a fun day

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" Hey you want to do something?" I asked to change the subject
" sure I don't have to teach for another hour " severus responded.
" come on then" I say as I put on a sweater and grab severus hand.
I rush him through the halls, I started to giggle to the idea I had in my head

" y/n wait, what are we doing"  he said as i kept pulling on his hand. I saw a big smile on his face. I love it when he's happy.
We walk up to the frozen lake, eventho it was September, do to climate change and just cold weather in England the lake was already frozen.
" what are we doing here?" Severus asked
" just follow me lead" I say as I take my first step on the ice. I almost fell it made me and severus laugh so hard it hurt. I hold out my hand to help him on the ice. He took my hand and and he took the first step. Immediately falling to the ground, as he took me with him. We both fell om out bum. Laughing so hard, while still holding his hand.

We both stand up as severus asks.
" what are we doing exactly".
" just having some fun severus, after last week you deserve a break. And we could both use some happiness " I say with a smile on my face.
" I haven't seen you like this in awhile, you look so happy" he said as he stated in my eyes
" yea well ig punching someone helps " I say as a joke, but honestly it did feel great.
We stayed on the ice for a while. Dancing , laughing and lot of falling.
I started to get cold so we walked back inside.

We bumped into professor magonagall. " you too looked like you had fun"
"Yes we did we really did" severus said as he looked at me with his arm rapt around my neck.
" I love seeing you two this happy. Seeing the glinsters in your eyes" she said
" thank you professor" I responded with a smile.
" I think its time you called me minerva some of my friends even call me Minnie." She responded with a kind smile.

We walked back into severus's quarters. Lunch already passed but he made me another sandwich before he left to teach.
Today was such a good day I didn't want to make a  problem about food, so I took smal bites until the sandwich was finished. After I finished eating I got bored so I decided to go to Dumbledore's office to ask about my mom
"Exusme headmaster" I say as I enter.
" a y/n I'm assuming you are here to ask about your mother" he said, I simply nod my head.
"Well I'm sorry to say that I haven't hear back from the ministry yet" he could see the disappointing look on my face." Just as I told severus, I will let you know as soon as I find something out"
I left the office disappointed. I went back to the quarters, ig I'll call it my quarters aswell bc I will be staying for awhile. When I entered the room I decided to leave a note.

I went to the astronomy tower to take a moment alone, but feel free to join me when you can
- y/n

Author: I'm sorry for another short chapter. I thought both y/n and severus deserved a little break from all the trauma :). But the story is not finished yet so who knows what's to come.

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