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This time I'm going to make an end to it.

Third person pov:
Professor Minerva mcgonagall was having a normal breakfast in the dinning Hall, watching over all the students. Minerva noticed y/n came in with the weasly twins, and she didn't look so happy. Her eyes were kind off puffy. Eventhough y/n occasionally gave a smile, minerva knew y/n's pain to notice that she wasn't alright.
Y/n wasn't having any lunch.
"I must inform severus about this, the poor girl is starving" mcgonagall thought to herself. She knew of the struggles y/n has, and she has grown to care very much. She didn't just care like she did for any other student, she cared as if it was personal.
Y/n started crying, minerva noticed but didn't want to intrude. When y/n ran out the dinning Hall, minerva got even more worried. She looked at the twins and y/n's friends. They shared to same concerning look like minerva did. They all waited a minuted, wanting to give y/n space but after a little while fred followed after her, and so did minerva.

They didn't know where to go, Fred took out his map it showed y/n was in the bathroom. Fred stood infront of the bathroom, asking himself whether  it be appropriate to go in. After a few seconds he went in.
"Y/n? I know your in here" Fred said.
Less than a second minerva followed him in. Fred started opening all the bathroom doors, eventually he found  y/n. Coverd in blood lying sitting on the floor, barely awake.
"Y/n!!!!!" Fred screamed out. He fell to the ground and placed his hands on her wrist to stop try and stop the bleeding.
Minerva rushed to him.
"O my lord!" She pushed him aside, "go get severus snape now!!" She screamed at Fred.
He started to run through the hallways with blood on his hands.......y/ns blood. The person he fell in love with.

Minerva rapped some toilet paper around y/n's wrist. Waiting for severus to come and use his spell, to then take her to the infirmary.
"Ow y/n why do you do this to yourself " minerva said quietly.
"Let me die" y/n whisperd.
Minerva didn't understand what she said and respond, "hold on dear, just hold on severus is coming " a tear escaped minerva's eyes as y/n spoke again.
"I said let me die!!" Y/n screamed at minerva. As soon as those words left y/ns mouth mcgonagall realised that she didn't cut too deep by accident.
Severus and Fred came back in.
Severus's face froze when he saw y/n lying on the floor In her own blood once again. He held on to the stall as the sight was alot to take in.
He bended down to y/n's and minerva's level, taking out his wand.
Although y/ns sight was getting more and more blurry. She released that severus was going to heal her.
"No get away from me!!! Let me die!"
"My mother died...and its my fault! So let me die!" she started to kick around while lying in her own blood, her screams were so loud, but her body was exhausted. It didn't take long for y/n to pass out.

Severus finally got the opportunity to use his spell. He removed the toilet paper, which minerva coverd her arms in. Seeing to big cuts on her arms, moved severus to tears. He started to sob and let out a gasp. He didn't only see cuts that were bleeding right at this moment. But he saw the cuts she had made about am hour ago. Minerva held on to severus when she noticed, Fred was on the ground sobbing and praying that y/n will be oke.
"Pls y/n, pls be oke. I love you pls..." Minerva went over there to comfort him the best she could, while severus took out his wand. He placed it close to her arm, and casted out the spell. A bit of blood went back into her body, the wounds started to close and formed massive scars. He repeated this on her other arm.
Fred was staring down at his bloody hands and then back to y/n, his body was shaking. Minerva helped the boy up, while severus picked y/n up bridal style. They rushed down the hallway into the infirmary.

Severus immediately called out for madam pomfrey, he placed her down on the bed. Fred sat down on a bed next to y/n's. Still shaking while staring down at his bloody hands. Madam pomfrey placed a blood bag, on y/n. There wasn't much that she could do, except wait for y/n to wake up.

Severus pov:

I sat myself down on y/n's bed. I was crying, I usually don't like to shown vulnerability but I couldn't hold my self back. I held y/n's hand, I looked back to see that that weasley boy was still here. He was in shock, minerva held him and cleaned the blood of off him. Minerva send the boy out, gave him the day off while she was going to inform albus. Now it was just me and y/n alone.
"Pls my dear wake up, I can't loose you" I said to her. But no movement.
I went away for a moment to get all the blood of off me. I run a cold shower, and just stand there. Seeing the water turning red and going down the drain. I didnt want to loose y/n, ever. She's my daughter.

I went back to the infirmary, madam pomfrey made a bed right next to y/n. I wasn't planning on leaving y/n alone. Alot of her friends came, left cards and candy. That weasley boy didn't want to leave her side, but in the evening every student must go to their common room. And form him, it was no exception. I could see he loved her very much, and I believe y/n does the same. Even on her bad days, she Always managed to smile whenever he said something kind to her.
Eventually the boy left, leaving beautiful flowers behind. Y/n's favourite, although she could never keep them alive. I placed the flowers in a beautiful pot and gave them some water to place beside the bed. I stared at y/n the whole time I tried to go to sleep. Checking her breathing, and think off all that I want to do with her. Things to experience.....I want to adopt her.

Author: Hey everyone, sorry for waiting on the chapter. I wanted to finish the story before the end of August( so I have time to focus on school), but it seems I won't finish it so soon. I will continue writing, but the start of school might slow things down some more...or not bc I hate school but we will see. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this (short) chapter.

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