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A week has passed. It's Sunday, the day.

The day we need to kill Dumbledore.
I need to get up to the astronomy tower, but I can't. I'm in the restroom having a panick attack.

I'm not a killer i can't do this.
I take my potions knife again and cut into my legs.
Until the panick stops.
I gather the courage and walk up to the astronomy tower.

I see Dumbledore standing at the edge. While draco is in tears and his his wand pointed to him.

"I finally I thought you wouldn't show up" bellatrix said.
She really is mental.
I go stand next to draco and push his wand down.
"I cant let you do this" I say mentally to him.
"I cant let him make you a killer"

I step forward and take my wand out.
"Ooo she's doing it" bellatrix said while clapping her hands.

"I'm sorry sir"
I use my magic to show him the best moments of his life.
His private life and his life as a teacher.
"I promise you won't feel a thing"
I was crying. Dumbledore closed his eyes.

"Avada kedavra" severus cut me off.

He killed his best friend? So I wouldn't be a killer?

Dumbledore falls backwards.
It feels like slow-motion.
Thr last look on his face was a smile.
A smile I gave him bc of his memories.

"Really severus, you couldn't give your daughter her moment to shine"
Bellatrix disappeared.
Leaving me, draco, severus and harry?
Harry walked up behind me in shock.

"You were going to kill him!"
Harry basically screamed at me.

He was going to walk away but I stopped him with my magic.
He looked shocked at me.
"You need to know everything" I said out crying.

I show him my memories of the meeting. Where voldemort told me my task. I show my dad making the unbreakable vow. And i show him the talk with Dumbledore from a week ago.

He knew everything right now.
I was crying he was crying, and draco ran off crying.

I stop using my magic allowing Harry to move.

But he just stands there staring at me.
And I stare at the ground.
He was right I was going to kill him.
I was going to become what voldemort wanted me to become.
I was becoming what I feared of myself.

I looked behind me and see that my dad disappeared.
I look back at Harry and he grabs my hand and drags me downstairs.
Outside of the building we're everyone is standing looking at Dumbledore's body.

"We need to tell them" Harry whisperd to me.
We both put our wand up in respect. Harry runs to the weaslys and hermoine and luna.

I run to mcgonagall
"Minerva" I say in tears to her.
"O my dear" she hugged me.
"You need to come with me"
I grab her hand and follow behind Harry and the rest.

We go into a private room.
Minerva looked really confused when Harry said "show them what you showed me"
I was still in tears.
I show everyone in the room everything I showed Harry, but also what happend in the astronomy tower.

After reliving everything, I break down to the floor.
Gasping for air in-between my cries.
I look up at everyone and see that they are in shock.
Mcgonagall bowed down to my level.
"I-im i-" I couldn't say anything.
She hugged me And held me for idk how long.

I cried into her arms. Completely broken. Madam pomfrey walked in and saw me broken on the floor.
Minerva looked up for s moment and said.
"Poppy could you go and try to find mister malfoy " she nods and does so.
The sight of me crying must not be unusual since our headmaster just died.

"I-i-I dont- idk where- my dad is"
I say almost hyperventilating.
I fine got myself to look up at everyone's faces. I thought they would be mad, but they looked more sympathetic and worried than mad.

"I'll go look for him in a second. But first you need to calm down" minerva said in her calm voice.
Fred came to My level aswell.

"We are not mad oke. I told you to do everything you needed to to survive. And you were just going to do that"

"Your not mad?"
I look at Harry specifically, knowing he just lost is godfather aswell.
"Noo I'm not mad. I'm not mad at you and I'm not mad at your dad. He saved you and did what Dumbledore asked him to. He is a very brave man. And you are just like him" Harry said trying to comfort me.

Madam pomfrey runs in in shock.
"There is something with draco"
For somereason my instict just kicked in. I got up and we all followed behind madam pomfrey.

I saw draco on the bathroom floor. With cuts all over his arms.
"Stay behind" I say to the rest .
They shouldn't see this.

I go sit next to draco.

Pls I can't lose you

My eyes start glowing and so do my hands. Madam pomfrey we standing next to me with supplies.
I put my hands over his arms and the blood returns back  into his body.
The wounds closed up leaving big scars close to the dark mark.

He tried cut it out, just like I did.
The glow in my eyes disappeared and madam pomfrey comes close to me
"How did you-'
She opend up a battle and poured it down into dracos  mouth.
Causing him to cough and waking him up.
I wipe away my tears.


Minerva's pov:

While madam pomfrey and y/n are helping mister malfoy. I decided to go look for severus.

I found him out by the lake.
"Severus " I say calmly.
"Minnie- I can explain "
Severus was I tears.
"You don't have to y/n showed me. She's alright rn" I walk up to him and hug him.
He broke down.

"I killed him" he said in tears.
I stayed with him until he calmed down.
"I know you won't like it but. We are in charge now. We have to gather the students"

Severus collected himself and we walked back into the building.

I'm the headmaster now...

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