happily ever after

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*1 year has passed*

I was the new D.A.D.A teacher at hogwarts. My dad gave the position to me, he believes i deserve it more. Its weird being called a professor while I'm only 19. It's also weird working with my dad. But I love that i get to see him so much.

I'm writing a book about my powers so that someday someone els with my abilities can use it as a guide. I planning to write a muggle version, they would just think of it as fairytale.

Today was a Saturday, I was meeting draco.
So I got dressed up nicely and we meeted at hogsmade.
I saw draco sitting on a bench, he looked so grown up.

I walk over to him and immediately hold him.
"It's good to see you again draco" I say in his ear.
"So how is everything going with you professor snape?" Draco said laughing.
I give him a little bump against his shoulder.
"It's going great, I really understand why my dad was so done with the students. Especially the 3rth years" I laugh.
We walk over to 3 broomsticks and sit down for a beer. We mostly catch up on life.

It felt really great to talk to him. I miss him alot. I like him alot...
"I see your not wearing Fred's necklace anymore?" Draco asked.

"I loved him very much but I can't keep holding on to him. He told me it was okay to move on so I am. But I still keep the necklace in my chamber's " I explained to him.
Draco smiled at me.
"So you found someone?" He said looking down.

"I think I'm looking at him" draco looks up shocked.
"If you want to try? Your one of my bestfriends and I think I really like you" I say looking down. Draco has been an amazing friend to me. He knows all my struggels and never looked at me differently. He was the only one who know my pain from being a death eater. The mark has faded but i can never forget what voldemort made me do to that man. And wanted to me to do, to Dumbledore.

"Yes" draco took my hands "I like you too" he smiled at me.
"So y/n snape, do you want to go on a date with me?"
I laugh at the way he said it, so proper and official.
"Rn?" I ask him.
"Why not" draco smiles.
"Can you wait one second"
I run into the toilet and teleported back to hogwarts. I change into nicer clothes and get back.

I walk out of the batroom and draco was waiting for me.
"Wow, wardrobe change. So it's serious" draco said with a smile.
I felt him look at me up an down.
"So what date are we having mister draco malfoy" I say in the same proper voice and take his arm.
"It's nice weather, why don't we make it a picnic" he smiles at me.

We went outside to buy some fruits and cakes.
I was waiting in the bakery when draco went to buy something.
I walk outside with the cakes and raco had flowers in his hands.
"I'm not really a flowery girl but I love the gesture" I take them with a smile.
"I wasn't sure so I aslo bought a few crystals"
I look in shock at the bag.

"I like these much better" I smile big.
Draco laughed cutely.
"I also got a blanket, now we just need a place to sit"
"I know one" I said exited.
I grab draco's hands and teleport us to the location.

It was this field with some beautiful flowers and it had a river down below, the river shined as the light danced on in. It was so peaceful out here. Thats why I loved it.

"Warning next time" draco said to me before standing in aw. He looks around the landscape. "It's beautiful"
"Let's sit down at the river" I take his hand and we walk through the field.

Butterflies flew between us. The trees were tall and green. The flowers were bright yellow and smelled wonderfull.

(Wish I could enjoy the smell but no I'm allergic ugh)

As we walk down to the river you could hear the water running.
Draco layed down the blanket.

We stayed for hours and enjoyed the food.
I took of my shoes and stood in the river. "The water is wonderful! Come on" draco walks closer and I set a step back, slipping over a rock.

I only fell backwards a little when draco immediately grabbed my hand. And pulled me in his arm.
"You safed me" I smile at him.
I lock eyes with him and see the sun glitter in them. I knew I fell in love with him that second.

Draco safed me, just like fred saved me when I feel from the astronomy tower. And my dad saved me multiple times. They safed me. He...safed me.

"It was just some water" draco had a mischief smile and let me fall gently on my butt in the water.

I laugh and kicked water in his face.
"Hey!" He yells.
I pul him I'm and together we lay in the river soaked.
We laugh up at the sky.

After a while it was getting dark so draco walked me back to the castle.
We stand before the hogwarts entrance.
"It was really fun draco, we should do this again" I smile at him.

He stands close to me. I felt his breath on my skin. There were only inches in between us.
"Kiss me" I say to him.
And draco gently puts his lips on mine.

I didn't realise how much I loved draco already. I thought of all the fun times we had together, or the less fun times were he was there for me.

"We are definitely doing this again" I laughed.

Author: omg after almost a year the story is finished!!
And y/n is with draco?!
I wondered if anyone of you wants a second book on this one about draco's and y/n's relationship?

I just uploaded the beginning of a new criminal minds story. So you can read that if you want.

The future holds more stories I promise. I'd love to know what you guys want to read.

Thanks for all the support xxx

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