emerald witch?

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I could here severus in my head saying i need to come down. And take the book with me. He sounded angry

"My dad is calling me down. I'm really sorry guys" I walk down stairs into the room and everyone looks worried for me. Severus looks worried and mad.
"Come here " he asks
I go sit next to him and hold the book on my lap.

"Sorry sirius, for using you like that"
I say apologetic.
"It was my fault " Harry says running down
"It was all our fault. We told her to do it" hermione continued
" we said she should listen in through sirius" ron continued

"Everyone upstairs now" molly says in a calm voice and closes the door.

"How much did you listen in on dear?" Molly asked
"Everything that involved me" I say looking down

" It's really inappropriate to listen to private behaviour y/n!" Severus said
"I know im sorry dad"
This is our first father daughter fight.

"But you once again, proved you are more powerfull than I thought " severus said
" I just don't know if that's a good thing now"

"If you use it for the right reasons, then yes it is good." Tonks said reassuring

"You really belief she is the emerald witch?" Kingsley asked

"You really need proge after what she did?" Moody said.

"Open the book" severus said.
I do as he told

"Everybody keep your hands to yourself. The books has curse if you touch it, only deatheathers can touch it" severus said
"Turn it to the page you where reading earlier"

"You were listening in on me?"
"That's why I'm not giving you any trouble for what you just did. Now reas the part of the emerald witch pls"

"Born into the muggle world"
"Can either save or destroy the world"
"The emerald witch, will develop the power. Will attaned a school for magic. And Grows the power after overcoming many obsticals"

"That's all i read earlier "

"How do you know she's the emerald witch, not on of the others" sirius asked

"My powers are kinda green so"
"So this means I really am decided to save or destroy the world?"

"No we are not going to ket that happen, you are just a kid. As Harry is also just a kid"

"But she's a kid with immense power, we have her on our side"  Moody says.
"No no no" molly continues.

"Y/n you should get back upstairs"

I went back upstairs, I went alone into a room. I just wanted to think for a second.
I thought about how much danger i can put peopel through just bc I exist. I thought about what voldemort might want.
I thought to much.

I took out my wallet, and took my moms note out of it.
*from in chapter "home sweet home "*

I read those last words over and over again.
"Ily my dear, and I'm sorry I never said that before"
She would have been out of rehab by now, if she were still alive.
Sometimes I feel guilty for moving on so fast.
But Fred told me that every has is own time, and that I shouldn't feel guilty for it.

In that moment he walked into to room.
"Hey" fred said, and he sat down next to me.
I put the note away, and put my head on his shoulder.
"What was that letter?" He asked.
"It was the letter my mom wrote me. I read it sometimes" I say to him

"What's going in on in that head of yours " fred asked me while brushing through my hair.
" I'm just scared. I don't know my power and I don't know what the dark Lord wants with me. What if he wants me to hurt someone. I can't do that!" I say crying

"We're not going to let that happen oke!" Fred said while drying my tears.
"I'm going to be there for you"

"But what If he makes me kill someone?! What if I have no choice?! Will you still be there for me?!" I ask on the edge of hysterical.

"In going to do everything I can so you won't have too" fred responded

But he didn't answer my question. I want to know if he would still love me?
"Can you leave me alone for a sec?" I ask him.

I need to know more About this emerald witch. I need to know more about me.

Fred leaves and I open up the book again.
I flipp through the pages and stop on the chapter dedicated to this.

The powers of the emerald witch, are difficult to predict.
Everything in this book is made about a prophecy, not faith.
But these are the power we belief the emerald witch has.
-mind minapulation= can show a fake world, and but thoughts in people's head. And can also read them.
-telekinetic: moving objects with their mind.

The rest is unsure. The emerald witch is a master of mind magic.

Some of these powers I had already discovered, but to what extent does this go?

"Your reading about yourself now?"
Severus asked
"It doesn't feel like that. It feels weird. Idk I'm just scared. Snapes aren't supposed to be scared" I say while looking up at severus.
"What makes you say that?" He asked.
"Your incredibly brave, I don't know how to not be scared"
"Y/n. I'm scared too"
"You are" I ask surprised
"Ofc I am. Just bc a person is brave doesn't mean they aren't scared. It just means they don't let it control them" severus explained with a kind smile

"So what do we do now?" I ask
"Well, it's Christmas eve so how about we have dinner with everyone" he put his hand out to help me up
" You, want to have dinner with sirius and lupin?" I asked with a little laugh.
Severus had told me how they bullied him, but I shouldn't look at them differently bc of it since it's in the past.
"Let's just go downstairs"

We had a lovely dinner.
Everyone was very nice and at the end of it I gave fred his present.
He opend the box and looked at me
It was a perfume bottle.
"I made it myself " I say to him
He sprays it on his neck and wrists .
"Aww y/n this smells amazing "

Author: I'm writing way more then usual, I try to write a chapter everyday but school makes ot difficult sometimes.
Same with my new story. Its called criminal minds ×reader. Pls check it out if you want. And let ne know what you think of this chapter :)

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