back to class

361 9 1

A few days have passed.

And I'm waiting in the great hall for my friends to arrive again, together with neville.

Neville storms himself on luna, and I on fred.
"I missed you" I say as I hug him so tightly.
I could see luna was waiting for her hug, so I backed away from fred and moved on to her.

Harry, hermoine, ron and George also walked in and we all took turns with the hugs.

"So I guess the holidays are officially over" I say as I sit down on at the table. They arrived right on time for lunch.
"Y/n are you nervous, to fully attend all classes again" hermione asked
"And for your dorm" Ron added
Fred but his hand on my knee for comfort .
"Eem ye a little bit, the teachers know I was gone for private reasons. But I'm kinda nervous for what the students will say" I explained

"Well draco seemed to be having your back" Harry commented

"Ye, he's a nice guy once you understand that he didn't want any of this either. You should give him a chance."
I went on to explain that I'm not that nervous about the dorms, because I already know pancy and well she's friends with draco so that will be fine.

Dumbledore started to do his whole welcome back speech.

And after lunch was done, everyone went to their dorms to unpack.
I hadn't unpack either bc I didn't know who wanted which bed.

I walked in to the dorm and immediately asked
"Hey so I'm y/n, I didn't know which bed you guys had already claimed before I joined to dorm so I hadn't unpacked yet"

"Honestly for me it doesn't really matter. Which bed did you sleep in" pancy asked. I pointed to the bed and she allowed me to keep it.

The other girl didn't really say anything so I decided to introduce myself.
"Hi I'm y/n snape. What's your name?"

She turns around and looks at me.
"Sorry I don't really talk alot, I'm vera"
She turned around again, and was unpacking.

I decide to do so aswell.
"Y/n I didn't know you were a snape" pancy said.
I decide not tell that I was only just adopted and just said "ye"

We received our new timetables.
I barely had any classes with gryfindoor. So I guess I was going to stick with draco and pancy alot.

After I unpacked I went to the gryfindoor commonroom. Today was just a day to settle in.

"Hey your wearing my parfum" I said to fred. Its the one I gave him for Christmas.
"And your wearing the necklace"
We just hung out went to dinner and then went to sleep.

*next day*

My first class was charms.
This was one of the only classes I had with the gryfindoors.

"Be carefull ron, I don't want you to break another wand" hermione said laughing

We had a quick revision of the fire making spell.
We went outside so we could try it out.
"Y/n snape, care to demonstrate"


I fired at the sticks Mr Flitwick had layed out for me.

The sticks catched fire, and everyone waited a second to see if it would hold.
It did.

"5 points to slytherin"
"I cant believe we still have to revision this" I said outloud, draco preformed the spell perfectly just like at the new year's party.

Ron tried and there flew fire sparks all around, the sticks of the person next to him did cath fire.
"At least this time you didn't hit a squirrel" Harry said trying not to sound mean.

"Can I maybe try to help you Ron?"
I asked.
"It's no hope y/n"
I convinced him to let me help.
I adjusted his stand, and wrist movement and told him how to pronouns it.

He tried and he finally hit the right target.
"See you did it"

The next classes were kinda boring, I already know everything.

When I got to transfigurations magonagall gave me a different task.

"You can choose, you can try out the lessons of 6th years or you can me my assistend"
I choose the lessons of 6th years.

The instructions were quit easy so I quickly got a hang of it.

By the end of the day I was so god damn exhausted. So i just went to my dorm and face planted on my bed.

"You oke y/n" pancy said laughing.
"I'm just sooooooo exhausted " I said talking into my pillow.

"Try to get some sleep ill bring you back some food from dinner"

I lifted up my thumb and let my arm fall back in the bed.

I woke up to the smell if a warm chicken sandwich
"Ooo food" I said getting up.
I grabed the plate pancy brought and thanked her.
"I think you forget to take if your make up" pancy said pointing to the pillow

My mascara was all over it, so was ny concealer. It's all I wear.

"Ugh" I took a few bites. Took of my make-up and used a spell the clean up my pillow case.

"Oke you gotta teach me that one" pacy said out laughing, so did I.

I eat up my food, and go change into my pyjamas in the bathroom down the hall.

When I walked out going back to the common room, severus was infront of me.

"You oke? Pancy told we she was bringing you food " severus said

"Yea dad I'm just so exhausted. Classes are boring bc I already know everything so I tried to help the teachers out a bit and help the students who were struggling. But it drained so much of my energy. I'm probably not used to have full time classes again"
I hugged him and he kissed my head.
"Oke then, did you eat the food?"

"Yes I did, goodnight dad"

"Goodnight dear"

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