said as he came rushing in.
"My dream, the dark Lord he- he made me kill everyone. I even killed you" I as as crawled into a ball in his arms. I let out a sob. Severus calmed me down and gave me a dreamless potion, he stayed by my side until I fell asleep.

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