a date?

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I woke up early around 7, I needed to make sure i had enough time, to go take to Fred before class.

I went into the bathroom, changed clothes. It was a slytherin shirt with long sleeves. And some jeans. I never wore those skirts they gave us. I'm not so girly, I think dresses and stuff are pretty but not for me. I just feel uncomfortable in them, especially now since my body is coverd in cuts that are still healing. I have cut in like what? 2 days now? And it sucks. I mean yesterday was great and all, just today sucks. I didnt sleep great, and it seems my thoughts are already active.

" Hey sev" I say grumpy. "Goodmorning darling" he answered.
"Right a 'good' morning " I whisperd.
" is everything oke, you have bags under your eyes. And I heard you woke up at 3 am" he asked concerned.
" I'm fine severus, you just didn't give me a dreamless potion. That's all" I say as I whipe my eyes.
" o God, did you have a nightmare again? Why didn't you wake me?" He added.
" ye, it's just this time it was diffrent" I sat myself down at the table to explain.
" at first it started like usual, my dad who is abusing me and stuff. Like the memories you saw. But then it was diffrent, I was ontop of the astronomy tower. And I jumped. Nobody cathed me. Everyone was watching and just laughed. And I felt my body hit the ground. After that I woke up" I said.

Severus didn't say anything, he just gave me a hug. Somehow it was all that I needed. " it felt so real" I say when I start to cry. Severus just hugged me tighter, as he stoked my hear.
" oke I'm good now, sorry" I say as I pull away and wipe my tears.
" sweetheart there is so need to apologise" he added.
After I wiped all my tears I say " well today is off for a good start" in a very sarcastic tone.

Severus didn't know what to answer.  He gave me a plate of food, it only had a small portion on it.
" y/n I know you've had a rough morning. But could you eat pls" severus said. I really didn't want to eat, it's just if I keep eating inforont off him, he will belief he cured me. And then I can keep him happy.
I know he cares about me but nobody wants someone who's broken.
I took small bites, eventually my plate was empty.
" I know how hard this is for you, I'm really proud of the progress you made" severus said as he leaned in for a hug.
"Thanks severus, I'm going off to find Fred now. I'll see you later" I said as I walked out.

I felt so quilty about eating. I ran to the perfects bathroom, I stuck my finger down my throat. Trying to puck. After awhile the food came out of my throat. I kept ans kept trying until my stomach was empty. I got up and washed my hands and face.
" severus can never know" I say to myself.

I calmed down and walked out of the room like nothing happend. I went out to the courtyard trying to find Fred.
" ow hi y/n, how are you doing" I heard someone say. I turn around and see one of the weasly twins. I state at them for a good second " ow George, hi. Have you seen fred" I answer, I avoided his question about my well being. " ow he's over there, and how did you know I wasn't fred" he answered. " thanks and eem I don't really know it's just you look the same but still diffrent yk" I answered as I walked away.

I ran over to fred, first thing I did was giving him a hug. " y/n , nice to see you too" he said as he laughed.
" as much as I like it, what is this for" he added. " I didn't thank you yet...for saving me" I explained. I slowly let go of him.
" I don't know how I can make it up to you"  I added.
" well then go out with me" he said, I looked shocked. I didnt think anyone would want to go out with me.
" ow sorry, you don't have to ofc " he added shyly.  "So like a date " I asked.
" ye ye ig but it doesn't have to be of you don't want to" he was very kind and considered. " I would love to fred, so where do we go"  I asked.
" why don't we go out later for dinner, and get some butter beer or something " he said.
" sounds like a great idea, let's me here. At 5pm. See you then" I said as I winked at him.

Why did I do that ugh I'm so pathetic.
Class was about to start, but i wanted to tell severus the news first.

I ran throught the hall ways. Into potions class. " severus severus!!!" I yell out.
"Guess what!! Fred asked me out on a date!! Tonight!" I explained.
I was smiling as I have sev a hug. " ow y/n I'm so happy for you. But if anything goes wrong you come to me" he said.
" I know"

The day went on, I went to all my classes. Today was the first day I attended them all. The clock hit 5pm. I  ran out to the courtyard. I wore something like this.

I was waiting for fred to come

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I was waiting for fred to come. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I quickly turned around scared. My fist was next to his face. " ow God I'm sorry, I almost hit you. I'm so sorry" I yelled out. " it's fine I shouldn't have sneaked up to you like that. I can understand it can frighten or even trigger some people " he said apologetic. He understood? And he didn't even know anything I've been through.  I mean he must know I've been abused, when I stayed at his place I was still full of cuts and bruises.

" are you ready, my lady" he said as he bowed down. " yes my lord" I answered. We both started laughing. I held his hand and we started running out off hogwarts. We found a nice cafe.
"Ow the sign says no under age kids welcome " I say to fred.
"I thought of that" Fred took out 2 bottles of an aging potion. " it only work an hour"  he gave me the potion.
"Well bottoms up then"  I chuck the potion down, as it leaves a bad taste on my tong. We both aged up about 10 years.

We walked In an sat ourselves down at a table for 2.
" welcome, how can I help"
A waitress said as she walked up to our table " a Butter beer for me" I said.
" make it 2, and could you give me a burger aswell" fred said. He looked at me waiting to order some food. " eem that will be it" I say. " oke coming right up" the waitress said.

"Your not going to eat anything?" Fred asked concerned. " I will just not rn I'm not hungry yet" I said with a smile.
We drank our butter beer and talked. About school and about the future. Fred told me that he and George want to start their own shop.
" I think that's a great idea, you and George already sell alot of candy and fun things at school. I'm sure you guys will be successful" I say.
I look at Fred's eyes and see his face shift. " eem fred I think the potion is working out"
" run" he said. I place cash on the table and we both run out the cafe.

When we finally stopped running, I looked at him and we laughed so hard. " this was really fun" I remarked.
" ye I would love to do this again" he spoke out. " well it doesn't have to be over yet" I say. We walked around for another hour. We lost track of time

" we should be going now " I look at my watch and it said 8 pm. " o shit". I grab Fred's hand as we run back to the castle. " why are we running " he asked.
" its already 8pm, we were supposed to be back at 7."
" shit indeed" fred replied.

We ran back to the castle, from all that running I started to feel light headed.
" y/n are you oke" fred asked concerned. " ye I'm fine, I'm not used to running this much " I say as I let out an awkward laugh.

" I guess I'll see you another time, goodnight y/n" fred said
I left to go to the quarters, I was so moonstruck idk how to explain it, today was alot of fun.
I walk in still feeling dissy.
" I'm sorry I stayed away so long" I say as I walk in. No-one was there.
I see a note on the table.

Lord voldemort had summoned me, I'm sorry y/n. I hope you had a great date. Don't stay up, I'll be back soon I promise.

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