Harry's plan

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The first week was done, it was now weekend.

Harry planed on teaching the students some more defensive spells to use when voldemort attacks.

He asked me if I could help him so I did.

"We know voldemort is going to attack, he wants to get the prophecy to see how he beats Harry or if he doesn't how to stop it. We have to do everything to get that prophecy before him" I explained

"But there is a big chance that we will run into the dark lord" Harry added

"How do you know all this"
Someone asks, I awkwardly look around to Harry and fred.

"I had a vision of him attacking mister weasly trying to find the prophecy " Harry explained.

Fhew I didn't want the whole 5th year to know that me or my dad are death eaters.
I took thankfully over to Harry and fred starts to rub my back making me relax a little more.

"So what are you teaching us"
Cho asked.

"Both Harry and y/n are masters in spells and charms.
We will teach you stuff like the patronus charm. Reducto, experilarmus and so on" hermione explained

"Can you really teach us the patronus charm?" Luna asked.

"Harry used it before, he knows how"
I added

Weeks and weeks went by teaching the a group of both 5th and 6th years the spells.

Harry and I were having a private conversation.

"Harry you can't forget that you and voldemort have a connection, are you still practicing your ocilemecy?"

"Yes but I'm not so great at it"
Harry said.

"I'll try to help.

Oke image a box in your hands. A box with about 100 hundred locks. Very strong"

I say looking at Harry.
"Now open that box"
Harry was looking at his hands trying to imagine it.
"Oke good, try to put all the memories that come to mind in that box. Visualize rhe memories going in the box"

Harry does what I says.
"Oke now close it. And every single day, you put more and more memories in it, until they are all locked away"

"Thanks y/n I hope it works"
I hope so 2

"Harry, you can't forget that voldemort is going to use your connection to get the prophecy. If you ever have another dream hear a voice or whatever. Tell me, he might be luring you"

I hold out my pincky wanting to him to pincky swear. And so he did.

I went back to hang out with severus before going back to teach some more spells.
"Why are you always gone?" He asked.

"Eem well ron is failing almost every class so I'm trying to help him a bit"

"Ow don't you need a classroom for that?"
"Probably but I'm just teaching him history right now. So he can't blow anything up yet"

I say out laughing.

More and more weeks past, the end of the school year is getting closer and closer.

When I was alone with Just luna the golden 3 and the weasly's and neville.
I had to tell then something.

"I got summond yesterday, it won't be long till he attacks"

"Can't we tell the minster, we can't take him on our own" neville asked.

"No the minster still doesn't believe that's he's back"  Harry explained, sadly it's true. Even when mister weasly was attacked they don't believe its him.

"He won't be alone" I went on to explain
"We're not alone either " Ron said corgouges

I was getting nervous so I sighed. Apparently I was louder than I thought.

"What's wrong?" Luna asked.

"I cant be there when it happens. If voldemort sees me on the opposite side I'm done for. And what if he wants me to fight against you guys?"

Every since I was first summond I've been having nightmares, of me the emerald witch fighting along with the dark Lord himself. Hurting everyone I love.

"You teached us everything we need to know. We will be fine" George said.
"And if you end up on the opposite side, you will do everything you need to do to survive " fred followed.

Everyone was so kind, but I was still scared to death.

"Do we knew when he's going to attack?" Ginny asked.

"Harry will be the first to know"
Everyone turned around and looked worried at him.

God knows what can happen...

Autor, this one is short but the next chapter is a follow up so I might publish them together.
Also umbridge isn't in the story bc we'll nobody likes the pink bitch

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