the battle of hogwarts

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I watch out the window of the infirmary we set up. Along side with fred. Flaires where being shot at the shield. Trying to break it up.

"Go" I say to fred.
I hold out my hands up to the sky again. Trying to hold it up.

Every shot that fired at it took a piece of my energy. I couldn't hold it long.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"You can't hold it off" I reconize my dad's voice.
"Harry needs time" I struggle to keep standing on my legs.
Eventually I had to let go.
I fall to my knees. The second I let go, the shield broke.

"The battle has begun" I hear madam pomfrey say.
My dad pulls me up in a hug.

Injured people are already starting to come in.
I look around to find my dad but he's gone.
"Y/n! I need help" madam pomfrey yelled for me.

I use my powers to heal them, some of them go back out. But some of them never leave.
The bodies are put aside. I look over and see tonks and remus. I run over to team. I use all my power to heal them but they are gone. Leaving their child as an orphan.

Tears stream down my face. But I must help the once I can safe.
I run around for god knows how long when my body collapses to the floor.
I see images for my eyes, of my dad. Dying. It's like my soul was broken into pieces.

I teleport to him and see Harry taking his tears.
I sink to my knees.
"Y/n" my father smiles at me. While I break down in tears. "You will not die you hear me!"
I take a breath and activate my powers again.
Green particles seround my body.
My hand glow and I place them on the wound in his neck.
I feel the poison inside.
"Hermione, bottle"

She takes out a bottle.

I'm able to get the poison outside his system and move it into he bottle.
"You are going to be okay" I say in tears.
I heal his wound. And the green particles in the room dime out as I stop using my power.
"You don't get to die, I still need you" I smile at my dad.
He moves his arms slowly to my face in pain and wipes my tears.

When another ringing in my ears form.
"You've fought valiantly, but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose your dead with dignity."

Voldemort voice spoke.
"Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. Om this night, you have allowed your friends to die from you, rather than face me yourself. There is no gather dishonor. Join me in the forbidden forest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me." The voice stops. I help my dad up. He's still weak.

"We need to get my dad to the infirmary" it wasn't smart to teleport him so we walk slowly.
We walk in and madam pomfrey takes my dad.
The whole room is filled with bodies.

I see molly crying and Ron running into George arms. I walk over to them.
"What happend?" I ask them.
Molly walks over to me.
She places her 2 hands on me.
"I'm so sorry dear" she had tears in her eyes.
I look to my side and see Fred's body. I collapse to the ground.
I turn on my powers and I try to heal him. But nothing works.
"He's gone y/n" I break in tears.
As Ron told me that.

My powers don't turn of, I feel myself spiraling again.
My body starts hyperventilating.
"Y/n?" I hear my dad say.
I felt rage grow inside me. I felt like I could kill voldemort, actually kill him.

"I need to get out of here " I say in a panic.
I teleported to idk where. I needed to get away, away from people.
I felt like I was going to explode.
I look around to check my surroundings.

I was near an abandoned building. Nobody was here. No animals no person's. No muggles nearby.

I let myself go.

My body rises up in the air. As my powers littlerly explode around my.
A green beam shoots and and around me. While the rage keeps building.

 While the rage keeps building

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I see green. All I see is green. My powers take control over me and eventually I fall down to the ground.
A piece of glass lies infront of me.
I look at my reflection.

I look completely different.
My hair had a green streak in it.
I had some sort of crown on my head and my clothing was different.
But that's not the part I do not recognise. My eyes still had a glow in them but what was behind them was the parts that's different.

All I saw was anger inside. I was a completely different person. I saw then emerald witch consume me. The anger consumed me. I break down in tears and lay down on the ground.

If I don't stop it right now, the prophecy might come true. I will become darkness...

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